Alrighty dude...
I think that the problem is that you arent aware of how to talk to people without annoying them. You should try learning other ways of communicating without sounding like a curious 5 year old inquiring about the difference between boys and girls...
So you dont know if youre asking too many questions? Ha ha!
Try running this by yourself next time you talk to much are you talking about yourself and how well do they respond?
Usually, if theye taking the conversation well, they ask about you more aften. look out for this!
If you find that youre asking questions without follow up commentary, youre probably annoying. It would sound like a questionaire you get on the know which ones. Its those people who call you and say that theyre conducting research on...blah blah blah. And before you respond with yes or no, they say that its a "very short" questionaire that shouldnt take more than one, its easier to say yes to them and take their stupid questionaire! So you say yes and take it but as you find the minute they promised you pass, you begin to get irritated at the fact that its been 5 minutes of constant questioning! When is it going to be over?!
I think some people know what im talking about. If you, fishy dude, know this emotion already, you can probably understand how annoying this can be.
So how do you aviod sounding like this? Easy. First, have a follow up commentary to everything she answers. Let it be witty, funny, insightful, but never dull, average or boring! The second thing is to try to exhaust the same topic as far as you can before its time to use the same topic to change to another one. Third, talk about yourself as a pre-commentary to a question. For example say that you once went skiing...and then ask if shes done that. Fourth, do not change topics abruptly. Doing this can seem like your questioning her aimlessly...It seems rather stalkerish if you ask me. Reminds me of a tip. It was about looking out for things she says that can lead to another topic of conversation. For example, if she mentions something subtle in one of her responses, you can follow up on that instead of continuing that smae topic at hand. You look for it, itll explain it better
And now ill stop because im reminded of another tip i saw somewhere. It was about lowering her risk and making yours go up. I wont explain how it works but it basically outlined how you taking the risk will make her easier around you. So maybe this has something to do with this...just something you can think about...
Hope this helps dude