I doubt it's real. It would be pretty self incriminating for her to put that up on her social lifeline known as Facebook. There would be more than one female friend of hers who would protest such behavior and it would start a fire. That chumpdiggity mofo could of made that account.
If if is true, then that's one truly sociopathic cünt! Always reserve some sort of barrier where you let no one in to protect you from such happenings. Your mom should touch such emotions, that's about it. Never be so called "unconditional", what the fück are you, a dog?? Reserve a switch that clicks to Cold Mode when a girl fücks you over, and never turn into a poor sap like that chump that has the integrity of a soft turd in a rain storm. What the fück happened to men in the last 30 years, damn.
That link is a good shock and awe primer for the noobs, though.