I've been going out for 1 month (5-6 dates) with a girl that is a bit older than me in our 30s. I see good potential LTR however I dont like to rush into things and do keep my options open especially in the begining. She immigrated a few months ago and I can tell that she hasn't had much sex experience, and this is also something she told me. After the second date she asked me if I was seeing other people to which I answered yes but no one seriously. She told me that she doesn't like being intimate with more than 1 guy at a time. I,ve kept myself busy recently and saw her just 1 last week. She touchpoint when we saw eachother the last time that she thought I lost interest which is not the case (but she thinks I'm seeing many other girls and that Im not ready to go to the next level with her). I,m pretty good at reading people and my impression is that she might wanna keep her options open now as well and start dating other guys which I think is fine based on how this went so far. This reminds me a past relationship where the same thing happened. Start dating, after 1-2 months the girl wants more, Im not yet ready to commit, she statts dating other guys and enjoys it, and then I want more but the vibes changed. I nrver ask if they are dating other men I just assume so but right now she's back on the dating apps and Id like to ask her casuaaly next time if she wants to experience herself being in a new country and is planning to meet others? I want to ask for 2 main reasons: let her know that I know and that I unserstand it would be okay for her to do it but also to set my expectations, not make the same mistakes as last time and dont get too involved. How would you go further?