How do you let a girl know she's a bad kisser and needs to improve?

Dec 7, 2009
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So I probably should have asked this question several months ago when I had the problem, but having just remembered after not thinking about it for a while, I realized that I've encountered my fair share of bad kissers.

Me and a friend I met in the early summer were really into Pick Up. Not to brag, but we were awesome at Day-gaming 2-sets. I met this girl sarging with him in the early summer. She was really cute, really sweet, but really young too (only 19) and I could tell she was going to take a while to put out. I thought "No big deal. We'll just make out and I'll meet other girls in the meantime."

But she was a TERRIBLE kisser. She was really bad; so bad that at times I'd rather go out sarging instead of making out with her and trying to get her to go past 2nd.

She would stick out her tongue and not close her mouth around mine all the way, and tried to lick the gums above my teeth behind my upper lip, which just felt wierd. I was always worried one of us would drool on the other. And that was the ONLY way she kissed.

It was really frustrating, but I didn't have the heart to tell her I didn't like the way she kissed. In fact, I did something completely stupid; when she told me I was a good kisser, I told her "so are you," which I immediately regretted.

Anyway, I met another girl and stopped seeing her, but the next time I encounter a bad kisser, what should I do? How do you get a girl to improve her kissing technique in a classy and sensitive way?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
There is the alpha-male way and the wussy-nice guy way.
The alpha male way is telling her to her face right after kissing that she kisses bad and showing her how to do it.
The wussy nice guy way is using any other advice you might get from this forum.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2009
Reaction score
tell her. "haha, wow, step your game up."


Don Juan
May 12, 2008
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
i had this problem with a girl once but the problem didn't last long. everyone kisses differently but i've noticed after a bit every girl has adapted to how i kiss, not sure how to explain it really. just keep kissing the way you kiss but slow down a bit, let the girl follow and she'll catch on/imitate your style is what i think.

good luck man