Hey wyldfire, you hear it all the time, how bout you shut them up by being right sometimes? You know why comedy is funny? It's funny because it is right, and everybody thinks it's wrong. Feminism is here to stay, if it was here a hundred thousand years ago, the world WOULD be a better place.
You admitted this to yourself already, why make us suffer, unless your trying to teach us a lesson, by making two wrongs right?
Main Entry: frus·trat·ed
Function: adjective
: filled with a sense of frustration : feeling deep insecurity, discouragement, or dissatisfaction <learned not to resort to aggressiveness when frustrated —Ashley Montagu>
Main Entry: frus·tra·tion
Pronunciation: (")fr&s-'trA-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : a deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs
2 : something that frustrates
I hope you know how to look past what is right in front of your face, and know what your talking about. Or learn that you've got to make mistakes to learn something. I've suffered bitter consequences for my actions, I accept them everyday, more so now than ever, I'm not lying when I say people throw themselves at me and give me lavish gifts for looking to improve myself by ****ing up and admitting it in front of them.
In the other thread about bitter feminist cvnts I told you I respected you, and I incited anger in you so you would let your true feelings flow, I still haven;t gotten back to you about that... So is this a call-out against men in general? You are just being an anti- anti-feminist, I agree with you, and I don't know what should be done about it, or somebody who has more knowledge than I do already would have.
My friend just interrupted me while I was typing this, so sorry if this got off track pretty fast. Why argue against something, if it really means something to the people? Why not just ask the right questions when it's really neededinstead of giving the mods more work to do, because people are getting angry about not understanding the subject?