How do you handle rejection?


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
Reaction score
I'm not really sure about this one. How do you guys handle it? Just the other day I tried flirting with a girl I usually do all the time.. she used to initiate it a ton with me.. and she used to be really into me. But then like yesterday she was walking a couple desks infront of me and I pushed the desk infront of me playfully and lightly just blocking her way. And was just like "Please stop" but she had like a *****y attitude and face with it. Then like she sits back down is all happy and **** with her other friends. So I was like okay whatever.. I pretty much acted like I didn't care. And started flirting with the other girl I talk to right next to me, and pretty much talked with her the rest of the time. But why do you think she was *****y? She used to be really into me.. and what should I had said or done? All I did was look at her, and didn't say anything.

And I also got completely disrespected in my journalism class. This girl just like completely went off on me. And it was just so unexpected and shocking that I couldn't even find words to say. I just kind of rolled my eyes and ****. People were asking me about it and I just told them I didn't give a ****.

What should I do the next time this **** happens?


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2006
Reaction score
Well it seems like you've done something wrong or something to upset her. But if it does happen again, I'd suggest you ask her if she has a problem with you because if you don't say anything and she has something against you, she may be able to convince her friends the same thing, and all of them will feel and act the same way to you. Girls spread things like wild fire spreads through dry grass.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
Reaction score
This girl is an ex. So it could be a million things. One minute she loves me, the next she hates me. I can never understand her.

Oh well, I don't care anymore. This thread was more of a venting for me.

But what about when a girl disrespects you. Should you get defensive and insult back. Or just take it and ignore it.. or what?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
Elky said:
Well it seems like you've done something wrong or something to upset her. But if it does happen again, I'd suggest you ask her if she has a problem with you because if you don't say anything and she has something against you, she may be able to convince her friends the same thing, and all of them will feel and act the same way to you. Girls spread things like wild fire spreads through dry grass.
Bullshyt. You didn't do anything different than what you'd been doing for a long time. Some women are notorious for coming on to you like a ton of bricks, then when you reciprocate, they act like you're harassing them.

As I've stated many times before, women have control because poltical correctness has gone haywire. Basically just back off, and let her be. If she tries to initiate contact with you again, simply act stand-offish and she should get the message. You don't need flakes like her.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Big Ole apple
What works for me, I watch Will Smith (not Hitch, Fresh prince) or Marlon Wayans or someone stupid approaching girls and getting rejected and it makes it seem like such a joke. They seem so unaffected by it and I think I should be unaffected too and just continue doing what I was doing as if its no big deal b/c it really isn't.