How to approach that "intimidating" woman...

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
OK, we've all been there.....

We've all been in a situation where we may think that we are OK with women, but then we end up very disappointed because we run into a particular woman that we just cannot find ourselves matter how much we try...

As educated as you may be, and as good with women as you may be (or feel that you are), there will ALWAYS be that one woman that kind of just makes your stomach do a little dance - you find it extremely difficult to approach her, and often times you do what do you do in this situation?

Ever notice that a lot of times, once you read a dating book or come to a site like this one, your habit of approaching some women actually gets WORSE instead of better? You sometimes find yourself even MORE reluctant to approach her, because you are very aware of the mistakes that the dating book you read mentioned, and you're afraid of making them yourself. This makes us even MORE nervous and intimidated by her.

So what ACTIONS can you take when you're in a situation when you're intimidated before approah.....?


Meet LESS intimidating women, then get BACK to the intimidating one.

It's usually not the woman herself that makes her intimidating to us, it's usually our minds....

It could be because she carries herself in a super-classy, or elegant way (that's usually it). It could be because she's extremely beautiful, or it could even be because you know that she's rich. Or all of the above....

Whatever the reason, you're placing a lot of thought into at least one of these chracteristics, so you're going to become VERY AWARE of the mistakes that you could possibly make, therefore making you very nervous.

The reason why I say to forget about her for a second and go meet a few other less intimidating women, then get back to the main target because it gives you time to get her off you're mind. Not only that, but you are warming up your social muscles to get ready for the big uphill battle.

This also gives you time to meet new people.

An example:

I'm at a club and I'm just sitting and maybe talking to a few friends. I spot this beautiful chocolate woman sitting at a table talking to a friend of hers. I quickly notices that she carries herself in this very elegant and classy form. So I start to get a little intimidated. I really want to approach her, but I'm just finding myself NOT doing it.

So the first thing I do is try and spot a woman who's LESS intimidating. Once I find one, I walk up to her, introduce myslef, and yadda, yadda, yadda...

I may find another one, and then do the same thing. Then I turn my attention back to the classy black woman. This time, however, I find it MUCH easier to approach her, so I do it.

See what I mean? Try it some time. It works MIRACLES. This is why the "new guy at the party" is surrounded by so many women.

When a woman's got you afraid to approach - try first warming up and approaching less fearful women, then getting BACK to the tough one.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
This is an intersting idea

If you can't treat her like just any other gal straight off.


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2003
Reaction score
U of H
Good Point

I think you have a very, very good point here....I will try this tommorrow...I have always said to myself that hey if Im going to meet somebody she has to be HOT.....but meeting unattractive girls is reallly good practice to warm up with...hmmmm