How to deal with getting dumped

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
The NC rule is a given. But this is about how you should react when you are first told the relationship is over. As an "alpha" you should never cry or beg after b*tches. Simple as that. Here is how its done:

GIRL: I don't think we are compatible anymore :(


GIRL: I want to see other people.

YOU: Good

GIRL: I cheated on you :(

YOU: Well I guess we're even now.

GIRL: I can't do this anymore. I need to break-up. I hope we can still be friends.:eek:

YOU: Good.

GIRL: I'm just not ready for a relationship right now...:(

YOU: Good

GIRL: We met each other at a wrong time…if I were ready to settle down, it would be with someone like you.


GIRL: I just need to focus on my career right now.

YOU: Good

GIRL: You can do so much better than me.

YOU: True :up:

GIRL: I need to spend more time with other people

YOU: Good! :)

GIRL: I’ve got a fear of commitment.

YOU: Good!! :woo:

GIRL: I just need space

YOU: Good!!! :D

GIRL: We’ve lost that spark


GIRL: We’re just in two different places right now.

YOU: Good.

GIRL: I’ll always love you

YOU: Good.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Hah. I like the way you have simplified and cut through the crap. This is exactly what I would do. LOL


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
Reaction score
Brilliant! It never just stops there though, so if I might just finish off each of those conversations...

GIRL: Don't you have anything else to say?

YOU: Nope, bye


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
yeah, but the problem with this is it's all fake...i mean unless you are really happy she is saying that then i think it's a great thing to say good....however, we all know 99 percent of guys are at least going to be very disappointed or at least surprised...

I think a more authentic answer would be wow, i didn't expect that, but if that's what you really want then i will give it to you....

I mean good just sounds like a girl who is angry at you and when you say something she doesn't like she spouts good! and then follows with the silent treatment....and women always do this when they are upset...

I think a lot of you guys are kind of lost on the whole alpha thing...that type of guy is sincere about what he really feels and believes but at the same time doesn't whine about it nor plead.....he doesn't just make up crap to protect himself or his feelings or to present a false image of himself or feelings...women do that...

Now i am all for saying good if secretly you have been wanting to breakup before she said that..then it's honest...and she will know this deep down as well....

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
zinc4 said:
yeah, but the problem with this is it's all fake...i mean unless you are really happy she is saying that then i think it's a great thing to say good....however, we all know 99 percent of guys are at least going to be very disappointed or at least surprised...

I think a more authentic answer would be wow, i didn't expect that, but if that's what you really want then i will give it to you....

I mean good just sounds like a girl who is angry at you and when you say something she doesn't like she spouts good! and then follows with the silent treatment....and women always do this when they are upset...

I think a lot of you guys are kind of lost on the whole alpha thing...that type of guy is sincere about what he really feels and believes but at the same time doesn't whine about it nor plead.....he doesn't just make up crap to protect himself or his feelings or to present a false image of himself or feelings...women do that...

Now i am all for saying good if secretly you have been wanting to breakup before she said that..then it's honest...and she will know this deep down as well....
You're missing the entire point. A woman who is dumping you is not worth any more of your time and emotional energy. She is saying GET LOST. So why would you worry about how you "come across" to her?

She is dumping you and you're still worried about your "image" in her eyes? You are worried that she will perceive you as "acting like a girl"? Why would you worry about that? In hopes you can win her back?

Wanting to get back with a girl who DUMPED you is as "beta" as it gets gentlemen!

Guess what? Going NC.. plus not having a "conversation" about the break up is the most "alpha" thing you can do. THERE IS REALLY NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT. She told you to GET LOST. Am I right?

Only a "beta" male would sit around talking to a girl about his inadequacy like a faggot. Saying "GOOD" when she dumps you shows you have dignity and you're not willing to grovel and kiss her feet after she told you to GET LOST! Hello? :crackup:

When a woman dumps you she is telling you to GET LOST. Every minute you "talk" and hang around her after that is a time wasted. :up:

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Cremasta said:
Brilliant! It never just stops there though, so if I might just finish off each of those conversations...

GIRL: Don't you have anything else to say?

YOU: Nope, bye
This is SPOT ON. :up: :up:

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
I agree with the main message of this thread but I believe there is a subtle bvtthurt attitude beyond those replies when given after a rejection.

I feel its much better the "untouch sincerity" line.
It seems like when we were kids and asked some friend to lay in our team and after hearing a no tell him that he would have been too weak anyway.

HER: I just need space
YOU: I would have not mind to go out but its ok :)

HER: I just need to focus on my career now, cant go out with you
YOU: thats a pity but Im fine with that :)

The reason is simple, first of all its obvious to both that you are interested in her and your "apathetic" responce not only will stress you but will make her happy because she feels that her behaviour(rejection) hurt you so much that you are putting an effort into making it seems as its her loss.

Women are not stupid they cant tell genuine unhinterest from faked lack of it.

My alternative doesnt stress you because you're not building some lie and second tell her that you dont feel any bad from that, in fact you're openly telling that you would have not mind but at the same time her rejection is that big deal.

So not only you dont stress yourself, and give her satisfaction for rejecting you but in fact you show strengh and untouchability and she may even respect you for that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
I think the idea is that you actually don't give a sh!t. Therefore, this is just what you would say, naturally.


Don Juan
May 22, 2011
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
The NC rule is a given. But this is about how you should react when you are first told the relationship is over. As an "alpha" you should never cry or beg after b*tches. Simple as that. Here is how its done:

You should just go straight to no contact and have some self-respect... It's also the best way because most of them crave closure and they will not get it which will make them go nuts.

And never tell a girl you cheated on her when you didn't. Word will get around and it could work against you and it gives her another reason to easily get over you.

Important thing to remember is not matter how you handle it is to have some self-respect... Nothing wrong with showing some emotions.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
sportguy said:

You should just go straight to no contact and have some self-respect... It's also the best way because most of them crave closure and they will not get it which will make them go nuts.
You make a good point about closure. However, saying "Good" or "ok" does not really give her much closure.

And never tell a girl you cheated on her when you didn't. Word will get around and it could work against you and it gives her another reason to easily get over you.

Important thing to remember is not matter how you handle it is to have some self-respect... Nothing wrong with showing some emotions.
Who cares? She is dumping you. She told you to GET LOST. Why are you worried about her "having another reason to easily get over you". SHE IS ALREADY OVER YOU IF SHE CHEATED. Women make the decision to dump a guy MONTHS before she actually does it. By the time she dumps you she is emotionally cold. The only thing NC does is f*ck with her ego. It doesn't bring back the old emotions. Most men don't realize this.

Her emotions are gone forever. The best you can do now is f*ck with her ego and go out with some dignity. This is why you say "GOOD" when she says: "I want to see other people." :)

Seems you have the mindset of leaving the door open to possibly "get her back" later. F*ck that bro. Nothing is more "beta" than wanting to get your ex back.

Walk away and don't look back so you can start the healing process ASAP and get back in the game. :up:


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
You're missing the entire point. A woman who is dumping you is not worth any more of your time and emotional energy. She is saying GET LOST. So why would you worry about how you "come across" to her?

She is dumping you and you're still worried about your "image" in her eyes? You are worried that she will perceive you as "acting like a girl"? Why would you worry about that? In hopes you can win her back?

Wanting to get back with a girl who DUMPED you is as "beta" as it gets gentlemen!

Guess what? Going NC.. plus not having a "conversation" about the break up is the most "alpha" thing you can do. THERE IS REALLY NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT. She told you to GET LOST. Am I right?

Only a "beta" male would sit around talking to a girl about his inadequacy like a faggot. Saying "GOOD" when she dumps you shows you have dignity and you're not willing to grovel and kiss her feet after she told you to GET LOST! Hello? :crackup:

When a woman dumps you she is telling you to GET LOST. Every minute you "talk" and hang around her after that is a time wasted. :up:
I didn't miss your point...its not about what it looks like to her, its about staying true to yourself.....its not about trying to get her back...anytime a girl dumps you and if u didn't cheat in her for her reasoning, then you should never try to get her back....i just don't like the sound of putting on a facade and saying good if you really don't feel that reeks of butthurt.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
I agree with Zinc. I think that saying well "good!" seems immature and inauthentic. Being real, saying along the lines of what zinc stated "wow i didn't expect that, but if its what you really want..." you are showing a bit of vulnerability which is NOT always bad, but you're also showing that you are strong enough to pick up the pieces and be responsible for your own feelings no matter WHAT happens - the show goes on. I think that is more "alpha"

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
zinc4 said:
I didn't miss your point...its not about what it looks like to her, its about staying true to yourself.....its not about trying to get her back...anytime a girl dumps you and if u didn't cheat in her for her reasoning, then you should never try to get her back....i just don't like the sound of putting on a facade and saying good if you really don't feel that reeks of butthurt.
So its about honestly? Its about "keeping it real"? If that's the case.. why go NC if you don't really feel that way? Maybe you should blow up her phone crying 20 times a day because that's how you FEEL. :crackup:

Why is it so important to be honest with a woman who is dumping you.. unless you are hoping to save the relationship down the road?

I agree with Zinc. I think that saying well "good!" seems immature and inauthentic. Being real, saying along the lines of what zinc stated "wow i didn't expect that, but if its what you really want..." you are showing a bit of vulnerability which is NOT always bad, but you're also showing that you are strong enough to pick up the pieces and be responsible for your own feelings no matter WHAT happens - the show goes on. I think that is more "alpha"
Again.. why so much focus on how you "look" in front of a woman who is DUMPING you?

Guess what? Once a woman decides to dump you she really doesn't give a sh!t how you feel anyway. All that matters to her at this point is her ego. She is leaving because SHE is "too good for you".

The entire point of NC is to damage her ego so she doesn't go out feeling like she is "all that". Saying "good" accomplishes the same thing (if you do it right). Coming off "butt hurt" depends on YOU. Its all in the delivery. If you say "Good" like you are butt hurt.. then you will look butt hurt. If you say "Good" like you don't give a sh!t then you will look like you don't give a sh!t.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
So its about honestly? Its about "keeping it real"? If that's the case.. why go NC if you don't really feel that way? Maybe you should blow up her phone crying 20 times a day because that's how you FEEL. :crackup:

Why is it so important to be honest with a woman who is dumping you.. unless you are hoping to save the relationship down the road?
It's about not being a phony. To be true to yourself.....and going NC with a girl who doesn't want you is being honest and its also building shouldn't be doing it to hurt her do it for yourself, not her...and you are admitting and dealing with the fact that the relationship is over so there is no point in contacting her even though in most cases you really would like to do so.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
zinc4 said:
It's about not being a phony. To be true to yourself.....and going NC with a girl who doesn't want you is being honest and its also building are admitting and dealing with the fact that the relationship is over so there is no point in contacting her even though in most cases you really would like to do so.
Not being a phony? Really.. you are saying this in 2013?

The man in 2013 who says to himself "Well.. at least I'm not a phony" is the same as the man working at Red Lobster at age 48 and saying to himself: "Well.. at least I never kissed the bosses ass."

Watch this video:


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
I don't know. How much do the words exchanged really mean? Once it's over it's over...


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
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S Town
These fake conversations are pointless. Never be in a position where you can be dumped

You talk about ABC, when it should be ABD

Always Be Dumping :yes:


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
asa_don said:
These fake conversations are pointless. Never be in a position where you can be dumped

You talk about ABC, when it should be ABD

Always Be Dumping :yes:
great advice, this thread sucks btw