How do you attract the Quality Women?


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
My "game" has gotten better in a sense.

But I've noticed a trend, I keep attracting these Hot trailer trash women or slutty women with "boyfriends" they keep in the closet.

WTF?? It seems like I can't have my cake and eat it too. I sort of have to learn to "give" and be a better person to attract the quality woman that I know will be great for me in the long run.

A Quality woman in my defintion is someone who will never cheat on you. Who will be supportive of your endevours, she is not freakin slut, will place family, kids over her career, is not selfish, is drama free and just a great person overrall who has compassion and treat people right. And also is easy on the eyes as well.

But the thing is, I don't want to develop one itis, So theres like a conflict right there between just going out and having fun/ playing the field or settling for a meaningful relationship that will ultimately be good for me.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
FieldReportGuy7 said:
My "game" has gotten better in a sense.

But I've noticed a trend, I keep attracting these Hot trailer trash women or slutty women with "boyfriends" they keep in the closet.

WTF?? It seems like I can't have my cake and eat it too. I sort of have to learn to "give" and be a better person to attract the quality woman that I know will be great for me in the long run.

A Quality woman in my defintion is someone who will never cheat on you. Who will be supportive of your endevours, she is not freakin slut, will place family, kids over her career, is not selfish, is drama free and just a great person overrall who has compassion and treat people right. And also is easy on the eyes as well.

But the thing is, I don't want to develop one itis, So theres like a conflict right there between just going out and having fun/ playing the field or settling for a meaningful relationship that will ultimately be good for me.
Ya man a high quality women will be great for you in the long run.

In my experience you gotta be a high quality guy to attract girls like this. This means that not only do you have to have game, but you gotta have the other areas of your life in order. This includes being in elite shape, having a good career/income, being sexual/good in bed, engaging personality... overall being a high value guy.

To me game is almost like advertising. If you have a solid product you won't have to advertise as much as the product will sell itself. Therefore, you gotta focus on developing the product, which in this case, is yourself.

Remember high quality women have tons of options and if you're serious about settling down with one you gotta be a quality guy yourself.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Be a good dude. Don't neg, don't play games, don't wait a week to call, don't spin plates, don't tell her to know her place, etc.

Do have confidence.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
FairShake said:
Be a good dude. Don't neg, don't play games, don't wait a week to call, don't spin plates, don't tell her to know her place, etc.

Do have confidence.
How is this supposed to attract a quality woman? You're basically telling him to be a nice guy. You are not looking at the root of the problem.

To attract a certain type of woman you have to go to where that certain type of woman hangs out!

If you hang out at bars, clubs, strip clubs, have non educated/trashy friends etc = you'll likely be seen by low quality women which are the women that frequent those places or hang out with those people.

If you go volunteer, library, church, medical school = places where you are more likely to find higher quality women.

Now when it comes to friends that's something that isn't easily fixed. The friends you have is often a big factor in the type of women you end up meeting. If you hang out at parties with drunkards then you'll likely meet drunkard women.

Black Dog

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
f283000 said:
How is this supposed to attract a quality woman? You're basically telling him to be a nice guy. You are not looking at the root of the problem.

To attract a certain type of woman you have to go to where that certain type of woman hangs out!

If you hang out at bars, clubs, strip clubs, have non educated/trashy friends etc = you'll likely be seen by low quality women which are the women that frequent those places or hang out with those people.
If you go volunteer, library, church, medical school = places where you are more likely to find higher quality women.

Now when it comes to friends that's something that isn't easily fixed. The friends you have is often a big factor in the type of women you end up meeting.

Wow, thanks a lot f283000! This was a big problem for me a while ago, awesome post it's reinforced how hard I need to work on all aspects of my life, not just women.

I don't see how guys expect to get the amazing sexy-women, with badass curves and all that when they don't themselves work on their body..


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
f283000 said:
You're basically telling him to be a nice guy. You are not looking at the root of the problem.

To attract a certain type of woman you have to go to where that certain type of woman hangs out!
The root IS being a nice guy. Nice guys (with "high value") probably already hang out in the places to find nice girls.

And nice girls do go to bars and clubs. As do most 20 somethings. They just don't dedicate their lives to it.


Don Juan
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Fuglydude said:
To me game is almost like advertising. If you have a solid product you won't have to advertise as much as the product will sell itself. Therefore, you gotta focus on developing the product, which in this case, is yourself.

Holy sh!t. Best analogy ever.

I always thought of it this way too, but you put the thought into words.

Some girls though have ALOT of trouble seeing your advertising unless you really sell it to them; so you can't just be in elite shape, have a killer job, sweet hobbies, lots of toys, and be a sociable guy. Along with that you have to be your own salesman to get the job done.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
FairShake said:
Be a good dude. Don't neg, don't play games, don't wait a week to call, don't spin plates, don't tell her to know her place, etc.

Do have confidence.
Worst advice ever.