How do you think I did?


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
This all happened in my Fitness class (the "serious" gym class) today (except for one part) with a HB10 Latina.

She never talks to anyone besides her 2 friends in the class, and they always sit away from everyone else.

Last class I said to her and her friends "I should walk with you guys instead of running" and she says "You should".

Today, she bumped into me (I think it was on purpose, but I don't know), smiled, and said "Sorry". After this, I walked next to her and made some jokes that she laughed at.

Then there was a fire drill while my class was outside. She turns around and says "The school's on fire? YES!" and starts laughing. I joke with her about this, saying "Oh yeah? You're probably the one who started the fire" and she laughs and says she didn't.

Another thing was when someone made a joke about guys kissing each other or something. She says to me "Mmm...nice" then starts laughing and saying "Just kidding". I tease her saying "Oh, now I know what you like" and she laughs some more.

We had to play this game after this. She goes up to me and says "I need someone to hide behind. I'm hiding behind you". So I put my arm around her, pull her a little closer, and say "I'll protect you".

Skip ahead a few minutes, and when the teacher asks for a volunteer, I go up to her, take her arm by the wrist, and raise it. She was kinda resisting by pushing down on my hand (making it hard to raise her arm), but I think that's because she REALLY didn't want to volunteer.

When the game started, she immediately ran behind me. Whenever she saw me, she ran behind me. One time she grabbed my arm. This entire time, I was just laughing and so was she.

Can any of you among the more experienced tell me how you think I did? I'm thinking of asking for the number soon, but I'm not sure if I should do it next class or not. Also, what do you think of her feelings about me? No feelings, friendly feelings, or that "more than friends" feeling?


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Sounds like normal high school flirting, the way you've put it it sounds like she definitely wants you. Good job so far, now get the number soon.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score

If it matters to you, it's because you're results-oriented. And, it's ruining your life. You're already too attached to the situation and the girl. Attachment leads to suffering. Buddhism.

Why care if she gives you her number or tells you to **** off? The point of life is to live. Experience and enjoy. Enjoy every single moment of your life. Whether you're doing homework, lifting weights, eating, walking, taking a test, ANYTHING.

Life is not short. I can't stand that statement. We have ****ing 24 hours in one day. During the school year, on weekdays, i sleep about 0-4 hours depending on how lucky i am. Assuming i get my full four hours, i still have 20 ****ing hours. 20 hours=1200 minutes=72000seconds

That's only one day. Assuming you live to at least 70, you'll have more than enough ****ing time to live. The problem with most people is that they aren't living during the majority of their lives. They are merely trying to live, wishing to live, etc.

Don't be one of those people. Don't waste your time thinking about doing something. Do it or move on to something else that matters.

Here's a Bruce Lee clip from Enter the Dragon.

The finger is the process or direction sign. The Moon is the destination. You're stuck on the finger. That finger is getting deeper into your ass as each second ticks away. Stop thinking about the finger and go to the ****ing moon.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Lol okay jeff calm down :p

Anyways, to answer your question Aldo, this chick CLEARLY has feelings for you. Cant you tell by all the IOI's? Theres so many based off of what you just told me.

You can easily get this chicks number. Just know in the back of your head that she def wants you, have some confidence, and go in knowing that your going to get the number. Its not that hard. As for when to ask her, you could definitely ask her next time you see her, simply because shes been sending you so many IOI's.

Aldo said:
Last class I said to her and her friends "I should walk with you guys instead of running" and she says "You should".IOI

Today, she bumped into me (I think it was on purpose, but I don't know), smiled, and said "Sorry". It was on purpose, IOI.After this, I walked next to her and made some jokes that she laughed at.

Then there was a fire drill while my class was outside. She turns around and says "The school's on fire? YES!" and starts laughing. I joke with her about this, saying "Oh yeah? You're probably the one who started the fire" and she laughs and says she didn't.She responds well to your jokes. IOI.

Another thing was when someone made a joke about guys kissing each other or something. She says to me "Mmm...nice" then starts laughing and saying "Just kidding". I tease her saying "Oh, now I know what you like" and she laughs some more.IOI

We had to play this game after this. She goes up to me and says "I need someone to hide behind. I'm hiding behind you". So I put my arm around her, pull her a little closer, and say "I'll protect you".Bigtime IOI

When the game started, she immediately ran behind me. Whenever she saw me, she ran behind me. One time she grabbed my arm. This entire time, I was just laughing and so was she.Bigtime IOI

Can any of you among the more experienced tell me how you think I did? I'm thinking of asking for the number soon, but I'm not sure if I should do it next class or not. Also, what do you think of her feelings about me? No feelings, friendly feelings, or that "more than friends" feeling?


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
Good to hear, thanks. But how would I go about asking for the number? I don't want to make things awkward, and in that class everyone's pretty much in the same area of the same room the entire time. I probably won't see her after class, neither.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
rofl @ all this analyzation...lmao...u will never get laid at this rate...u act like ur life depends on it...who gives a ****


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
Bonafide said:
rofl @ all this analyzation...lmao...u will never get laid at this rate...u act like ur life depends on it...who gives a ****
What are you talking about? First things first, you're bragging on a website full of guys asking for dating advice, the first sign that you probably never got any.

Secondly, it's not all about getting laid. Yeah, I have girls' numbers. I have girls I can call up. But I don't want them as girlfriends. The girls I ask questions about here I'm extra careful with because I want them as girlfriends and not as a booty call for when I'm bored.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Aldo said:
What are you talking about? First things first, you're bragging on a website full of guys asking for dating advice, the first sign that you probably never got any.

Secondly, it's not all about getting laid. Yeah, I have girls' numbers. I have girls I can call up. But I don't want them as girlfriends. The girls I ask questions about here I'm extra careful with because I want them as girlfriends and not as a booty call for when I'm bored.

He's a troll bro. Don't worry about it.