How do I pick up chicks in this type of situation (university... w/ some slight issue


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Alright so I've been in this university now for 2+ months and while the university is a commuter campus I actually live on residence. The thing is I kinda slightly ****ed up initially by not being as social as possible, but I've still made friends on residence and hang out with a group of people everyday. The thing is I didn't really do enough as far as getting involved with girls. The thing about my university is it's located in a big city and like 95% of the people who go there commute and already seem to know people from high school. Another thing about my school is that its serious(although there are definately hot girls around) so basically the only times I can really talk to a girl is when they are studying in a study room, or walking down the hallway, but since they never seem to be alone and have their own cliques/friends I don't know how to just jump in and introduce myself or whatever. And even in class its kinda wierd now since its 2 months in. What tips do you guys have for this kinda of situation and introducing myself to a girl and getting her number or something? Basically the only IOIs I get are when a girl makes eye contact or does some sort of positive body language as we pass each other in the hall, but how do I approach in this kind of situation.

Since school is so far in it feels kind of wierd to just approach people. Any tips/pointers?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
You got to work your way past your fear of approaching. When you're walking around campus, try smiling and saying hi to random people. Maybe even stop to have a chat. It doesn't have to be just the hot chicks, but maybe another stranger classmate. Go out and meet people, it's not awkward, it's intimidating. Don't give into the intimidation.

Mr Spitfire

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
DJ goes beyond simply getting girls to want to **** you. Make female friends. Just a few but go for the social ones. Don't want them at all just want to be their friend.

You have to keep the standard DJ prinicples in mind. Treat them like the girls you want to get with but you don't have a plan to get them. This is how you network. When you see your new friends you can introduce yourself to the group. Just don't hang around too much at once. You have to let people get acclimated to you.

Be busy like the DJ that you are. You have other things to do. You will be invited places. Show up late to things that don't matter, leave early. Talk to as many people as possible, listen, ask questions don't be too intrusive but don't be boring. Drop out of the conversation for a while let everyone else talk then say your final comments on whatever is being discussed and bail. Don't be formal about leaving, talk as you are walking away and don't say bye or see you later unless someone else does.

Its that simple.


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Rather than just randomly approaching girls. Start dressing better, workout and **** like that. Put yourself in a location where females frequent and observe which girls are checking you out.

When u catch a girl checking u out smile and approach. It doesnt matter what u say just start the conversation. Pay attention to her body language and nonvebal cues.

Repeat as needed


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
What should I do in classes though? Like big lecture halls with alot of seats.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
^ ^ Walk in, soak in the atmosphere and sit near some hot girls or a group of girls that seem chatty and social and then just open the group..

YOU: Hey, is this the cool section ?? I'm new here, help me out



New Member
Nov 4, 2006
Reaction score
Meath, Ireland

Yep, I was in a similar situation,(and still am to some extent). Just a couple things that helped me with this kind of thing.

First of all, if you assume that everyone "already knows people from high school" this will impact your confidence in introducing yourself to new people. You might feel that these groups are already established and that it will be difficult to become a member of the circle of friends. I assumed this when I first got to college, and it seriously affected me making friends. When, I got over it, however, and I got to know people better, I learned that NOONE knew each other in high school. They were just socially skilled to the point where they could seem best friends with someone in a couple of days. It may be true in some cases, but don't assume it for everyone.

Also, if you're in college, you may be required to work in groups sometimes. For one project I was paired with a hot girl. I was nervous at first, but as I got to know her, this improved my confidence considerably when talking to any girl. Essentially, however, you have to get lucky for this to happen, but what I want to convey is that if you're lucking enough for this to happen, make the most of the situation. It will help you to approach any girl.

Another technique I used is to try and place yourself in situations when a girl you like will be alone (i.e. not with her friends). I always found that when talking to a girl with other people around, my confidence would be shattered because I was afraid that the people around her would realise 'what I was up to' i.e trying to get in with her. Also, I was embaressed to show interest in a girl around other people (especially other girls, they can smell this a mile away). Although this technique is effective, its hard to pull off. You dont know when you'll get the chance

Hope this helps:rock: