Good timing dude. Just pulled that off. There was this group of most beautiful girls in my college. Become a charming guy. Means you must be able to talk to any guy you meet. Everyone should seem to know you. People looking at me assume i have nearly a hundred friends. But i dont. Those are all mere acquaintances. But who cares, social proof is achieved.
I was on her floor to meet my friend. I am waiting for his outside his room. Her friend appears so i think even she will come coz they usually stick together. She comes and I say to myself 'If you dont talk to her today, you are the biggest cvnt in the world. Works: i get the courage to go up to her. I just said hi. She looked taken aback. Pretend as if you were expecting that. Be charming, friendly. Expect every outcome, even getting rejected. But think that you will succeed. After that encounter, three days i waited, them took her number. I was extremely direct in communicating my interest in her. Told her i wanted to get to know her more. No scope for ljbf. And I always made it seem i can walk away anytime.
Once i got even with her, i used to say hi whenever i see her. When i used to talk to her, her friends would just leave. On one occasion i said to her, hey just call your friend. She called her. When my friend looked at me, i said hi. Now i say hi to all of them on a regular basis. So i am with this girl but friends with all of her group. Deal done. Be extremely friendly and charming to her friends, and be direct and sexual with this girl. Works wonders. But remember girls play games. Dont get stepped upon. And yeah, friends of your girlfriend like to do things for you. Make them do you little favours. Reward them with a smile and a thanks. Works great.
Last note: While talking to this girl always keep a girl who you are gonna try if you get rejected with this girl. Takes unnecessary attention of her and stops you getting desperate. Good luck dude. Worked for me. Hope it helps.