There is a reason why they say you only get 1 change to make the 1st impression.
There is also a reason hypergamy is at epic heights nowedays. Because women will be quick to dismiss a dude. As we know now, this can happen in both the early and the later stages of dating ,courting or whatever you call it. Women are raw creatures without a " subtlety filter ". So if you are awkward than that's just what you are. If you pick yourself up and game her right, kudos to you.
That being said, I think Alan Wats came up with the great quote: you are under no obligation to be who you were 5 minutes ago."
its not so much about women resetting their mind, more about you as a man resetting your own mind. I've approached women twice sometimes, making fun of the fact the 1st time didn't went as planned and stiĺl managed to get her number and even fck her. But you just gotta be aware it is kinda lame/ pathetic in a way. Remember, SHE missing out on YOU. You are the prize!
No need to overthink this. At the end of the day every woman you meet will see the product of your past experiences, and you just pick it up from there. Even if her rejection was a part of making you that product. Best example of this is nerdy dude hits gym and gets better career to increase his SMV, and then comes back for a second try.