How do I get her into bed?


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island
I've been hooking up with this girl for almost 6 months now. We hang out at least 2-3 times a week and whenever we're together we have heavy makeout sessions and grouping, etc. But I feel like there's a glass wall between us when it comes to sex. This girl isn't very good with boys. By that I mean she's had two boyfriends her whole life and even though she's very attractive, she never flirts; no kino, no sexual inuendo. I'm the one that always initates it. I have the benifit of being very close with her bestfriends and they tell me she's always been like that around guys. So how do I get her comfortable enough to come over my house, or go to hers?
Thanks for your help!


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
You take her hand and put it down your pants when you are making out. If its up to you then you must do it. It sounds like she wants to be lead sexual so do it.

I'm Joe Dirt

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
A couple of things would be helpful for any advice giving:

1. What are your ages (totally different advice if she is 25 than if she is 18 or 16 etc.)

2. Do you get any privacy (could be she doesnt feel comfortable in some settings)

3. Are you carrying protection (condom not a gun)

4. Are you officialy bf/gf or just a fling. You said you've been "hooking up" so what does that mean. Relationship or you call her whenever you wanna make out?


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Have you managed to get her shirt off? That usually speeds things WAY up. Rub her sides while making out, get her shirt further and further up, tease her a bit with it, then get it off.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
drug her and drag her ;) just kidding, just keep working on it my man. Ya know just touch her more try taking the clothes off fingering, shyt like that

El' Waynos

Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
During the make out session, slowly but firmly rub her crutch through her jeans/panties etc...

If her breathing speeds up and she kisses you like she wants you, then its time to take her home and get your tongue into those panties..

If she squirms or pulls your hand away its time to evaluate the situation


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Just keep going until she says NO, ignore your negative thoughts and do what you want to do. Thats the only way you'll find out if she feels the same.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island
OK im 20 and she's 19. About a month ago me, her, my friend and her friend all went to a bar got real drunk and then went to the beach and made out till the sun came up. That night was the furthest I got with her. I took her bra off, had my hands all over her body. While we were making out I started creeping my hands down her pants but right before I got in there she mummered no. So I blew past it and just kept making out. While this is happing she's grapping my junk and then sits on my lap and starts grinding me. So I know she wants it but I'm not sure what setting will make her comfortable.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island
O and we're not offically bf/gf. She doesn't hook up with anyother guys, she doesn't even have any guy friends. I think she just has some more walls I need to break down to get her to feel comfortable with a commitment with me. But we sometimes we hang out and just have fun and don't even make out, othertimes we get real ****ed up and have "goodtimes"


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island
Soprano said:
extasy usually sets the mood
Yeah I perfer to do it the real way, not use drugs for a crutch


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Have you tried using standard techniques?

Movie with no where to set but the bed.

get her to "chase" you a little. Try 2 steps forward, one back. When you kiss her start to pull back and make her chase you with kiss and especially with the tongue. You have to do this in very small ways.
When on top of her let your leg sit on her crotch.
She will groove against this to get stimulation
LMR will most likely come when touching the breasts or trying to get
inside the panties. Be prepared for it. In this case, use the Evil hand
routine and try to get past it. If nothing else works, you will have to
freeze her out and hope it works. I guess you could also try an erotic
massage (read up on this), but I've only done this and teasing with
afeather on girls I had previously cavemanned into submission.

You should also show her cool pictures to build value before doing this.
Show her race cars you worked on, pictures of you and your buddies
doing cool stuff, or anything you think adds value to your personality.

If she is of age let her have some wine. That gives her an excuse why it happens. Caviar sucks, I dont recommend it. Get some Gyros in a box at
Shnucks since it seems to impress women and requires 0% skill. If you do caviar just give her a little bit so she doesn't have to eat enough to realize it tastes like salty jello.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island
everywomanshero said:
Have you tried using standard techniques?

Movie with no where to set but the bed.

get her to "chase" you a little. Try 2 steps forward, one back. When you kiss her start to pull back and make her chase you with kiss and especially with the tongue. You have to do this in very small ways.
When on top of her let your leg sit on her crotch.
She will groove against this to get stimulation
LMR will most likely come when touching the breasts or trying to get
inside the panties. Be prepared for it. In this case, use the Evil hand
routine and try to get past it. If nothing else works, you will have to
freeze her out and hope it works. I guess you could also try an erotic
massage (read up on this), but I've only done this and teasing with
afeather on girls I had previously cavemanned into submission.

You should also show her cool pictures to build value before doing this.
Show her race cars you worked on, pictures of you and your buddies
doing cool stuff, or anything you think adds value to your personality.

If she is of age let her have some wine. That gives her an excuse why it happens. Caviar sucks, I dont recommend it. Get some Gyros in a box at
Shnucks since it seems to impress women and requires 0% skill. If you do caviar just give her a little bit so she doesn't have to eat enough to realize it tastes like salty jello.

Ok first what is LMR? On the topic of cars and friends I don't need to worry about that. She always compliements me on being so social because whenever we gome somewhere I happen to run into 2 or 3 people that know me. I drive a an '82 Trans Am that I worked on which she loves so that's in the bag. But reguardless I do have pics like that in my room. The wine and cavier thing doesn't feel like it would work. She not the type of girl who could appreciate it. She's more of a Long Island Ice Tea type of chick. In fact one of the things we have in common is an unquenchable thrist for alcohol.

See most of the night's end up with us being outside of my house or her's making out but she never invites me in or wants to come in to my house. I tryed asking her to come over when I have friends over to make her feel more comfortable but it hasn't worked yet.

I think I just need a way to make her want it so bad that that animal instinct comes out of her.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
iluvfemales said:
But I feel like there's a glass wall between us when it comes to sex. This girl isn't very good with boys. By that I mean she's had two boyfriends her whole life and even though she's very attractive, she never flirts; no kino, no sexual inuendo. I'm the one that always initates it. I have the benifit of being very close with her bestfriends and they tell me she's always been like that around guys. So how do I get her comfortable enough to come over my house, or go to hers?
Why do you want to deal with that? This coy little girl crap quickly becomes unamusing. I hate when they sit back and expect you to do everything because "you're the man." She sounds BORING.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island
mrRuckus said:
Why do you want to deal with that? This coy little girl crap quickly becomes unamusing. I hate when they sit back and expect you to do everything because "you're the man." She sounds BORING.
That's a good point and with that come's my delima. Half off me wants to stick with it just for the satisfaction of acomplishing my goal of getting her in the sack, but the other half says ditch the *****. But when I go cold on her and don't call her then she hit's me up and wants to do stuff. My plan is that if by next month (my 21st bday) she doesn't get in bed with me, then I'm cutting it off. I'd like to accomplish my goal by then (it would be a kick ass present).

El' Waynos

Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Man if you have the papper then rent a hotel room for a night, doesnt have to be 5* but somewhere where you can take her to dinner before hand.. few drinks etc then boom.. what excuse does she have for not riding you if you are all alone in a hotel?