How do I proceed (with my ex)?


New Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Well, at first I'll share "the breakup" story:

"I loved my girl and she loved me back. We had been together for like 1,5years. One day she got this free training lesson flyer from a gym close to home. She was thinking of not going, and i was like pushing her to it. I said it could be good for her cuz i love to train. Well, she listened to me and went. She liked it and signed up at the gym and started training regulary. 3 weeks after the first training lesson she told me that she hadn't got the same feelings for me any longer and it would be wrong to continue. This came like lightning from clear sky. 1 week earlier we had just been laying in bed and she told me that she would have given up life if she hadn't had me (she has experienced alot of family & work related problems, which i helped her through). But suddenly everything we had said and done together didn't matter any more. I tried to make her come to senses, but she had made her mind. She wouldn't give me a second chance. I packed my things and moved home to my parents totally heartbroken. Some days later I found out she was dating the training instructor. Yeahyy, great!! F**** *****!!! Absolutly incredible."

So thats the story, now 1 month and 3 weeks has pasted since the breakup. I've sent her two letters during this time (together with picture cd's from our vacations). In the letters I wrote how decieved I felt and so on... I haven't talked to her at all, but last day I got a letter where she explained the abscense of communication from her side. She said that she didn't want me to get more hurt and that she didn't break up because of the new guy, but because she just didn't feel I gave her enough attention (!!). However, i don't know what to believe... I feel she have some right in saying that cuz of the way she is (she is very needy and wants to be in center all the time, thats just her personality, and no days has passed in 1,5years without talking to her).

Well, it's complicated. I still miss her like crazy from time to time. But what should i do now? I'm thinking every day about sending her a text message explaining I would never talk to her again cuz she has totally ****** me up! I respect her decision, but she has no respect when she starts dating a guy just days after the breakup, I thought she was a "better" person than that. And that I thought she wanted to keep me as a friend (after 1,5years) and she has now ****** that up too. I know this isn't the way to go, but I need to get it out in some way. How should I proceed? It's christmas, should I send her some kind of message? Or just ignore her? Are there any ways that I can turn this situation half around? Should I act like Im already over her? I just want her to feel the loss. hehe, I sound like a crazy guy when I write this, but I can assure you Im not, im sure others have felt the same "anger" :)


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
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Next her man,don't let her get to you.And what's all this about "I respect her decision, but she has no respect when she starts dating a guy just days after the breakup" , you were not married or something and she became a widow.And by the way,she was dating him before the breakup.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
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Wine Country, Ca
NO you don't send her a message!
NO you don't send her a card!
NO you don't call her!
NO contact what so ever!
She treated you like CRAP! Why would you want to go back to her so she could do that again?????????

What you do is go out and find another girl to date. Living well is the best revenge.
This new guy won't be nearly as fun as she thinks he will be. He'll be very critical of her body. (As a trainer's GF she has to look perfect all the time. It's a matter of pride for him.) She'll also get jealous of all the other women he trains, she'll be FIGHTING to keep his attention. And if he's a good trainer, he'll have to work alot, so he won't have a lot of time for her either.

She'll realize her error, but by that time you'll be over her and on to another girl!
Mar 18, 2006
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How many times have we heard this story??? LMS shakes head...girl uses dude in times of need and then dumps him for another dude and then blames the dude for not giving her enough attention!!!!

Don't believe her crap - she is putting the guilt on you as IF YOU did something wrong!!! HUH????

Why do you want to go back to this liar and deceiver?? Quit being a fool -- she already got banged from this dude a dozen times already!!!! And now you want to write her a love letter???? Don't be so silly!!!!!!

Why you bastards get so emotionally tied to these hors I would never know - like I always say and it is always true -- you were just the next pimp in line!!!!!!!!!!!!! Devote yourself to your wife and no other girl!!!!

Stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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Last Man Standing said:
How many times have we heard this story??? LMS shakes head...girl uses dude in times of need and then dumps him for another dude and then blames the dude for not giving her enough attention!!!!

Don't believe her crap - she is putting the guilt on you as IF YOU did something wrong!!! HUH????

Why do you want to go back to this liar and deceiver?? Quit being a fool -- she already got banged from this dude a dozen times already!!!! And now you want to write her a love letter???? Don't be so silly!!!!!!

Why you bastards get so emotionally tied to these hors I would never know - like I always say and it is always true -- you were just the next pimp in line!!!!!!!!!!!!! Devote yourself to your wife and no other girl!!!!

Stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
