How many women do you think an American guy sleeps with his entire life?

How many women have you been with?

  • Virgin

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • 1-10

    Votes: 14 41.2%
  • 11-20

    Votes: 6 17.6%
  • 20-40

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • over 50

    Votes: 6 17.6%

  • Total voters


Dec 22, 2012
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foreign women and American women included

if you were to average it out, what do you think the range would be?

I am going to 40-45 women

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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JackRobin said:
foreign women and American women included

if you were to average it out, what do you think the range would be?

I am going to 40-45 women

You sure about that GSPSheilds?


Sep 18, 2009
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Huge difference between the AVERAGE NUMBER american guys sleep with versus the NUMBER THAT AN AVERAGE GUY sleeps with.

The first one is going to be much higher because there are some guys who have slept with an extremely high number of women, and outliers like those will pull the AVERAGE parameter up quite a bit.

If we're talking about the average guy, as in 50th percentile in the dating market (so basically the median), I'd say 5.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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Let's see . . . 6,000 people went to rooms, put on headphones, and tapped out yes/no or multiple-choice responses on computers? Sounds like those mall survey companies. You know, the ones right next to the cosmetics section of a big-box department store, that have survey hawkers asking "hey wanna make ten dollars?" to only certain people who match the physical attributes they were told to recruit. It does not sound like a genuinely random survey. Moreover, the survey was initiated under the Clinton administration :yes: and was likely designed by feminists to "prove" exactly that point: that men are rapists and women are innocent victims.

The survey, formally titled the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, did not include the homeless, prisons inmates or other institutionalized adults.
Nutrition? Where is the nutritive part of sex? You suppose that the people surveyed were tricked into cooperating with a government peek into their sex lives by the surveyors calling it a "nutrition exam?" Personally, if I were asked to participate in a "nutrition survey," and they started asking about my sex life, I would feel irritated and would just click 'A' 'A' 'A' 'A' through that section.

Didn't include homeless? One of the dumb cvnts who designed the study got embarrassed when she learned one of her sex partners was homeless, so he "doesn't count."


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
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I don't believe for one moment 29% of guys sleep with 15 or more women. That's a ridiculous statement.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
That's a load of crap. There was study that came up with an average of 4 partners in their lifetime. Not sure how they interpret "partners". For a modern woman, I would say the same thing, plus a completely different number of "hookups", which would be more into 20+ by the time they are 30 years old.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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Plutoman said:
I don't believe for one moment 29% of guys sleep with 15 or more women. That's a ridiculous statement.
I believe that the overconfidence bias is systemic by nature, so one can probably assume that this number is biased in the higher direction. In other words, everyone lies, but lies roughly the same. If a guy says he slept with 15 women, the reality is that they probably forgot a few (and rounded up), or counted encounters that weren't sex as sex, again rounding up. The reality is that people who claim 10-15 are probably more like 8 or 9, those claiming less than 10 are probably at 3-5 etc. (rough estimations, I have no real data to back this). However you can assume EVERYONE lies about it and generally drop a few numbers.

Put another way, who the fvck can keep count above a certain amount anyway? I am not a lady killer by any means, and probably get shot down more than I want, but STILL don't have a good count. I can tell you a rough estimation and even that is probably subject to overconfidence bias.

That all said and done, i am not some dude who uses this type of mental masturbation as a means to hide my lack of success. I do alright. I'll put what I think I got, but take it with as much of a grain of salt as any other vote. I never kept count outside of my first few, and have only a vague idea of my success in this regard..


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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um, the thread title asks about a national average and then the question itself asks about the user personally. I don't understand what the poll is actually asking.

I have a feeling the distribution would be shaped in the form of one half of a normal distribution, like this:

(Ignore the labels, it's the shape I'm looking at.)

Probably the mean is somewhere around 2-3. A huge percentage of men only sleep with one woman their entire lives, and they wind up marrying her. Relatively few sleep with more than 4-5, and very very few sleep with more than 10.


Males 30-44 report an average of 6-8 female sexual partners in their lifetime (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005).
Females 30-44 report an average of 4 male sexual partners in their lifetime (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005).
3% of men have had zero sexual partners since the age of 18, 20% have had 1 partner, 21% have had 2-4 partners, 23% have had 5-10 partners, 16% have had 11-20 partners, and 17% have had 21 or more partners (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
3% of women have had zero sexual partners since the age of 18, 31% have had 1 partner, 36% have had 2-4 partners, 20% have had 5-10 partners, 6% have had 11-20 partners, and 3% have had 21 or more partners (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
20% of American men and 31% of American women have had one sex partner in their lifetime (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
56% of American men and 30% of American women have had 5 or more sex partners in their lifetime (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).

Of course every time you survey people about sex, you get a ton of ridiculous answers. Here's another survey:

"Psychologist and Professor Norman R Brown and his colleagues at the University of Michigan report that -- on average -- by the time a man is in his 40s, he has had 31.9 partners, while women have had 8.6 partners."

Here's another by the US government which has totally different numbers:

So the real answer is: whenever you ask people about how much money or sex they have, the answers will be completely dishonest.


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
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Those numbers seem awfully low or I'm a complete ***** and so are quite a few of the women I've dated. Mmmmmm....maybe I am...maybe they are...

I would never admit this beyond this thread, but my number is well over 600 and I just turned 39. Some (I haven't asked all) women I've dated I know for a fact the number was in the low 20's, but they were in their 20's as well so who's to say where that number would be right now. If you looked at these girls you would not have thought it...and that was a bit scary.

I would have guessed the average American male would be closer to 60-80 in a lifetime. Maybe my concept of all this is skewed.

"very few sleep with 10 or more???" No way! I'm willing to bet a lot of guys on this forum have easily slept with 10. I would say 10 is a lower number for someone who's 30-something to 40-something.