How to deal with narcissistic and antisocial disorders?

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
I took this test, and it indicated I have some moderate levels of antisocial and narcissistic personality disorders. Big surprise?? Not. I have excuse for that, I grew up without dad and mom wasn't around much, then no life in high school, no friends, etc, etc, etc...

I want to handle these. Are they affecting my life? Not really, but maybe yes. If yes then not in a big way, but then again what do I know?

What I don't want to do, is end up some nut job, now that I know I have these disorders and go seek help from others, and be that guy who needs help. To hell with that. Just reading some of the cures online makes me sick to my stomach. I don't need that.

I printed a list of attributes that characterizes each of these disorders. I crossed out the once that do not apply to me, and left those that do apply to me. Not literally, but in some remote way. Here they are.

A) Disregard For the feelings of others
B) Impulsive and irresponsible decision-making
C) Lack of remorse for harm done to others
D) Lying, stealing, other criminal behaviors

A) Takes advantage of others
B) Lying, to self and others​

My plan is to observe myself in my life and take note of what I do, and account, making sure that these attributes are under control and what I do is anything but one of these.

(by the way, smoking weed, drinking beer, sex with strangers sometimes in groups of 3 or more, I know that's just enjoying life... so let's not take things literally from that list)

Yes, I know game, I'm not a guru. I'm striving to be. This part of my personality thing, I think it's holding me back in some way that I don't realize, or maybe I do realize, but not yet. In any case, I feel the need to handle these. Please tell me what I can do to improve myself without seeking help of a professional head doctor?


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
This test is complete crap. You can get anything you want out of one of those kind of deals. Much like the oh-so-effective pre-employment tests that ask things like:

Would you ever steal on the job?

Would you smoke pot on the job?

Would you smoke pot on the job while raping nuns and eating babies while driving your car into an orphanage after drinking 4 bottles of whiskey and downing a bottle of oxycontin? :crackup:


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
I agree, personality tests are not a diagnosis of any sort. You need to be assesed by a professional using the DSM, not some sort of fill in the blanks questionnaire.

Discussing possible mental illness or personality disorder with a professional is a sign of maturity, not a sign of weakness. Don't be afraid to get good advice. Neither I nor anyone else on this forum is a trained therapist as far as I know.

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
But what if I look back and realize my flaws, of dealing with people. I think all my interactions were flawed and didn't go anywhere. Because of these disorders. Mild form, but none the less.

I spend a day today, aware of the symptoms, watching it. I had the best day thus far, and believe me, since picking up first PUA material I had many great days.

I know there was a definite difference once I spend my time aware of things to watch out for.

Yea, I understand that most of you, probably 99% can't do squad to advice - because of the subject. Thought, I'm looking for folks that are professionals, or been there done that. What works and what doesn't? Is handling this myself a waste of time?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
I'm proud of my results! Apparently I'm a schitzoid!!!

Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Very High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

I don't know what Borderline or Histronic means :p


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
If you were a true sociopath or narcissist you would think you were the normal person and everyone else is flawed.

So maybe you just have the traits of them without the full on disorders.

That or if you are a true sociopath then maybe the boredom of the condition is driving you to change.

Having talked to many of them they always tell me that boredom and paranoia follows them wherever they go.

The narcissists only seem to seek change when they run out of people to praise them or they can't make their dreams come true.

Typically both of these types do very well at making friends and getting into many relationships but the problem is they get friends and relationships by their natural manipulation skills and the ugly side of these disorders usually surfaces as the lie that they've crafted to draw others in inevitably crumbles so the friendships and relationships are usually short lived.

If you really have one of these disorders it is admirable for you to want to change but you might not have them at all just a lot of the traits.


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
FL, Tampa bay
This test is complete crap. You can get anything you want out of one of those kind of deals. Much like the oh-so-effective pre-employment tests that ask things like:
god i hope they are, if not my results would be very concerning :rock:

Paranoid: High
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: High
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
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Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
KontrollerX said:
So maybe you just have the traits of them without the full on disorders.

I know it's a little more than traits. As far as a full on blown disorder, I doubt it.

In all my interactions I come across eventually as antisocial. I don't lie and stuff, no. Just my regular self. For example, on one of my jobs it got so bad that eventually I got fired. Where I live, every one's pretty much against me. Etc, etc... Enough for me know something's up..

Now, I realize what I have. I know the symptoms. When I'm aware of them, read them in the morning and go through day aware. I seem to have found my mojo, thing or things I've been lacking. In other words I interact with people differently. I dont' know, maybe I'm just more open and social, instead of being suspicious of every body and defensive. That's what I've been doing before. Defensive, rather suspicious.

I realized that my ways were flawed.

It's more than traits. What do I do?

Presentely, I come to this conclusion just a few days ago. I wrote down list of symptoms, crossed out what I think I don't have, left what I do have. I'm aware of those by reading those every morning. Then I observe myself and correct.

Basically, and more importantly, I realize (and I hope I'm right) that my past failures weren't just the lack of social skills - the game - it was these disorders as well.