i think you have to be self-centered to a degree..you must help yourself before you can help anyone else you know? i think that the people that get upset because when someone is self-reliant ,they people that aren't are the ones that somehow wish they could be self-reliant themselves and are offended that you don't need them or want them in your life in order to be happy..you don't need them, you don't need others ..and i think that it may make people feel unwanted ,undesired and somewhat unappreitative.
doing whats on your agenda,what you need to do and what needs to get done in order to get ahead.Going to school,working ,taking care of buisness..most people don't like to rely on themselves solely because i think that people are afraid somewhat to go at it alone..it's comfortable in numbers and it's an easy support group to fall back on. I have been called a flake, self-centered ,self-absorbed and narrissistic..but then again , i look at myself,my body, my mindset and my values and i can see that it's totally different from theirs...i do for myself what i need to in order to get my ass where it needs to be, no outside motivation , no force, no support group , no nothing..mostly because i know what needs to be done and i don't need to go out and take a personal survey or take a poll of answers or opinions before i set out and do something..it's me and only me and i am proud of that..nothing from nobody,unless i decide it's helpfull for the both of us..
i help others when help is needed but not blindingly and certainly not unconditionaly..come on , if common sense tells me that it's not the best time or way to help someone- i don't and i won't have any guilt over it either..