How to approach cashier at supermarket?

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
There's this chick working as a cashier at my local supermarket, I'm not sure if she digs me (there have been some signals but they could mean nothing) but I dig her :D. I just have no idea how to approach her!

There's always someone waiting in line behind you, so there's no time to have a meaningful conversation! In other words: you're forced to make a quick move and be very direct...I hate that.

So does anyone of you have experience with this situation?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I always wonder how often cashiers get hit on. They're very visible, they're paid to be nice to you, and you have a built in excuse to interact with them. And they don't have a high paying job so they're often young, and not intimidating. Seems like a perfect situation for a guy to take advantage of.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
You're right, Espi... I should only approach her when I'm in a really confident/playful mood.

By the way, I already came up with a BRILLIANT opener just now. But I wanna be the first one to use it so I won't share it with you until I've had the balls to approach her :D

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Die Hard said:
You're right, Espi... I should only approach her when I'm in a really confident/playful mood.

By the way, I already came up with a BRILLIANT opener just now. But I wanna be the first one to use it so I won't share it with you until I've had the balls to approach her :D
Nobody here has used it, but you can bet she's heard it before, something very similar, if not the very same thing.

Just as zekko said, they get hit on tons of times, and I'm willing to say they know exactly what you're up to by the time you're about to open your mouth to deliver the goods.

So you've talked to her before, briefly? There's only one thing to do. Don't worry, even if she turns you down, she will do it in a nice way. Remember, they've done it hundresds if not thousands of times before.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Thanx guys, you're really motivating me :).


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Just as zekko said, they get hit on tons of times
To be fair (and so as not to spook Die Hard), I didn't say they get hit on tons of times. I said I wonder how often they get hit on. It seems like they would get hit on a lot though.

Would it be a bad idea to ask her how often she gets hit on?

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Lol, that's actually a nice one ;). No matter what she answers (yes or no), you could follow up with: "Sooooo......what if I would hit on you, would you blow me off?

Anyway, I'll let you guys in on the one I made up after all... Now, after you pay them, these chicks always ask if you want the receipt. So you reply: "Only if you will put your phone number on it! :D"

Unless anyone here comes up with a better one, I'll use this :).

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Hey "name" i know your are working and theres a que behind me, so i will just get straight to the point. i would like to take you out sometime so let me get your number and i'll give you a call sometime.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 10, 2009
Reaction score
It's all right........ if u have a good time!
They get hit on all the time. My girlfriend is a cashier. You stand a very good chance of them taking you for a creep if you try and talk to them as anything other than a neutral-gender supermarket worker. Your best bet is making her laugh or fascinating her straight away - otherwise no chance.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
zekko said:
To be fair (and so as not to spook Die Hard), I didn't say they get hit on tons of times. I said I wonder how often they get hit on. It seems like they would get hit on a lot though.

Would it be a bad idea to ask her how often she gets hit on?
Well, you might not know, but I do. THEY GET HIT ON ALL OF THE TIME! There. Secret's out! Same goes with waitresses and anybody else in the service industry who is paid to smile and be nice to you; if she's attractive, you can multiply the effect many times over.

All attractive women get hit on in their everyday activities. They are hit on by men at the gas station, at the supermarket, when in line to buy a sandwich, at work, you name it. I will say that women at work get hit on more by, as Player Supreme calls them, Shy Creepy Fvcks, more than when they are going about their normal day. Reason being, the afc, creepo has been eyeing her for a while, knows where's she's at, has contemplated, has fantasized about her being perfect for him, etc., by the time he gets the courage to hit on her. They are hit on by guys with little/no game and by guys with game.

Women who get hit on at random places are usually not stalked as the ones that are put at a place they work or frequent.

With that being said, I would keep it very simple, and as someone suggested, after I've made her laugh/smile. If she says "no", she will say it in a nice way, so don't take that as her playing hard to get; you just most on to the next one that might be interested.


Master Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
rushing dude 123 said:
Hey "name" i know your are working and theres a que behind me, so i will just get straight to the point. i would like to take you out sometime so let me get your number and i'll give you a call sometime.
This will never work. I'm sure.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Hide in the meat department until her shift ends and then approach her in the parking lot. If she turns you down you can knock her out with a glazed ham.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Lol, that's actually a nice one . No matter what she answers (yes or no), you could follow up with: "Sooooo......what if I would hit on you, would you blow me off?
I wasn't suggesting you ask her how often she gets hit on, I was just making a joke. I actually think it's a bad idea since she's someone you really want to pick up. But I'm a naturally curious guy so I'm always wanting to ask them how often they get hit on. It's an interesting socialogical phenomenon.

Anyway, I agree with Espi, I don't like your "if I hit on you.." question. Makes you appear too weak and tentative.

Anyway, I'll let you guys in on the one I made up after all... Now, after you pay them, these chicks always ask if you want the receipt. So you reply: "Only if you will put your phone number on it! "
It's not bad, the only problem I see is if she doesn't ask you this time. I can just see that happening, you're all set with your line and you get thrown a curve. Anyway, let's say you say the line, and she just laughs and gives you the receipt with no number on it. What do you do then?

Well, you might not know, but I do. THEY GET HIT ON ALL OF THE TIME! There. Secret's out! Same goes with waitresses and anybody else in the service industry who is paid to smile and be nice to you
I'm not surprised. As soon as cashiers came up I started thinking about waitresses. Neil Young's wife was a waitress, that's how he picked her up. He's famous though.

Notice how managers always put the girls up front as cashiers (or waitresses or whatever) while the guys labor in back doing stock or cooking? There are a few reasons for this:
1) Girls are naturally more social so they can pull off being friendly to everyone easier
2) Guys are more intimidating and they don't want their customers scared off
3) Guys like to come into the store and talk to the pretty cashiers

I'm sure there's more to it than that but I'm not a businessman.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
You don't have to hit on her and get a number & date all in one go. There's no time pressure like at a night club, as it's a local supermarket, so you'll see her again next time. Be patient, talk to her a little each time, build some rapport and take it slow from there.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
I'd love to hear what happens in this case! I concur about girls getting hit on as cashiers. I've worked in a big department store and in a supermarket in college days and I used to get hit on all the time by male customers and sometimes even females! I do miss the opportunity to meet people that way - my cousin actually just got a job in a high end retail store and she already got business cards from quite high profile men. One works in a european country's consulate (close to the ambassador) and the other is a banker. Gotta love the cashier/sales assistant pick up!

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
The chance of her not asking if I want the receipt, is very small. Literally 9 out of 10 times, they do ask for it. Still, if she doesn't ask, I'll simply wait until the next time.

If she just laughs and gives me the receipt without her number, I'll be persistent. I won't take the receipt from her, I'll just stare at the receipt while she holds it out and say: "Well...where's the number?" Of course I'll do this in a very playful way.

Anyway... The idea I came up with, as well as any out of the blue "Hey, I wanna take you out, give me your number" (or anything of the likes), doesn't seem good enough to me. I think it's essential to make her laugh or get her to "open up" in any other way. They're basically robots, they're just repeating the same process over and over: *bleep*, *bleep*, "That'll be blah blah Euro and blah blah cents...Have a nice day!" Now some of em still manage to make real contact with their customers and focussed on their surroundings, but others tend to turn inwards and just consider every customer as sort of a number. They make eye contact and talk to you but they don't really "see" you, you might as well be one of the products that she *bleeps*... Well, the girl I'm interested in seems to be of this last kind... I need to open her up before I make a move.

So I feel I need to make a joke or at least do a little chit chat with her, before I go for her number. To be honest, I think situational openers work best for me. I have to come up with something there and then, I tend to f*ck up when I decide what to say beforehand. But any suggestions are welcome, guys!

Jitterbug, I've been thinking about that too. Just establishing rapport a little bit with every encounter... I'm just worried it'll become obvious and I'll seem stupid. Like she'll notice that I'm always checking out at her cash register and not at the others. Also, she'll notice that I'm always trying to do small talk with her. I'm afraid she might start to think: "Oh, here's THIS guy again...let's see which line he picks....yup, mine, what a here he comes, I wonder if he'll make an attempt at small talk to me...yup, here he goes this guy is so predictable..." Know what I mean? It reminds me of when I was a small boy and had a crush on this girl from my class. I'd "accidentally" drive by her house very frequently...

That's why I think I should make a fast and decisive move. Actually, I'm already f*cking this thing up... I was there yesterday (before I started this thread) and even though I didn't do anything, I just know she could sense something was off about me, like I'm interested in her but I don't know what to say. I think I'm gonna totally neglect her until I have the right mood (****y, playful, not giving a damn) and then I'll just make one decisive move.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
So I feel I need to make a joke or at least do a little chit chat with her, before I go for her number. To be honest, I think situational openers work best for me. I have to come up with something there and then, I tend to f*ck up when I decide what to say beforehand.
Yeah, I know what you mean. That's why it amazed me so much to watch Mystery and all he was doing was spitting out all these canned responses and stories he had memorized. I think he was going for a very quick pickup and sex though, whereas it sounds like you might want to actually get to know this girl.

Sounds to me like you're overthinking this thing already. If you were using the three second rule you would have blown it by now.


May 13, 2009
Reaction score

wait for her to be unbusy

say you ve entered this competition you want to know who s written or sung this or that song
get a real convo going


" what s u r favorite radio station and why ?


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Wow...a lot of debate on this one, but yeah it's rough picking up anyone in the service industry.

My suggestion would be smile, flirt..find some ****y funny things to say and then before you leave say something like. "geeze whats with all the questions do I want plastic or paper do I want a receipt!! Just ask for my number already (name), forget it just write yours down and we'll hang out sometime."