How do other pets stack up against dogs when getting laid?

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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I know the saying goes you have a dog pic and your online dating profile matches go up a lot because women love dogs and puppies.

For all the dudes in here who own cats or any other kind of pet and have also owned a dog to compare, any experiences on how they stack up?

I own a freaking Rabbit and not even sure if having a pic with it would help much on the apps.


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2025
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I own a freaking Rabbit and not even sure if having a pic with it would help much on the apps.
Are you kidding?
A fluffy bunny is like a puppy on roids, in terms of cuteness.

Have someone who knows their way around the business end of a camera to take shirtless pics of you holding/ petting Flopsy.

The contrast of a big burly bloke and a cute bunny oughta be irresistible.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I've had cats. I can't say they've ever gotten a girl over to my house, but once they're there, they like interacting with them. But by that time they're already attracted. I guess they're good for entertaining them and keeping them around.

But it's not like you can walk the cat and run into some girl on the street.


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
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If you mean for pictures, I feel cat pictures always denote a guy who is trying too hard. A dog looks more natural. And I am saying this as a guy who only owns a cat.

As far as once they are back at your place, I don't think a cat or dog makes any difference because you have already checked all the boxes you need to check (obviously).


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I don't think cats help that much. Some women consider single male cat owner as a bit unusual.

As @zekko mentioned, it might help if you can get a woman over to your place. The bigger challenge is getting the woman over to your place.

I could see rabbits having a similar effect as cats. There's less stigma on male rabbit owners. It could help on your swipe app profiles, but being 6'0"+, muscular/fit, or flaunting money will help far more than rabbit on a swipe.

In terms of animal pics or using animals as a prop for real life approaching, dogs are still king.

I do not own a dog. I'm not interested in the responsibilities associated with dog ownership.

There was one time where I asked to borrow a friend's dog as a prop to do approaching on a common walking path in my city. My friend told me that his live in girlfriend objected to my request, fearful that I would be too irresponsible to walk a dog and too focused on meeting women with it. Supposedly if the dog got hurt, the girlfriend would blame my friend and that would cause a breakup. He'd have to find new sex and he didn't want to do that. Therefore, I was not allowed to borrow the dog for pickup.

I thought that was a rather beta way of handling the request. To me, this was all candy azz crap.

At the time I made the request, I was already experienced with doing approaches without dogs on walking paths. It's debatable if dogs would even help me in getting attention on approaches. It is possible to do approaches in a park or on a walking path without having a dog.

As a side note, the guy ended up marrying that woman in 2023 (see post below). His wife has some sort of problem with me so I was not invited to the wedding. Between this dog incident and the 2023 wedding incident, it's clear she thinks very little of me. At the time of the dog incident, I had more interaction with her. By the time 2023 had rolled along, I had seen his fiancé in person since prior to the pandemic and my interactions with her had been rather limited over time. I had never said anything offensive to her or done anything offensive so no idea why there was a big problem. In March 2025, I probably have not seen this individual in around 7 years.

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Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
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A dog will probably get you laid more than a cat. There’s a reason they say a dog is a man’s best friend. They’re the ultimate symbol of masculinity, friendship, and devotion, which makes them appealing to others, especially women.

I think if you’re a single man with a cat, people might assume you’re gay, pretentious, or something along those lines.

If you hook up with a woman, don’t expect her to help you out with dog duties like training, walking, feeding, vet visits, or cleaning up after it. The responsibility is all yours.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I don't think cats help that much. Some women consider single male cat owner as a bit unusual.
I've never run into this myself. I think guys are more likely to think cat guys are unusual. Whenever I hear of people who "hate cats", it's almost always some guy, who's a piece of crap to boot. But maybe I'm just drawn to women who are cat people, being a cat person myself.
The bad part of having a cat, or a dog for that matter, is the hair/shedding.
Aug 22, 2024
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For all the dudes in here who own cats or any other kind of pet and have also owned a dog to compare, any experiences on how they stack up?
I had both - generally dogs require more attention (you should walk them out) also you need to wash them from time to time (otherwise their furr will get too oiled & start to stink), both dogs and cats can be cute and act cute. Dogs also need bit more cuddling on average to feel loved.

Dogs are often like human extraverts, they love to have your attention and need it in larger doses. They are very intelligent and often show it.

Cats are more independent, they do not need as much attention (clean comfy litter box is all they require) they have more "distance" need i.e. if cat sits on the chair that is next to you in about 30cm distance, it's equal to dog sitting right next to you in direct proximity. Cats sit on you or lie right next to you if they feel tons of affection to you at the moment (it's not that often). Cats are very affectionate to one owner that takes care of them. Interestingly, some dogs are similar (e.g. German Shepherds). Cats have also more intuitive intelligence (they are on average better in simple abstract issues solving than dogs - but dogs have better short term memory and are better in "linear" thinking if need for abstract thinking is low).

Both dogs and cats act in protective manner around your own children, but cats do significantly worse with other ppl kids or loud acquaintances (they use to evade them like Egyptian plague) while dogs are curious about them and in overall won't act unfriendly to them unless someone shall act in abrasive manner towards dog.

Generally it's good to have a pet, it builds your character and emotional intelligence.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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dogs require more attention (you should walk them out) also you need to wash them from time to time (otherwise their furr will get too oiled & start to stink), both dogs and cats can be cute and act cute. Dogs also need bit more cuddling on average to feel loved.

Dogs are often like human extraverts, they love to have your attention and need it in larger doses. They are very intelligent and often show it.
The work/additional tasks required to own a dog would defeat the purpose of getting the dog for pickup purposes.

It's better for a man to own a dog if he's passionate about the idea of dog ownership.

For men who want the dog as a pickup prop, there are 2 options....

1. Try to borrow a friend or a family member's dog: I tried this. I ended up dealing with a beta male acting like a wimp and his then-girlfriend's helicopter dog mom attitude. I think many men could have similar experiences. From my bad experience looking to borrow a dog, I would only recommend borrowing from a male friend who lives alone, a similarly aged male family member who lives alone, or a parent(s). If one's parents are local and still together, a grown man's mom is less likely to raise objections. A similarly age male friend/family member with a girlfriend/wife is more likely to raise objections.

2. Start a dog walking side hustle: This might be able to work (haven't tried it), but I can imagine overprivileged, bougie Gen Y/Millennial women taking even more of an attitude with a paid dog walker about dog care than my beta male friend's girlfriend took about me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I wonder about reptiles - snakes and such.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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I think some dating coach, maybe Alex from PWF should do an experiment around this. Have profiles of guys with a cat and then others of guys with a dog to see how they perform. Throw in a rabbit or exotic pet in the mix too for another group of profiles.

My theory is that dog pics and guys using dogs are so overplayed that women see right past it. Like yesterday when I was out, a dude brought his Husky to the venue I was at and was clearly trying to get laid from it. Most women ignored it, a freaking Husky!

Perhaps a guy with a cat or other pets just stands out more because most guys would not do it but I could be off.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
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I wonder about reptiles - snakes and such.
I wanted to get a tarantula a while back, but after researching, I learned they can live up to 25 years, roughly a quarter of a lifetime. I decided I couldn’t commit to that.

Anecdotally, most women hate spiders so I wouldn’t say the tarantula would be a party dropper.


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2024
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I feel cat pictures always denote a guy who is trying too hard
You are a man, remove your feelings out of the equation. This is you prjecting your insecurities about what the other person will think. Whay would she think you are trying too hard? Because that's what you have in your mind.

A dog looks more natural.
According to who? You?

And I am saying this as a guy who only owns a cat.
Then clearly you're not proud of your cat, because if your not posting it because of what women may think, you are totally in her frame. "Let me not put my cat on apps because women will think I'm trying too hard" WTF is that man?

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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I've only had dogs and horses in my pics. I can tell you that a horse is a very powerful thing for attacting women.
Riding a horse I imagine? That actually sounds pretty awesome.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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I had a puppy in junior year of college and he was a chick magnet. They all wanted to puppy sit. I was one of the most popular people on campus (it wasn’t a big school). But the amount of ass I got off that pooch was ridiculous. He was fun as a dog too but he became substantially less useful in the chick department.

But to anyone looking to get a dog, I would recommend making sure you spend all the time you can in well trafficked areas with that puppy while you can, it works.