How do I win her back?

Le Croissant

New Member
Jan 1, 2007
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Cebu, Philippines
Hey guys,

It's my first time using this forum (just stated the obvious! :p )

Anyways, my girlfriend just broke up with me on new years eve. She told me that we didn't have the right chemistry. She sent it to me through sms. She's on her vacation right now and hasn't been replying 'cause of parties.

She told me that I'm "too formal" and that she hasn't heard any other teen say "savor" in a restaurant is an example.

I've just received another sms saying that she wants both of us to be together again in the future -- when we can have a family. I think that's pretty ironic.

Although I have no problem meeting girls and getting them to like me, I want to be with her (they say I'm a good conversationalist and stand out from the crowd :D ). I'm not in it for sex or anything. I just want to be with her.

Thanks in advanced Don Juans!
Le Croissant


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
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Ok let me put it into perspective for you if you really want this girl. She dumped you because you are too formal and is out partying. So she is looking to go crazy and have fun. But now she wants to get back with you later. What this looks like is your ex is having a "fling" but wants you to wait for her for an undetermined amount of time till she is ready. I have several friends who have gone through this. Girls with commitment issues will go on little flings like this and then come crawling back keeping you on hold. If she comes back you have to make sure to look her in the eyes and ask her if shes back for real this time. Personally I wouldn't take it buddy. Remember as a DJ you are the prize and she is gonna have to fight through heaven and hell to get you back. Whatever you decide goodluck.

Le Croissant

New Member
Jan 1, 2007
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Cebu, Philippines
Kamikazi1231 said:
Ok let me put it into perspective for you if you really want this girl. She dumped you because you are too formal and is out partying. So she is looking to go crazy and have fun. But now she wants to get back with you later. What this looks like is your ex is having a "fling" but wants you to wait for her for an undetermined amount of time till she is ready. I have several friends who have gone through this. Girls with commitment issues will go on little flings like this and then come crawling back keeping you on hold. If she comes back you have to make sure to look her in the eyes and ask her if shes back for real this time. Personally I wouldn't take it buddy. Remember as a DJ you are the prize and she is gonna have to fight through heaven and hell to get you back. Whatever you decide goodluck.
Thanks a lot Kamikazi.

I guess your right. She fought a couple of girls for me before we broke up. This just made the excitement and uncertainty. Now if I can put that back... hmmm?

She told me that she knows in the future that she can accept me as I am and also start a family with me. Am I only marriage material? :confused:


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
"I want to fvck other guys at the moment, but if you wait for a long long time me, I'll marry you! Oh, and I dont' love you, and never will."

Run for the Hills my friend. If she doesn't want to be with you now, then it doesn't take much thought to figure out that yeah, if she isn't willing to be with me now, then I should move on to other girls that'll date me.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
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You made a mistake right from the start. Even the title of the thread implies this.

"How do I win her back?"

Just think about it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
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"How do I win her back?" is not that right mindset. That is an AFC mindset. DJ's don't win girls back. DJ's have girls trying to win him back. Get your mindset right.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2005
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There is no winning her or anyone else back. You don't go out with exes.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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Halt all communications with her. Get other ladies... nail them.... go out with the hottest you can possibly find. This hor will be jealous...

Le Croissant

New Member
Jan 1, 2007
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Cebu, Philippines
BluEyes said:
You made a mistake right from the start. Even the title of the thread implies this.

"How do I win her back?"

Just think about it.
You're right! She should be running after me. That means I should start flirting with more girls and make her realise "That should have been me". I should establish myself as the PRIZE!

Still, I just want her. To me there's no other girl, but I'm just sure I'm just love sick! :p

I still need to adapt to her personality though.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
You'll get over her bro and I bet she will want you back once she sees you with all the ladies and then its your choice. If you still want her at that time do what kamikazi said. But you gotta meet other girls theres plenty of fish in the sea. You definitley shouldn't be the one waiting for her.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
She's a goner. Perhaps you two may meet in a second life, "We don't have chemistry" is the last thing you want to hear from a girl.

Any attempt to win your love back is her keeping you on a leash, tormenting you. She wants attention, like all young women. Remain friends, date other women and never let her get to you.

This is the only way.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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You're Filipino, what Filipino doesn't say formal words like "savor"?... all Filipinos say funny phrases... "close the lights", "close the T.V."


drop this *****es ass. she's hanging you on a hook in her closet... so she can go out and do whatever she wants... guilt-free...

only so she can take you back out of the closet for someone to warm up to and get special attention...

then once you fill her ego back up... back in the closet you go.


she's breaking up with you with a long leash in her hand and the collar around your neck... she's pushing you far enough away but only enough to where the leash stops... so she can pull you back in.


enough metaphors... you should get it.

Le Croissant

New Member
Jan 1, 2007
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Cebu, Philippines
Finally, the internet's back!

Thanks guys for the tips. But damn, it still hurts.

Anyways, I'll be going to a party tomorrow. I'll try to meet this really attractive Korean girl. I just hope the host knows her!

You guys are right. It's like I'm in a leash. I'm sure many of you older guys felt this before. It's like someone stabbing you in the heart 32 times. How do you guys deal with it?

Le Croissant


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Le Croissant said:
Finally, the internet's back!

Thanks guys for the tips. But damn, it still hurts.

Anyways, I'll be going to a party tomorrow. I'll try to meet this really attractive Korean girl. I just hope the host knows her!

You guys are right. It's like I'm in a leash. I'm sure many of you older guys felt this before. It's like someone stabbing you in the heart 32 times. How do you guys deal with it?

Le Croissant
We don't let them stab us 32 times. When you experience enough blades, you figure out that when girls act stupid on you, you just say to yourself, "There's nothing wrong with me. She's doing this to herself, and she'll miss out because of it". So, when it's all said and done, it's NOT YOU that gets hurt, it's her when she finally realizes you aren't there to catch her for her misdeeds.

That, and never get attached, at least, not until you know for sure, years and years down the road. If you don't have your whole heart set on this girl, then there's no way she can hit it with her various collection of rare and antique knives. I'm not saying, to not get attached, it's perfectly fine to care, but once you cross over the line between caring and keeping yourself dis-tached at the same time, and falling for her, you better make damn sure she's not going to snank you in the back or something later on.

Basically, you're analying her over the years and years for TRUST. If you can't TRUST her with your heart, because she's UNFAITHFUL or UNSATISFYING in one department or another, then it'd be about time to use this biatch for the wacky ride and move on.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
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Los Angeles baby!
you can't win her back bro, just move on man


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2006
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Le Croissant said:
You're right! She should be running after me. That means I should start flirting with more girls and make her realise "That should have been me". I should establish myself as the PRIZE!
I understand where your coming from bro, but this sentence right here just reeks of desperation. Forget about her, don't make her run after you, dont make her jealous, just cut all contact and move on with your life.

Also, you should always be flirting with other girls, theres no harm in a little flirting here and there. Just because your "tied down" with a gf doesnt mean you have to stop living life and having fun.

It's good to see you are trying to get over her and want to move on with your life though, so just go out, have a good time, maybe pick up some girls and be a man.:up:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Oregon, USA
Hey man,

Im just posting to show you support. My girlfriend (now ex) split about 3-4 months ago back in september. It was hard for the first couple of weeks but after the pain heals a little you start becoming stronger as a person. If you dont already, try to work out and get a gym membership. If money is a problem, dont worry, jog for a little bit. Get your ipod,cdplayer,radio thing, and just run for a few hours, push ups in the morning (wake up a little early).

those are just suggestions.

But dont sweat it, it hurts for someone who you meant a lot to you to walk out of your life but you are only in highschool. So this is the time you toughen up, bulk up, cheer up, and get strong as a person.

everyone on this site will tell you, that when your feeling good about everything you do, people see you differently, especially girls.

anyways, thats my ramble.



Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
You can always win an ex back. Just do what you did in the first place.

Too many people change their approach once the girl is with them. Bad idea. If anything, you should turn it up a notch. Sure, you'll be spending maybe a little more time with them. Sure, you'll be more "affectionate" but that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep playing the "game" with them. Gotta keep the interest boys.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Skilla_Staz said:
You can always win an ex back. Just do what you did in the first place.

Too many people change their approach once the girl is with them. Bad idea. If anything, you should turn it up a notch. Sure, you'll be spending maybe a little more time with them. Sure, you'll be more "affectionate" but that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep playing the "game" with them. Gotta keep the interest boys.
I don't know about you, but I don't run back to women. The reason a woman dumps you is because of what you're doing. I don't think going back to what you were doing is going to help at all

Even more important is the principal, though. There are plenty of women out there. Running back to older women who have rejected you rarely works. On top of that it's plain pathetic! Be your own man. I'm sure you have more going on with your life than does she. Get on with it.