Yo Tyrone,
I've written and recorded a few songs, but not professionally though. I did it to promote books and artwork I was selling. I even used to be a pretty good Clarinet player too, back in the day, but another Benny Goodman I WASN'T. LOL
But that was ages ago. I've probably forgotten more about playing THAT instrument than I ever learned. Now I dabble in keyboard playing. I can't play it effortlessly though. So what I do is lay tracks and layer them until I have BUILT a complete song.
It's always IMPRESSIVE to me when the final track has been laid, because it usually sounds DIFFERENT and BETTER than I had originally intended, so I can't really take credit for HAPPENSTANCE. lol
The whole music education experience expanded my horizons in many ways. I can get geeked up over Classical, Rock, Soul, and Rap---EQUALLY. I've always been quite interested in the mechanics of songwriting.
I had a habit of becoming intrigued and fascinated by popular music that was intricately stylized (like the highly inventive sampling mixes that Public Enemy were known for). And I was also highly interested in Rock Bands that had versatility enough to blend different styles into something I'd never heard before (like ANY Queen album. NOBODY merged the power and the majesty of Rock, Classical, and Opera quite like THEY did).
All of this has influenced me in real life by fueling my desire to look into EVERYTHING around me deeper than most, to want to understand where EVERYTHING originates from, and to pay CLOSER attention to the MAN behind the curtain (insert HERE whatever Wizard of Oz or Matrix reference you prefer...lol).
GOOD music inspires and infuses whatever I'm in the process of creating. Sometimes I can get so INTO IT that I can get lost----and it becomes a form of accidental meditation for me.
Oh, and one more thing: In the early nineties I was part of a local music/rap/dance group that got me a lot of attention from the ladies. BUT, I rarely was able to capitalize on the attention because I was unfortunately a full blown AFC back then...lol
Peace...one day.