Wait...why be cut, when there's little muscle there to be cut for? The purpose of being 'cut' is to show off muscle. Obviously being overweight isn't a pleasure either, hence diet control.
But the body is counter-productive to gaining weight and losing fat. It's a fallacy. What normally happens is...
You gain so much muscle at a current bodyfat %, say 17, and the larger muscle APPEARS to give you more cut. Also, you will lose a few points by lifting, getting bigger, and eating just a little right, so it won't be AS tough. Fat is burned in low to moderate states of intensity, such as walking, low intensity and moderate intensity cardio, resting, and sleep. Anything above moderate intensity is burned by carbs because it's more readily available and easily convertible to energy and glucose.
That said, I wouldn't want to be cut with tiny bi's, tiny legs, no arse. Sure, abs are nice, but girls don't care about that thinness. Then again, there's a flavor FOR ALL girls and guys out there.