how do u deal with an attention wh0re


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
i've been searching through so many threads on how to handle attention wh0res i just wanna make this one so people can share their opinions on how to keep an attention ***** interested or possibly have an LTR.

My best friend is an AW, shes like my little sister definately no attraction with this girl what so ever strictly friends, if i had to rate her i'd say shes a 9, anyways what i've noticed is she gets bored with guys very fast but never really cuts them off, what i did notice is that she cheats on them if they dont give her attention becuase IMO she panics cuz they aren't giving her all the attention adn moves onto another one and its like a neverending cycle, but then if they give her too much attention (like a boyfriend) she'll break up with them cuz she'll get bored, but i guess thats better than having her bang multiple dudes while shes with you

in the meantime i watch all this and use it to my advantage, so what i've came up with is that if you give too much attention she'll leave u and if u dont give enough you'll be sharing her with a bunch of other dudes

So i'm assuming you have to find a middle ground here, i'm thinking you have to be an active part of her life so she doesnt' panic and go looking elsewhere for c0ck,but dont give too much attention only give whats necessary

another instance i can think of was a guy i knew had an AW LTR, what i noticed with him was he just kept things real calm, and ignored her attempts to make him jealous, like she would go to the club with us and dance with all these guys and he would just be like whatever and he'd hang out with his boys or talk to some girls, in fact once when he wasnt even there a guy tried to get on her and she shot him down, what i've gathered from this was that attention *****s like to do what they want and want thigns their way so by letting her do whatever she wanted this would in turn cause her to set her own set of rules and not **** around with other peepz but at the same time he gave her a sufficient amount of attention he just didnt' let her drive him crazy, i guess my way of handling one would be to stay active in her life but dont let her get to you.....anyone else have their opinions


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
In my experience you can get an AW infatuated with you quite easily, just by giving and withdrawing the attention. However, as soon as you want to get serious, this infatuation wears off and she loses interest.

I deal with AWs now by nexting them instantly.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension
Originally posted by TheCaptain21
i've been searching through so many threads on how to handle attention wh0res i just wanna make this one so people can share their opinions on how to keep an attention ***** interested or possibly have an LTR.

My best friend is an AW, shes like my little sister definately no attraction with this girl what so ever strictly friends, if i had to rate her i'd say shes a 9, anyways what i've noticed is she gets bored with guys very fast but never really cuts them off, what i did notice is that she cheats on them if they dont give her attention becuase IMO she panics cuz they aren't giving her all the attention adn moves onto another one and its like a neverending cycle, but then if they give her too much attention (like a boyfriend) she'll break up with them cuz she'll get bored, but i guess thats better than having her bang multiple dudes while shes with you

in the meantime i watch all this and use it to my advantage, so what i've came up with is that if you give too much attention she'll leave u and if u dont give enough you'll be sharing her with a bunch of other dudes

So i'm assuming you have to find a middle ground here, i'm thinking you have to be an active part of her life so she doesnt' panic and go looking elsewhere for c0ck,but dont give too much attention only give whats necessary

another instance i can think of was a guy i knew had an AW LTR, what i noticed with him was he just kept things real calm, and ignored her attempts to make him jealous, like she would go to the club with us and dance with all these guys and he would just be like whatever and he'd hang out with his boys or talk to some girls, in fact once when he wasnt even there a guy tried to get on her and she shot him down, what i've gathered from this was that attention *****s like to do what they want and want thigns their way so by letting her do whatever she wanted this would in turn cause her to set her own set of rules and not **** around with other peepz but at the same time he gave her a sufficient amount of attention he just didnt' let her drive him crazy, i guess my way of handling one would be to stay active in her life but dont let her get to you.....anyone else have their opinions
What you said about Aws is true; that's basically what they are.

No matter how p.i.m.p you are, they will get bored. They are constantly looking for excitement and a better deal. They're never satisfied with what they have. Because of this, they get into trouble. They lie, cheat; they basically use the others to do their duties for them. They also don't assume any responsability for their actions. They always blame the others when the problem is with themselves. AWs are high maintenance. They are fun and interesting, but in the end you will just have a huge headache with them.

There's a movie called "Blue Sky" with Tommy Lee Jones. The main subject is an AW who cheats on him and he gets arrested because of her. A book that may help you with your friend is called "emotional vampires". Do a search on and you will find it. The author of this book runs a website:

You can email this psychologist and talk to him about your friend!

P.s: The technical term for true Aw is called Histrionic Personality Disorder.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
My advice is that you shouldn't go for attention wh0re$. I have a post by women to avoid. Crazy women like to have alot of drama in their relationships. And crazy women just get more crazy and they also mess you up. My advice is to get rid of her. If she a attention wh0re then move on.


" When women go wrong, men go right after them "


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
yeah i hear ya guys, the only reason i want opinions is cuz i wanna try something different, theres a story behind this too, so i'm at the bar with my friends and im dancing and this girl keeps lookin at me and shes by herself (naturally AWs usually are either with a dude or their one girlfriend whos also an AW prolly ****s the same guys she does) and shes eyebal f'ing the sh1t out of me, so she smiles and looks down, so i keep doin my thing then it happens agian, this time she waives me over, she tells me she sees me everywhere and that she knows my buddy blah blah blah blah blah and basically i blew her off, my buddy then proceeds to tell me shes bad news and that she'd always hit on him to piss off whichever guy she was with, so immediately i thought AW AW AW! lol anyways 2 weeks pass i'm at the bar this time she comes completely out of nowhere grabs my arm and says hi start talkin about some **** that i cant even remember and im like "yo i gotta go find my friends talk to u later" so i bounced.... this just led to her constantly approaching me that night, she probably came up to me like 6 times and each time i just kinda blew it off, but then i got to thinking, i haven't had an expirience with one yet aside from my best girl friend,

and then i got to thinkin that my best girl friend is basically like my sister and i've watched her AW ways and can read her like an open book, and i know exactly how to work her, most people get frustrated with this girl whether friends or boyfriends yet i seem to know how to keep her in line and im the only person who doesn't take her **** and because of this she actually treats me like a human being and everything is equal with us (she pays someitmes, i pay sometimes, she drives sometimes i drive sometimes that kinda thing) as opposed to with everyone else its all about her, so with all this said i'm kinda interested as to how successful i can be with an AW

another piece of advice about them from my personal expirience, although shes like my sister AWs treat everyone the same including their this one used to treat me that way when we first became friends, now what i found that worked is i would make neg her about being an AW, i would call her a brat, when she'd demand something i'd demand a please, when she'd nag me about diong something right at this moment i would make fun of her by saying "I WANT IT NOW!" in a bratty voice, if i thought she was being selfish i'd be like " ME ME ME ME ME" i mean she laughed about it but over time things became pretty balanced out with the two of us and i can tell ya i'm the only person in her life that she treats as an equal. and when we fight i always withdraw attention and the first few times the fights lasted a while cuz i wouldn't call her so she'd end up calling me a week later, and now its like she wants to fix the very same night. i have never sought her out after a fight and shes aware of this and this also makes her aware that she is the one in the wrong and not me. so the point here is put them in their place enough and things will balance out......

to conclude this long post i've decided i'm gona give it a shot just for the challenge of it, now i wanna get some advice on how to seal the deal here, because im prolly gonna see her at the bar......what i noticed with AWs is they want everyting NOW (like brats), they want sex right away and they seem to respond to direct approaches as well as cold approaches, so personally i think when i see her at the bar this weekend i'm just gonna skip the number close and invite her over to my place, what do u guys think?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
If you're gonna go for an AW, flirt with her, but don't give her any drinks, nothing. Then number close her. This throws them right off, and actually lets them know that someone is genuinely interested in them. They become quite intrigued, and may even become nervous or shy around you. It's fvcking strange to see a woman who flirts with guys for free drinks turn into a shy little girl.

Find out a bit about her personal life to find out if you want all the trouble that she's about to bring into your life. Find out how many kids, who has custody, if she'd drunk/high, etc. Outside of the bar, many AWs have incredibly fvcked up drama filled lives. You might be in for one hell of a rollercoaster ride!