How Rejection Can Help You Get The Girl


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
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Want a wake up call from all the intellectualizing of pickup ideology? Watch clips of "Keys to the VIP" on youtube.

These are, for the most part, guys that have very little game, and you will seem them do stupid things like buy drinks for girls, ask girls if they like them, and beg for kisses. It is seriously uncomfortable viewing, but the crazy thing is: it WORKS for these guys a lot of the time!

The reason? Even the most AFC of them is not afraid to put himself out there and risk rejection...sometimes even MULTIPLE rejections. This is really the ONLY trait you MUST have if you want to succeed with women; you must act on your desires!

Indirect game was the dominant paradigm in the community for many years, as it provided a way for less confident men to get their "foot in the door" and chat up some HB's through the use of opinion openers, disqualifiers, etc.

The only problem? Most guys don't do it correctly.

The indirect model still requires the pickup artist to give a statement of intent, but in practice, this is often lost in the midst of negs and DHVs. The goal for many guys is to avoid rejection, rather than to get the girl.

The TRUTH is, rejections are NOT permanent, and sometimes can work in your favor. When you go direct, MOST HBs will reject you several times just to test your confidence. If you stay calm, bust on them, and keep working, you can often win them over, because the way you handle rejection is something of a lie detector test of confidence. A good rule of thumb: if they don't leave, they're attracted on some level and therefore, rejection is meaningless.

For instance, if a girl says, "Sorry, you're not my type," or dodges a kiss or whatever, just smile and say, "We'll see" or, "I'll win you over." Then, cut to a new thread and escalate once more. The kind of confidence it takes to shrug off blatant rejection is so uncommon among men in this day and age that this alone tends to inspire a bit of attraction. It makes sense, since rejection isn't all that big a deal when you have a ton of options.

Most guys get so flustered and embarrassed by rejection that they can't recover and either leave the set or creep everyone out. THERE IS NO SHAME IN REJECTION! Sometimes, it's an unfortunate but necessary part of getting to "yes."

This goes for handling flakes as well. If a girl is turning you down or standing you up, don't get upset and try to "talk about it," just disappear for awhile. Chances are, she'll get curious and contact you in a week's time. The void she feels from a loss of attention is relative, so if you've texted her every day and then suddenly disappear, it'll actually bother her MORE. All the more reason not to worry about when/ how often you call her; the trick is just not to be NEEDY.

It's much healthier to view rejection as a kind of dance, rather than a moment of truth. Sinn talks about this a lot; he's an excellent "next generation" pickup artist that knows how to show interest without compromising value.

If you make it a point to ALWAYS escalate to the point where her comfort levels are challenged, you will never end up in "friendzone," which is really the only semi-permanent rejection. If you look among your friends as to who gets the most girls, you'll find it's simply the guy that tries the most. Game needn't be much more than acting on your desires. In the other hand, the guy that tries to play it cool and HIDES his desire often finds himself at the other end of a LJBF. The male/ female polarities are essential to seduction, and failing to show interest makes one asexual in the eyes of a female.

In the outside world, guys with very little game and average looks are still scoring HBs. They call it "getting lucky." I call it "trying."


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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Wow. Great post. I needed to hear this.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Phil the Cobra Commander got rejected I think all of the time. He didn't care though! It was hilarious watching him! He wound up getting a Pizza Hut commercial off of his stint on that show.

The other episodes were good too. Some cheesy. Alot seemed to work. If anyone watches them watch from the second part on as that's where the action starts, the 1st parts are just introductions.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
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Naughty Ninja said:
Phil the Cobra Commander got rejected I think all of the time. He didn't care though! It was hilarious watching him! He wound up getting a Pizza Hut commercial off of his stint on that show.

The other episodes were good too. Some cheesy. Alot seemed to work. If anyone watches them watch from the second part on as that's where the action starts, the 1st parts are just introductions.

I saw that episode--that guy actually has potential to be a MONSTER infield. He had absolutely no fear, and excellent frame control. Plus, he was a great improviser, and quick on his feet. Of course, he was playing the part of a clown, and clowning doesn't project masculinity. If he was to drop the act midway through and say, "I'm just messing with you," he would've pushed some major attraction buttons. Notice how the girls tried several times to gain rapport with him--they recognized that he was simply unafraid of rejection, and that made them curious.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
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Ross Jeffries once said "The only difference between winners and losers is that losers don't fail enough"


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
freakishly good and true stuff here.

ken chang

Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
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Manila, Philippines
Jeffst1980 said:
The indirect model still requires the pickup artist to give a statement of intent, but in practice, this is often lost in the midst of negs and DHVs. The goal for many guys is to avoid rejection, rather than to get the girl.[/B]
This is true. I'm glad that somebody finally posted this.

But isn't it true that the DJ bible also applies this principle? I mean, the DJ bible tells us to focus more on our dreams and goals and not on the girl.

In essence, doesn't this mean that we just feel better about ourselves but we don't get the girl either?

I could be wrong. Feel free to correct me.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
ken chang said:
This is true. I'm glad that somebody finally posted this.

But isn't it true that the DJ bible also applies this principle? I mean, the DJ bible tells us to focus more on our dreams and goals and not on the girl.

In essence, doesn't this mean that we just feel better about ourselves but we don't get the girl either?

I could be wrong. Feel free to correct me.
Well, there's lots of different schools of thought on this, and all are pretty valid. Certainly, the DJ Bible advocates focusing on your own personal development above all else, because this is the way you build the necessary inner confidence. However, many of its authors also stress that men MUST play the dominant role and pursue women.

I went through a phase where I swore by antidump's writings, which tended to "NEXT" girls for every little bit of bad behavior, but I've come to find that, no matter how much status you think you have in a given situation, you are going to be tested. This is actually a good sign; it means she's considering aligning herself with you. In fact, if you AREN'T getting s#it tests, it probably means a bait-and-switch is coming later, which is very bad. The games need to stop once a relationship is established. Otherwise, consider it blatant disrespect.

Some guys won't hit on girls because they don't want to lose value, but the way you HANDLE tests and rejections determine your value more than the fact that you are receiving them at all. Besides, having all the social proof in the world is meaningless if you aren't willing to risk any of it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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great post and so true. I also see a correlation to this in fights. You can see the fear instilled in people when they know you have no fear.

Also this is proven to work. I've done it once myself. The one time, I get tired of giving a rats a$$ about rejection, i get rejected 3 times in one night by the same girl. I got her and she later told me she fell for me that night. No guy has ever approached her with 4 other guys around the table and then later on brush it off and try again like nothing happened.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Game needn't be much more than acting on your desires. In the other hand, the guy that tries to play it cool and HIDES his desire often finds himself at the other end of a LJBF. The male/ female polarities are essential to seduction, and failing to show interest makes one asexual in the eyes of a female.
This is another area where there are conflicting principles at play.
How does this idea of showing interest and your desire square with the concept of being aloof and indifferent (which so many here swear by)?

I agree that the guy who shows his interest and desire is going to get more action than the guy who hides his desire and tries to be indifferent.
HOWEVER, the times when I have been genuinely indifferent are some of the times when girls have fallen for me the hardest.

Despite all this talk about leading, there seems to be some value to the attraction being the girl's idea. "Oh, I want him, I wonder if I could get him".
So there are definitely two sides to the story here.


Don Juan
Sep 21, 2010
Reaction score
Great post. Just what I needed. Going to do some pickup right now.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
zekko said:
This is another area where there are conflicting principles at play.
How does this idea of showing interest and your desire square with the concept of being aloof and indifferent (which so many here swear by)?

I agree that the guy who shows his interest and desire is going to get more action than the guy who hides his desire and tries to be indifferent.
HOWEVER, the times when I have been genuinely indifferent are some of the times when girls have fallen for me the hardest.

Despite all this talk about leading, there seems to be some value to the attraction being the girl's idea. "Oh, I want him, I wonder if I could get him".
So there are definitely two sides to the story here.
It's a bit of non-dualism there; the two are not mutually exclusive.

You want to communicate SEXUAL desire but not necessarily desire to form a "relationship." In other words, your actions should say, "I'm attracted to you enough to want to sleep with you, but not yet to the point that I would commit to you."

Honestly, an attractive girl KNOWS that you want to sleep with her; that's just how we're wired. If you act aloof as far as that part is concerned, she'll just think you're gay or painfully insecure. The indifference comes in when you show that you can walk away and generate other options; that you don't NEED her.

The goals for men and women are very different. We are trying to sleep with them and they are trying to get us to fall in love with them. This is why if you seriously tell a girl you're in love with her before you get physical with her she'll run away--because she's already accomplished her objective. On the flip side, if you sleep with a girl without promising commitment, it usually "hooks" her, since you've fulfilled your mission before she's fulfilled hers. This is a reductionist generalization, but you can see it hold true most of the time. Seduction is a power struggle.

She shouldn't really have to guess if you'd hook up with her, but she SHOULD be made to guess how much you like her compared with other girls- this is what drives interest level.

joe henny

Senior Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
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You guys overcomplicate this sh!t once you open your eyes you realize talking to women and getting phone numbers is easy. Getting a number aint sh!t, your doing something when you start actually fuccin them.