How Easy Things Can Be...


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Don't wait for the "perfect" moments...

Don't take these things as impossible tasks which take careful planning, and need perfect wording to get it. Don't sit around and wait for it to happen, because you will be waiting a forever, YOU make the perfect moments...

landing phone numbers

me: "Oh hey you got them new phones everybody wants"
girl: "Oh yeah, I got it over the weekend"
me: "Gets really annoying trying to remember your new number, right? And I can see in your face that you are quite a forgetful girl..."
girl: "That's not true I remember it off by heart already!"
me: "Oh really, prove it..."
girl: "*her number*"


You don't need to talk for hours, you don't need the perfect line, some guys would be surprised at how easily they give it out... Not everybody will have the oppurtunity to lead up with a girl having a new phone, but most times it is just as easy as long as you don't sound as though you are desperate for it. Keep it casual, nothing big, and 9/10 times she will give it to you (not out of the blue of course).

landing email adresses

me: "Ah it's so annoying how girls have impossible to remember MSN adresses, they are all xx this and _ that..."
girl: "No mine is simple"
me: "Why what's yours?"
girl: "*email adress*"


Same as above, keep it nice and casual, the David DeAngelo trick is to ask just as you disconnect, that moment where you turn and start walking away, just turn back with a very casual "Oh by the way do you have email."

setting up dates... kind of

(Initially found on Mr. Fingers' post)

me: "Ah my idiot cousin still hasn't returned my DVD player, I had just rented out a couple of good movies and was hoping to watch them tonight. Hey, tell me, do you have a DVD player at your house."
girl: "yer... it's in my room"
me: "cool how's the quality?"
girl: "well it's shaky at times"
me: "damn that's weak, you're gonna have to sweeten the deal here, do you have any drink?"
girl: "sure, and popcorn as well"
me: "sweet, sounds cool..."
girl: "I'm free right now if you wanna come over..."
me: "okay I'll be there in a minute, get the popcorn ready"

I suggest you read Mr. Fingers' post, The Ten Commandments or something. It includes the rest of the time with her and before-hand as well...

asking a girl out

me: "will you go out with me?"
girl: "yes"

I know that most guys who are a little older just let things "happen" but for those who need to do this, this is a good confident set-things-straight way. Don't wait for a moment, just do it with this.

The point of this post is just to tell you not to sit and wait for these moments... MAKE THEM... Get out there and just do it :)
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
It's painfully obvious from you post your saying nothing but hypothetical KBJ advice.

However, it is very easy to do these things
me: "will you go out with me?"
girl: "yes"
NEVER do that unless your in middle school


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
I changed the thread it carries a different message than I intended... Damn straight this is KBJ advice lol, but it still carrys a message... I only get a chance to sarge on weekends, and spend most of the week days doing other stuff, and when I have free time I post this kind of thing lol... But I used REAL conversation clips, which I have used in real life, they are not fake KBJ-like gimmicks :p...

Oh yes and like you say do not do that kind of thing if you are older, I THINK I mentioned that somewhere, oh I just said most older guys let it happen, but oh well...