It's hard because you never know when an explosive dump may be coming, especially if you stray outside your diet, I eat consistent foods and never have a problem.
Point blank, even if you are lactose, you should consume probiotics, they are the #1 go to for my regularity needs, I can even try out new foods if I've had a dose of probiotics within maybe 2 days.
I will say, when I was losing lots of fat on keito after a year of carbs, even probiotics didn't help with the grease dumps, they were brutal and I hope to never go through that again, like dating was off the table 100% during that time because I had maybe 2 minutes from the burning sensation of needing to dump, to it starting to affect my body language deeply.
Probiotics, lots of water, NO FRUIT, no coffee and don't go carb heavy before a date, as you'll more than likely need to dump majorly maybe 40 minutes after eating.
I should mention, I have super bad bowels, worse than most, I typically need to dump after consuming pretty much anything and I can usually make due, just have the baby wipes handy to clean up right, no half a$$