How long do YOU wait to contact your women?


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
For those of you getting phone numbers and going out on dates, I'm curious to know how long you wait to contact your women and through what method (e.g., call, texting) you do:

1. After getting her number
2. After the first hangout/date
3. After the second hangout/date

I am also curious to know how much you all interact with your plates in the interim between dates. Feel free to share so that we have an open discussion.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
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In direct answer to your question:

1. After getting the number... if I've met her in person I wait 4 days. If I met her via online I usually ask for the date BEFORE I get the number, and I don't hit her up via phone until after we've gone out on our first date.

2. After the first hangout/date... I wait 4 days, then I call her and ask her out again.

3. After the second hangout/date... I wait 4 days, then I call her and ask her out again.

Basically, I put girls on a "date then 4 days to wait" program - I take them out, wait 4 days and call them again. I have this program in my head to do with ALL new girls for the first 10 dates. In between dates, I don't hit them up. Now, if they hit ME up, I'll chat for a bit and immediately set up a time for another date... then I don't contact them again until I see them on a date. Anytime they reach out for me I'll give a delayed response (i.e. she texts me a "hi," I wait a minimum of 20 min to answer back, then use the convo to set up another date). I don't do all this "chat with girls" things between dates because that's what she does with her girlfriends, and I'm NOT trying to be that.

Anyway... that's the method I've successfully used for years now - hope this helps!


New Member
Apr 13, 2015
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Hairy seems to have it down...Good work Man!

Harry Wilmington said:
In direct answer to your question:

1. After getting the number... if I've met her in person I wait 4 days. If I met her via online I usually ask for the date BEFORE I get the number, and I don't hit her up via phone until after we've gone out on our first date.

2. After the first hangout/date... I wait 4 days, then I call her and ask her out again.

3. After the second hangout/date... I wait 4 days, then I call her and ask her out again.

Basically, I put girls on a "date then 4 days to wait" program - I take them out, wait 4 days and call them again. I have this program in my head to do with ALL new girls for the first 10 dates. In between dates, I don't hit them up. Now, if they hit ME up, I'll chat for a bit and immediately set up a time for another date... then I don't contact them again until I see them on a date. Anytime they reach out for me I'll give a delayed response (i.e. she texts me a "hi," I wait a minimum of 20 min to answer back, then use the convo to set up another date). I don't do all this "chat with girls" things between dates because that's what she does with her girlfriends, and I'm NOT trying to be that.

Anyway... that's the method I've successfully used for years now - hope this helps!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2014
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All that matters is what works best for you and what fits your needs.

Your dating life shouldn't be run by a "program".

That would be incredibly boring and wouldn't even work cause there are going to be different outcomes with each woman you date.

How can you go "by the book" when on some first dates you're going to get laid and others you are not?

Interested girls are more than willing to do what you want so there is no need to wait several days in bewteen if you don't need to.

If you want to get laid by a certain plate why should you wait an X number of days for that to happen?

When she is DTF she is going to want to bang. Call her up and get it done. Why wait for more days? Some girls want to fvck like rabbits so sex will be more frequent. Why would you use a "program"? That makes no sense.

As a man you be should one in charge making the decisions. Interested girls will make any effort they can to see you.

It's basically up to you when you decide to call them, what method, or if you want to talk in between.

Interested girls will never turn you down if you contact them sooner or later for a date.

Women should fit into your schedule when it works best for you.

Not planning a "program" that can be altered if the schedules don't work out.


Mar 12, 2011
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Masculinity said:
For those of you getting phone numbers and going out on dates, I'm curious to know how long you wait to contact your women and through what method (e.g., call, texting) you do:

1. After getting her number
2. After the first hangout/date
3. After the second hangout/date

I am also curious to know how much you all interact with your plates in the interim between dates. Feel free to share so that we have an open discussion.
1. Right away
2. Right away
3. Right away

In my early 20s I used to play all that game crap, pretending I was saving the world or making millions or having constant sex with supermodels, pretending I was too "busy" to call or text her. It's all pretentious bs.

Its pointless to wait 2/3/4 days if you want to have sex with her. First meeting you should almost be having sex with her, everything else is a waste of time.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
I never make my ladies wait. It's stupid. I you want a woman now, then go for her now!!! If she days no... then move the fvck on.... NEXT.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Interesting. I thought a good number of us would wait longer times. it usually takes me time to get back to them because I'm legitimately busy with school or work. I'll do a poll on this idea.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
RangerMIke said:
I never make my ladies wait. It's stupid. I you want a woman now, then go for her now!!! If she days no... then move the fvck on.... NEXT.
Yep, same here. Strike while the iron is hot.

I've never intentionally ignored a girl just to mess with her head. But at the same time, I've also just about never sent more than one unanswered text or message. If she doesn't respond, she's not interested, and I move on. If I really liked her, maybe I'd wait 2-3 weeks and try again, just as a shot in the dark. I don't pursue women who are not interested in me. I can't be attracted to a disinterested woman, regardless of what she looks like.

Pestering women is a huge turn-off. If you text her and she doesn't respond, and you send the dreaded text that says HELLO????? then you're done. It's over. You killed it.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
Whenever I feel like it. And whenever a girl or anyone tries to play that time game with me I find it cute.
Ego and its games ain't **** but the biggest illusion in this life. let go of yourself to live a remarkable life.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2013
Reaction score
well i usually forget to call for months, and then they chat me up after a while asking what happened, to which i casually respond i have been busy but let's hook up. we hook up, and we will have sex.
if they don't call, oh well.
regarding others, i usually set up the next date right at the end of the previous one (ex. at the end of the date we agree to meet up next week friday). if they like me, they have no problem with it.

i have plates i meet once every 2 months or so, we agree to get together to "catch up" we end up having sex, and we forget about each other for another couple of months.

this way of life gets me 1-2 lays per week with random plates, besides my ongoing LTR, which is ok, sometimes too much (when i feel i need more time for my hobbies)

hope it helps. the secret is to hook up with many girls not just one at a time. oneitis is your enemy.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2015
Reaction score
After I get a number, I wait a few days before I contact her for the first time and I usually call. If we go on a date, I try not to push, so if everything goes well, I take her out once per week or 2 weeks.