How to approach Girls you dont know

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
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Trying to find my path
As you may know the romantic side of my life(or total lack of it) is totally ruining me and my families life.
Im not blessed with looks(putting it mildly) and I have nothing going for me but my personality.
Just wondering what your stories are regarding approaching girls you dont know, what lines have you used to start a conversation, what tips have you used to get to approach them?
The sooner I end the jinx around me the better.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
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Alot of my friends have different methods. I've taken time off from gaming women until I get mental problems straightened out, but heres a couple of things my friends do that work.

With all of these though, the opener is really simple. They could approach ANYWHERE, just with a simple opener. No need to say something really complex. I'll just name my friends by letters. But just make sure you are RELAXED. Take some deep breaths before you approach. Don't hold your breath or sound all up tight. Breathe.

All these guys are confident and are pretty good at what they do.

One of my friends, A, opens with fashion. He sees a girl with an Abercrombie shirt, he'll approach saying, "Hey. So you like Abercrombie?"
Even if she isn't that receptive and questions him, he passes the sh1t tests by just saying, "Oh I saw it on your shirt," then going on to either change the subject or ask a follow-up question about that fashion.

Another friend, B, just says "Hey, whats up?" ALWAYS smiles on the approach. Simple as that, and oftentimes the *girl* will follow up the conversation asking questions and there you go. Doesn't really work for me though lol.

C flat out says "Hey, whats your name?" Then goes on from there. I dont think it's as good as the previous one though, but it works just fine.

Really, just approach. Doesn't matter what you say.

Honestly, when its a couple hours/days/weeks down the line and she's looking up at you with your c0ck in her mouth, do you think she's gonna remember how you opened her? Nope, she'll remember how she felt though (good). So once again, don't be uptight. Feel good approaching, good vibes tend to rub off. By that I mean be in a good mood when you approach her. Don't even THINK about that jinx you claim to have.

I think you still have approach anxiety.


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
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Dude, I realize that I am hardly in any position to be advising anyone on this board.

However, I do feel as though I am a few steps ahead of the newcomers here and those still suffering severe approach anxiety.

So, with that disclaimer, I'll make a brief comment.

Its been said 100 times, if not a million times. The only way to get over AA is to approach and suck it up. Look like a fool. Win or lose, you WILL lose that fear.

I came through high school, relatively popular, hung out with some of tthe cool group and some of the nerds, and the football players (I was one too), but NEVER had a girl.

I was soo reserved in that regard, I could not even tell my best friends that I liked a particular girl. I never made, "she's hot" comments. Its RIDICULOUS how I was.

Well, that got better early in college, but still couldn't approach, because I DIDN'T approach.

Just in the last, maybe 4 months, I've done probably only a solid half dozen approaches and I'm already nearly over the anxiety.

I have gotten a few numbers, only one direct shoot down, and I actually felt amused by that at the time. Certainly didn't bother me.

Nothing has come of it yet, but, it doesn't matter, I had to walk before running and I had to approach and ask, before I had a chance at a number and maybe a date. I'm pushing through it.

I talked to an AMAZINGLY beautiful woman yesterday at the mall. Works in cosmetics, but she was not at her station. It was near closing. She told me she had been modeling since she was 12, and did so in NY for 2 years, so you can imagine the level of hotness here.

I was able to just walk right up, have great talk, had her dying laughing. But she has a bf, which isn't surprising so I didn't get anywhere, but the effort felt good.

I approached her, by, spotting her ahead of me, she was standing outside a counter area. I walked up and just said, So, all i've discovered tonight is that the mens dept is NOT upstairs, and all I have to show for my effort is a shiny thumb nail thanks to the israelie at the dead sea magic polish kiosk.

She started laughing, and a great convo ensued.

APPROACH and CONQUOR!!! Its THE only way. Practice makes the butterflies leave. Be a man and show your sexuality. Pick your quote or cliche and repeat it over and over until you believe it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
I don't know I always picture myself f*cking them, and it calms my anxiety down. Works for me

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
First get out of your head that the opener is important...I can't stress how hard people are making this stuff just because they are thinking of an opener. I think there shouldn't even be any info on opener because people make it into such a big thing.

"Hi" is one of the quickest openers in the world...other than "A" or "B" or "C" (You get the point)

The thing is...OPENERS just starts a conversation that is all. Once that first word is said you have started a conversation with that person.

If you want examples read my old journal because back then I was learning the mechanics and currently I've dropped all that stuff and now only convey my identity.

But currently now when I go up to women and people in general I'm coming from the position of me fuking around with the world. Everything I do with women and me playing around and having fun with them. I'll tease, I'll playfully break rapport, I'll playfully push, I'll pull her in with the CLAW, I'll say random absurd sh!t, and sometimes I'll even sit there and look at her.

There is certain emotions I want her to feel and I do this by being expressive and from my behaviors, all this is, is a big soap oprea I'm creating based on how I want my interaction to be.

The chick is getting sucked into my reality and seeing who I am whether its 2mins or 2 years were having the time of our lives and a monumental experience.

So what is all that...well that depends on YOU as a person, I've found what mines is and its nothing but sexual tension, thrill, suspense, anticipation, playful fun, wild, adventurous, passionate, and positive interaction. All those emotions she is feeling at some point or another, there are way more emotions but this is just a general idea off the top of my head...all of it is unpredictable.

At one point I'll playfully kino, then out of no where become do alot of dominant kino, then maybe do more passionate kino, etc.

Check out my old journal and get an idea of how I was before because I can't really describe my approaches that I do now because I really don't do much and isn't as logically written out like my old approaches which were effective and up to this day still effective if I ever decided to go that route again.