i observed something very interesting over the weekend. its kind of a no brainer, but i'll share it with you anyways. i saw a really hot girl at the bar i was in, she was with a girl friend and a guy friend. i was sitting next to her while watching baseball on tv, just listening in on the conversation. it was mostly boring small talk between all 3, with the hot girl not participating much at all. what she was doing was texting on her phone the entire time. she was texting the entire time unit they left around 2:00am. this was a fri night none the less with her all decked out in sexy, hey i want you to notice me attire. i dont know if the guy she was texting was her bf, i just know it was a dude, i saw the name on the huge screen on her phone. people in this day and age are connected to their cell phones, especially if its a smart phone, 24/7. wether its checking their status on facebook, uploading pics they just took in the bar, and yes text messages. its easy to respond to a text message and only takes a second. its not always logistical for her to call you, but texts are easier. this was a very hot girl in a social venue, at a peak time for social interaction, and she was completely consumed with whoever was on the other end of the texts. so bottom line is, if she's not responding she's not attracted to you. think about what you would do if some fat chick was blowing up your phone? you just ignore her and hope she gets the hint.