something i don't EVER think I mentioned on this forum because I like to block it out of my mind as much as possible, but I did a 5 month stint in a federal boot camp when I was 19. won't get into the details.. it happened. it's done. it's a closed chapter in my life.
I wll say this, because I get sick and tired of reading this crap. (At least) the min security prison (which for all intents and purposes, is boot camp) is nothing like you see on TV. There isn't Ass rape going on or anything like that. Most peole in there have less than 5 years and want to do their time and get the fvck on with their life. I didn't see one incodent the entire time I was there. I mean of course I didnt' want to be there, but besides being away from my family and other things, and having to wake up at the crack of dawn... it wasn't assrape bad. it was a learning experience. I met some interesting people. In min security, there are a bunch of first time drug offenders (not dealers), financial crimes, stuff like that. nothing serious. even the guards were pretty laid back (as they could be). you couldn't smoke, but I don't smoke. no contraband,again, everyone wanted to get the FVCK out.
The hardest time is actually going to the prison. once you get there, at least ocne I got there, i was okay. Once I looked over and didn't see Adabise.
you have to share a room, which was a dorm room... there are no fences. There was a sonic down the street.. on more than one occussion, inmates had been known to go down and grab something to eat.. the ones that had been there a while and they knew weren't' going anywhere.
but on the food/getting ripped. the food is pretty healthy. I've had better, but I loss 20 pounds whil ein jail and didn't work out a bit.. i was too busy reading (federal camps have the best libraries on earth).
I was forunate that I didn't do anything too serious and I was sent to a camp, where they have pretty much everything you want for betterment.. books, gyms, basketball courts, etc. no restraints for the most part.
it's not a place i want to go back to of course, but at least what I experienced, it wasn' thte ass rape fest that you are lead to believe.