How I could have been the DJ king in HS.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
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Back in highschool, one could say, I was at the botom of the social heirarchy. I was nothing like what I am now. I see that as a learning experience to understand the "heirarchy". I used to always try to be like the "cool kids" and the harder I tried the lower I sank. As soon as I was fed up with the heirarchy, stopped dressing, acting like the cool kids, and started going to school in my pajamas and hair messed up, I started becoming popular. I realized this, followers follow the alpha male. The alpha male is brave. Opposite of bravery is not cowardism... in our society, the opposite of bravery is conformity. I became poplular because I chose not to conform. Through dumb luck, I found a formula that had the potential of giving me status. But is the status all we need? There are so much more than just that. For example, the mind set. I believe that to be the most important key. Act as if, and so you shall become. Do you know how in high school, there is this guy that says he could get any girl he wants... and what pisses you off is that he really can? And to make it worse, hes not all that great looking!!!! Why? Its the MIND SET! Act as if... you're the man, and you will become the man. Be forwarned, you will get haters. I have some people that hate, but I know this, I'm better than they are, I have what they want, I can do things they cant, and hell, I make more money than them and probably their parents combined! Let them hate, it only makes me more alluring to the ladies. The mind set is something that I discovered back in college. If I knew all this in high school, I would have ran havock with the ladies across the entire campus. So if I come accross being ****y, offensive, or seem to be stepping on toes. Its because I was once the laughing stock of the school, but changed. I know that it can be done, and that its not even hard. All I have to say is if you all want it, grow some balls and take it.

Recap, dont be like the cool kids, thats what everyone is trying to do. By doing so, you become casual. If you are casual, you become a casualty. Be different.... be yourself.

Act as if. Dont be fake about it though. If you believe it, and truely want it. It has to happen in your mind before it happens in life.... not the other way around. People say, I'm a player when I am able to play the ladies. If that is your mindset, you will never have it. A champion boxer is not made in the ring, he is made in the locker room and in the gym. In the ring is where he proves it, and that is all.

This is something that I have realized and come to unerstand. It would have worked for me in high school, but it was not appearant to me untill much later.

Just to let you have a slight understanding of my character. I dress in all designer names. Versace, Armani, Ferrigamo, Gucci. I drive a sport compact show car and bump classical music. The best comparison to me would be Sebastian from the movie "Cruel Intentions". When I went to college, I went in a suit sometimes, but worn casually, or even a formal over coat. Obviously that is far from becoming a casualty. If you're going to try something crazy, you have to pull it off. How do you pull it off? The most important person in your life of a player must accept it first.... YOU.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2003
Reaction score
Great post.

Just curious when you wrote about money. What exactly do you do? How did you manage to make so much money?


Don Juan
Mar 16, 2003
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I was always different from everyone else. I firmly believe in non-conformity. Never made me popular, however, I think it might be because I'm too much of an *******. I don't really like people who are conformists so I give them attitude and stuff. Oops..


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
Toronto, ON
Act as if. Dont be fake about it though. If you believe it, and truely want it. It has to happen in your mind before it happens in life.... not the other way around. People say, I'm a player when I am able to play the ladies. If that is your mindset, you will never have it. A champion boxer is not made in the ring, he is made in the locker room and in the gym. In the ring is where he proves it, and that is all.
We've struck Gold.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2003
Reaction score

nice post. hey where in boston do u live?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Thank you for your compliments.

Too_Pimp, I am a business owner/self employed. I am an MLMer.

maosrdbf, maybe it just wasnt something that worked for you. Here is the irony. I wanted to be popular, so I wasnt. I didnt care, so then I became popular. The funny part of it all was that I did not realize I was popular the last part of HS untill 2 years later. I was looking through my year book and noticed how many signatures I had compared to the years before.. and the things people said... and most shocking, the things the girls said! I made the mistake for not seeing in myself so when it happend for me, my eyes were not open to see it. Perhaps you are popular, or were... but just havent realized it yet. Also a big eye opener was that anyone that wanted their own section in the year book had to pay for it. Funny thing was, I got my section for free.. and instead of it being in the back of the book, it was in the begining. The girls that worked on the year book just came to one of my classes one day, took me aside and started talking to me, taking and taking photos.

Roots, Where I learned about the mind set was actually learning the business of being an MLMer. So the credit is not mine to take, but its from the great leaders that have graced the MLM industry.

Azn4live, No, I dont. I actually live in southern California. I'm a bit currious as to what made you think of Boston though.

And also, to Too_Pimp. As an MLMer, I also had to invision myself wealthy before I ever attained any success. So even if you dont have any money, act as if, and you will be suprised at the outcome. But remember to act as if.. and see it in your mind, and you must truely want it. So act as if you are gods gift to women, that you can please them in ways that they never thought possible. All I can say is I did exactly that, and you can not believe how many "oh jesus" and "oh god"s I have gotten... screaming into pillows, panting to a point where they cant breathe. But dont expect it all to come right away. Every journey starts with a step. "inch by inch is a sinch, but yard by yard is hard".

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Sebastion from Cruel Intentions eh?

I can't stand arrogence. Regardless, quite a good post.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Smooth as Anything
Sebastion from Cruel Intentions eh?

I can't stand arrogence. Regardless, quite a good post.
At one time, neither could I... untill I understood the power of it... when harnessed and used correctly.

If anyone has any questions or comments, please go right ahead.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Kaizen
At one time, neither could I... untill I understood the power of it... when harnessed and used correctly.

If anyone has any questions or comments, please go right ahead.
Well I'd prefer befriending a guy who can have as much money as you do (i assume) and can still maintain the lifestyle of a middle classmen.

Money shouldn't determine your lifestyle, your personality should.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Smooth as Anything
Well I'd prefer befriending a guy who can have as much money as you do (i assume) and can still maintain the lifestyle of a middle classmen.

Money shouldn't determine your lifestyle, your personality should.
Ah, good point, but there are factors where the guy you have befriended will always have the upper hand. Lets say two identical guys both like the same girl. Each one a perfect mirror image of the other, except for one small thing. One is a middle class, and the other is a upper class person. Who do you think she will choose? Now the thing is, when hunting prey, we all become something of a "wolf in sheeps clothing"... to a certain extent. What used to determine an alpha male... at a more primative time was strenth and size. In todays society, that matters very little. To have power in todays society muscle doesnt matter, its financial and influencial power. Women look for a guy that can protect... alpha male. Today you dont get protected by muscle, you get protected by money. Its sucks, but its true. Remember, we all strive to be the object of desire. What do you think they will want from their "ideal" alpha male? Dont think about the garbage that they say... "sence of humor, smart, funny, blah blah blah". If you break it down, a person who has money will have pretty much all the qualities they ask for.

As to your last comment, I completely agree. Remember the most important thing you could ever learn in life is "MINDSET". No matter what feild you are playing in. If you want to be rich, you have to think rich. You have to act as if, find the mind set, and THEN become rich. You are not rich when you have money. If you think that you will never be rich. A rich man is rich because of the way he lives his daily life. He only shows it later and proves his mindset was true when he makes his fortune.

Recap... Act as if you are rich... you will find and understand the "millionare mentallity" and have the mindset.... the mindset dictates your lifestyle.... your lifestyle will affect your income.... your income will strengthen your mindset and increase it.... your lifestyle will develope and become greater which will in turn make your income grow even more. If you question that, you can ask any successful milionare.

Green Curse

Don Juan
Jun 21, 2002
Reaction score
Kaizen i dont care if this **** isnt your idea it's good **** and i like it better then most Dj **** even tho i think both can run hand in hand Dj ideals seem to have far too much calculation to the process this however is very differnt!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Green Curse
Kaizen i dont care if this **** isnt your idea it's good **** and i like it better then most Dj **** even tho i think both can run hand in hand Dj ideals seem to have far too much calculation to the process this however is very differnt!
So many stars I could barely understand you! haha. It took a couple times reading it it over, but thank you. I find it so ironic that learning to be financially successful... a millionare... busness.. runs almost perfectly parrellel with each other. I could seriously sit in a busness seminar/training and understand EVERYTHING that is being discusses to be ways to become a DJ. Something I want to discuss here which I have mentioned above is the "BEAR cycle". I dont know if any of you have heard of it. I am trying to get the forum Mods/owners to allow me to post diagrams. Its very good stuff!


Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Ann Arbor, Mi
Holy Crap, you got rich of Multi Level Marketing? Now that is a powerful envision if i ever saw one!

Great Post


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PiHiPlaya
Holy Crap, you got rich of Multi Level Marketing? Now that is a powerful envision if i ever saw one!

Great Post
I wouldnt say I'm rich yet. I wouldnt consider myself rich untill I am making at least 6 figures a month. I'm still working on it. Its amazing how much MLM has such a bad reputation, but it so widely used in business. Everyone knows of the couple of bad apples, but no one knows about all the good apples... Texas Instrument, Colgate, Lexus, Xerox, City Group.... the list goes on. Anyhoo... If you're interested, you should read and educate yourself on MLM, you'll be suprised at the difference from whats fact and rumor. But enough of that, I dont want to stray from the subject at hand.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sammo
Okay Kaizen, I was looking into MLM.

Tell me what you think of that, i'm hearing alot of bad things, I know you say to ignore, but im finding it hard...
Not going to even read it. Its a waste of time. They can hate all they want and say what ever they want, and sound as profesional as they want. They cant disprove the fact that MLM is a proven marketing industry that has been incorporated in our economy for the past 70 years and that nearly every large multi million dollor corporations uses this marketing technique. Direct selling... 82 billion industry... how is some shmuck is going to question that? I just shook the hand and had a conversation with a billionare Sherman Henderson, owner of Lightyear Communications tonight. Tell him its bad haha. Tell Microwave Communications Incorporated... better known as MCI and Southern Pacific Railroad Industrial Network also known as SPRINT about it. After de-regulation of telecommunications in the 80s broke up AT&T, those companies sprung up used companies such as Network 2000 and Amway, and now they have over taken AT&T which at one point monopolized the industry. They are known as the biggest losers in business for that. Dont do research online. You will find mostly opinions from uneducated, disgruntle people who did have what it takes to cut it. Like I said, go and purchased published material, books, and study it correctly. Anyone who challenges me on MLM doesnt know what they are talking about. Which is fine, I'll just tell them to research correctly and come back when you're educated and we'll continue the conversation. Simple as that.

I couldnt help myself, I had to read over it... who ever wrote that is a complete idiot. I can tell everything he is mentioning is all "hear say" and doesnt know is facts. Good god, he has Amway listed as a "scam"? haha, Amway is does over 9 billion a year and has been around since 1959. If it was a scam, do you think the government would do something? My company works with Jeffery Babner! Number one former Atorney General for heaven sake! hahaha.

Anyways, lets stop going off track here. If you want, PM me. Lets keep this thread on track you guys.
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