How to determine if it is a date or just a friendly meeting?


Don Juan
May 20, 2012
Reaction score
Hello again, guys!
Few days ago a girl and some guy (looked like her boyfriend, not totally sure though) were sitting on the same table as me at a party. At some point the girl recognized that we've attended some lectures together ~12 years ago and even remembered my name (I guess she watched a reality show in which I participated ~6 years ago and this helped to recall the information). I didn't interact a lot with the couple, except for a dance and few jokes here and there. Eventually I exchanged phone numbers with the girl, asked her out and she agreed.
I'm not sure now if this is a date or just a friendly meeting though and how to behave - I don't want at the end to feel like an idiot who is hitting on a girl (probably in a relationship) while she just wants to have some good time with an old friend, who has met as a kid.
I'm going to see her tomorrow evening, so it's kinda urgent:)

P.S. Generally, in case I know the girl in advance, how can I get sure that a meeting is actually a date?


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth
Well keep talking and ask her if she is in a relationship. If yes. I would back off. Many of guys would just continue to game her and try to kiss her. You should definetly try to kiss her if she's not in a relationship.

Depends what you want from her. Relationship or just 'fun' ?


Don Juan
May 20, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for the reply.
I'm leaving the country very soon, so I'm looking just for fun:)


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
logarithm said:
P.S. Generally, in case I know the girl in advance, how can I get sure that a meeting is actually a date?
A pre-planned date can end up being a friendly encounter. A friendly encounter can end up being a date.

Stop worry about what you call the situation, and just get there. Here are the facts (as of right now). You and an unmarried female are going to hang out. The experience as a whole depends on how you guide it.

Hell, most of my dates start off with "Let's hang out." And the girls who go on these dates are probably wondering "Does Iceberg think this is a date or a friendly hang out." ...until I make a move.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
It's whatever you make it out to be.

You decide what it is through your actions over the course of the date/hang-out.

There's no need to verbally state what the situation is. It keeps her wondering and you become more mysterious, and as the night unravels, she can make a conclusion for herself. Usually these are the best dates anyways.


Don Juan
May 20, 2012
Reaction score
Well, apparantely she was free, but still it was just a friendly meeting...

First we had a walk, then went to a nice (chill-out) place and had some drinks there. She didn't mention to have a boyfriend and when I asked about her vacation in a foreign country, she said that she has been there with "that guy from the party". At some point I got bored and asked her to leave, but she wanted to stay more, so I lost about 3 hours for the meeting. At the end I tried to kiss her, but she just offered me her cheeks and then we left. She was very hot, but still...

Is there a way to show the girl that you are interested from the beginning, so that there won't be any awkward moments like this?


Don Juan
May 20, 2012
Reaction score
Guys, something strange happened. The girl called me yesterday and I'm not sure if she asked me out or not. I deleted her phone number after the embarrassing kiss-try last time, so didn't recognize her initially.

-Hi, are you in [Some sea city, where we were supposed to hang out together. Our date was in another city though.]?
-Not yet.
-That's bad, when do you come here and for how long are you going to stay?
-I arrive tomorrow and will stay for about 2 weeks.
-Oh, that's so little. Well, if you don't have any plans for tomorrow, do you want to go out... to a club or something... with some friends?
-Tomorrow I won't arrive on time for that, so you think about some place for Saturday. I'll call you again to arrange the time.

So, now what? Did she call me because she is kinda interested, because felt bad for the awkwardness last time or just has nothing else to do? I guess I'll find out on Saturday when see if she has invited other people or not, but still it's good to know what to expect.
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