Santos thread got me thinking:
Once you've had a tad amount of success with a HB, how do you turn off all the AFC thoughts? For example, how do you not think about what you said, what you did, what you're going to do. Maybe what you think of the possibilities.
What are some ways that make you worry less?
I'm thinking if I have a few prospects maybe just to get buried in my work, school or music. Just focus on those thinks...worry about problems, situations or advances as they come to light- a realistic way of thought rather than imaginary which I think is an AFC problem.
Know what I mean? What are some things you try and do to not sweat it...I know some people struggle with that one-itus shyte. So if you've figured out a way to really just not about a tid bit.
Once you've had a tad amount of success with a HB, how do you turn off all the AFC thoughts? For example, how do you not think about what you said, what you did, what you're going to do. Maybe what you think of the possibilities.
What are some ways that make you worry less?
I'm thinking if I have a few prospects maybe just to get buried in my work, school or music. Just focus on those thinks...worry about problems, situations or advances as they come to light- a realistic way of thought rather than imaginary which I think is an AFC problem.
Know what I mean? What are some things you try and do to not sweat it...I know some people struggle with that one-itus shyte. So if you've figured out a way to really just not about a tid bit.