How many get it?


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
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What percentage of men in the US realize that women really don't like sensitive nice guys? I'm curious as to how many men in the US really get it. And when I say get it, I don't mean that they have mastered women but rather that they have come to the realization that what they were taught about women and dating is not in fact true. And that they have become aware of PUA advice.

Is it the kind of thing where say 80% of men have been exposed to PUA teachings and 'get it' but that they are just having trouble putting it to use?

Or is it that only say 20% of men have been exposed to it and 'get it' and the rest are still clueless?


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
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I don't live in the US but i believe everyone of the "nice sensitive" guys have been exposed to some kind of DJ advice at some stage in their life (HS(see "jocks"),work,college) but most are blind to it.

PUA in Training

Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
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It's very tempting to believe what your family/friends/teachers etc have told you your whole life. That "you have so much going for're polite, you're smart, you're sensitive, you're a fvckin' pvssified AFC....any woman in her right mind would love to be with you."

It's tempting to believe that "romantic" bullsh!t that society feeds us, that the nice guy gets the girl like in the movies. It's just not as romantic when you realize that women are wired over millions of years of evolution to be attracted to strength (not necessarily physical, but it helps) over sensitivity.

But then you realize what I've come to realize since coming to this board. Developing "Alpha" qualities, if that's what you want to call them, is something you do not only because you want to be more attractive to women, but because it's just the healthier way to be. I mean, I think evolution made "Alpha" qualities attractive to women for a reason, and it wasn't just to fvck with AFC's. Guys with "Alpha" qualities are healthier, more competent, more prepared to handle life's challenges. And therefore, make better mates and better fathers.

I know, there are guys with just enough "Alpha" in them to be attractive to women, but are otherwise the kind of fvckups who are the deadbeat dads, abusive boyfriends/husbands, loser unemployed boyfriends living off their women. A little Alpha doesn't go a long way, I guess. :D

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
I'd say 70% are AFC sensitive nice guys. Seriously. Then 27% are naturals, and 3% are guys clued into DJ and PUA stuff. With miiiiiiillions of guys in the US, its not too hard to believe.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
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Ace of Flames said:
I'd say 70% are AFC sensitive nice guys. Seriously. Then 27% are naturals, and 3% are guys clued into DJ and PUA stuff. With miiiiiiillions of guys in the US, its not too hard to believe.

Really? So even with neil strauss being on late night talk shows that a lot of guys watch you think the number of guys that get it is that small?


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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Layton, UT
I'd guess that 85% or more of guys in the U.S. are afc's. I bet many of them have heard of dj teachings yet probably don't believe them. I've met many men who flat out refuse to accept the idea that being nice is bad even though it's brought them nothing but failure.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
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PUA in Training said:
It's very tempting to believe what your family/friends/teachers etc have told you your whole life. That "you have so much going for're polite, you're smart, you're sensitive, you're a fvckin' pvssified AFC....any woman in her right mind would love to be with you."


you can be polite, smart, and sensitive and still be a me....

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
treefingers said:
Really? So even with neil strauss being on late night talk shows that a lot of guys watch you think the number of guys that get it is that small?
......I haven't seen that guy, nor do I know who he is.

Answer your question?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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Ace of Flames said:
I'd say 70% are AFC sensitive nice guys. Seriously. Then 27% are naturals, and 3% are guys clued into DJ and PUA stuff. With miiiiiiillions of guys in the US, its not too hard to believe.
I don't know where you are getting these percentages from but from what I see in my existance about 90% of guys are AFC 5% are natural DJ's and the other 5% have learnt to become DJ's via their studying and applications of the stuff that they have read in dating books and on websites like this, not very many guys at all are confident when around the hottest babes I don't think. :D

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
Um... the percentages are made up, just like yours. o_O

When I said naturals, I didn't mean natural DJ's. That's like less than 100 in the world. Only natural as in they can manage to bring in girls. There HAS to be a good percent of naturals out there, or why would so many girls have boyfriends? And I'm not talking about those fake bfs where she's just using him for money/ego/whatever. The natural still screws up all the time, they just have more success than the AFC. The natural could maintain a good relationship and even get married and stay married, for instance. I doubt there's an AFC in this world that could keep a healthy, equal marriage going, much less get to that point.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 31, 2005
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After reading all the material on here, what percentage of guys on this SITE are DJ's let alone those who haven't read and read the material?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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Ace of Flames said:
Um... the percentages are made up, just like yours. o_O

When I said naturals, I didn't mean natural DJ's. That's like less than 100 in the world. Only natural as in they can manage to bring in girls. There HAS to be a good percent of naturals out there, or why would so many girls have boyfriends? And I'm not talking about those fake bfs where she's just using him for money/ego/whatever. The natural still screws up all the time, they just have more success than the AFC. The natural could maintain a good relationship and even get married and stay married, for instance. I doubt there's an AFC in this world that could keep a healthy, equal marriage going, much less get to that point.
The sad reality is that the majority of hot babes have to date and marry AFC guys because their are so few DJ's around for them.

I have met many guys who although being very successful with bringing in the hottest babes became obsessed with one or upset because one didn't desire to be with them.

The majority of the AFC's that I have known to have either been in a long term relationship or married to a hot babe quickly developed oneitis and as the result were to become very depressed when the hot babe decided to move on, leave them and end the relationship, some even suicided as the result of this after their continuous attempts to get the hot babes back failed.

I have a friend who although lots of hot babes are attracted to him, he says that when he is in a long term relationship with one, he allows them to control him, as it can still take him many months to find a proper replacement for his previous hot babe that had left him.

Being able to win over a hot babe and being fully confident with them are two very different things, as one man I know often say it is the power of the pu-ssy, not the type that has fur pointed ears and walks on all fours, but the type that is between the hot babes legs where the power lies, or it is the power that all AFC's allow the hot babes to have over them. :up:


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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SamMalone said:
After reading all the material on here, what percentage of guys on this SITE are DJ's let alone those who haven't read and read the material?
I am not at the complete DJ or AlphaMale type status at this present time, but I am a lot more successful with my alluring of the hottest babes than I ever have been in the past.

I am in the process of my learning how to become one and I am studying a lot of the available material in order to fully transform myself into that type of status.

I have come a long way already but I am not completely there yet, but my life is so much better now than it ever has been. :up: