how do i play this??


Don Juan
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
I'd taken quite a spill from the ljbf that i got from my oneitis. After spending alot of time on here, I'm happy to say I've finally got the "i could give a rats ass" attitude. I was afc in may, dj by july. it took a while and i had some growing pains, but I'm a better man for it. Just wanted to say thanks to the Masters and anyone else who helped.

I got a quick question though.....a girl that ljbf'ed me a long time ago has suddenly shown some interest in me again i started sunday, when i went bowling with a group of friends. i thought it was gonna be a guys night but she showed wasn't any big deal though. i was myself, and i pulled my usually c/f that i would on any chick now. some dip dropped a 14lb ball on my foot, and as one can imagine i was in alot of pain....i went to the back to try and walk it off. most of the guys came up to check on me, laugh, slap me on the back and tell me to hurry up....but the girl who ljbf'ed me wouldn't leave me was like i had a little dog following me, constantly asking me if i was ok...finally i turned around and snapped at her cuz she was annoying the hell out of me...she went and sat back down, but routinely looked back at me for some reason. i left early without saying a word to her....monday she calls to see if i want to go bowling on tuesday and i tell her im busy but our other friends are open so why not ask them....she says oh well then she guesses she wont go, so she checks to see what im doing wednesday.....i hint that im busy again and wrap the convo this a renewal in interest, and if so how do i play it? i mean she hott but she can be boring and almost annoying sometimes....thanks for any advice.....

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by ohbeast
finally i turned around and snapped at her cuz she was annoying the hell out of me...

is this a renewal in interest, and if so how do i play it?

i mean she hott but she can be boring and almost annoying sometimes....thanks for any advice.....
Don't be dumb, of course it's a renewal of interest. What else could it be? Are you bloody stupid or what?

Ok, so the above is snapping at you - you just did the same to her. Think it helped the way you feel about me? Well, it didn't help her either.Just don't treat her badly (snapping) if she's a little annoying. Her motivation was concern for you.

Now down to the important matter - do you like her at all? You say she's hot? So what's the problem with having some fun with her company? Just don't treat her badly and enjoy yourselves.



Don Juan
May 13, 2003
Reaction score

First thanks for the post....can i be dumb?? absolutely. but let me explain my reasoning here....this girl was flaky the first time through. why shouldn't i watch my back? as for snappin at her, it was prolly just in the moment....i mean 14lbs had been dropped on my't expect me to be in the best mood. the other guys didnt hound me...they told me to walk it off and hurry the hell up! i needed to be left alone, not grilled. but i get your idea anyway....thanks again....

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
I was just trying to needle you slightly :)

Of course she's flaky - so go get some of her and enjoy it but be wary :)


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
I'm surprised you didnt break your foot bro, i remember once i got my finger slammed in between them when the balls come up the recieving area?

holy F**K that hurt..

anyways..careful with this one..."Enjoy" her but watch how you enjoy her..especially if shes a flake.