I don't think cats help that much. Some women consider single male cat owner as a bit unusual.
@zekko mentioned, it might help if you can get a woman over to your place. The bigger challenge is getting the woman over to your place.
I could see rabbits having a similar effect as cats. There's less stigma on male rabbit owners. It could help on your swipe app profiles, but being 6'0"+, muscular/fit, or flaunting money will help far more than rabbit on a swipe.
In terms of animal pics or using animals as a prop for real life approaching, dogs are still king.
I do not own a dog. I'm not interested in the responsibilities associated with dog ownership.
There was one time where I asked to borrow a friend's dog as a prop to do approaching on a common walking path in my city. My friend told me that his live in girlfriend objected to my request, fearful that I would be too irresponsible to walk a dog and too focused on meeting women with it. Supposedly if the dog got hurt, the girlfriend would blame my friend and that would cause a breakup. He'd have to find new sex and he didn't want to do that. Therefore, I was not allowed to borrow the dog for pickup.
I thought that was a rather beta way of handling the request. To me, this was all candy azz crap.
At the time I made the request, I was already experienced with doing approaches without dogs on walking paths. It's debatable if dogs would even help me in getting attention on approaches. It is possible to do approaches in a park or on a walking path without having a dog.
As a side note, the guy ended up marrying that woman in 2023 (see post below). His wife has some sort of problem with me so I was not invited to the wedding. Between this dog incident and the 2023 wedding incident, it's clear she thinks very little of me. At the time of the dog incident, I had more interaction with her. By the time 2023 had rolled along, I had seen his fiancé in person since prior to the pandemic and my interactions with her had been rather limited over time. I had never said anything offensive to her or done anything offensive so no idea why there was a big problem. In March 2025, I probably have not seen this individual in around 7 years.
I attended a recent social circle gathering with both friends and acquaintances. These are the men who have been half of the equation of all of these recent pregnancies/births that have been detailed in this thread. It is rare to get the majority of this main group together. This social circle...