How do I escalate this?


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
I've been posting these threads about my "roommate dilemma", but it's really not a dilemma since there's really no decision to be made.

I'm only here to ask, "how?". I'm not very good at this, and in the past she was the one who was more agressive. Any time I'd take the initiative, she'd recoil and leave.

As a matter of fact, I'm probably an anomaly to her. I'm physically the polar opposite of the guys she's dated in the past. They've all been skinny/small and non-threatening, I'm a "beast" (her word) and "intimidating" (again, she called it). I've known a couple of them, and they seemed overly emotional (I heard the one guy cried all the time), while I can contol myself, or in extreme cases, hide things until I'm alone. It's a trait I picked up from my dad. She does a lot of playful hitting, and she told me I'm the only guy who ever hits her back. Playfully, of course.

Maybe she doesn't understand why she likes me.

Anyhow, last week I probably showed a little more interest than usual after a night of drinking. Not that I verbalized anything, but she said not to "worry" as she was going to bed, after she saw the look of disappointment on my face. She seemed awkward around me for the next few days, but I acted like nothing happened. We went out Saturday with some friends. I could tell she was already tired before we left the apartment.

Back at our friends place, we both did a little wierd flirting. Hidden so our friends wouldn't notice it so much. She'd play footsie with my leg, and I'd tickly her toes. She told me to smell her finger, so I stuck my finger up her nose. After she returned that favor, I stuck my hand down her pants, slide my finger down her asscrack, and told her to then "smell MY finger". "Mmm... smells like my ass.". She kept falling asleep though, so I took her home, and only said "goodnight" and went straight to my room. In addition to being extremely tired, she's on her period, so I figured not to bother.

Yesterday, when I came home, she was getting things out of her car, and hadn't noticed me. I decided to sneak up on her like a ninja. When I suddenly materialized in front of her she let out the funniest scream I've ever heard! She was really pissed for a while afterwards... :whistle:

Later on I was in my room getting ready to go to the gym. She asked if she could come in and pick out a movie to watch while I was gone. I don't know if it was my tone of voice as I was suggesting movies (I was tired), the lighting, the way my room smells, or just the fact that I was hovering over her like a hawk, but she said I was making her feel wierd. Of course when she said this I was on the other side of my room, preoccipied with something else, so I responded with a "huh?", and she said "oh, nothing".

So... I don't know where her interest level is at. Even if I did, I wouldn't know what to do. Her ASD kicks in right away, and she always pulls the "I'm tired/going to my room." line. How do I break through this without making things awkwark, should she still resist?

One other thing, and it's a BIG one:

The other night I ran into one of her friends, who was out on a date or something. She said hi, and left. The next day she sent me a comment on Myspace asking for my phone number, because she wanted to hang out sometime. She also put me in her top 12.

I run into this girl every once in a while. Usually it's when I'm out with my roommate.

The thing is, I slept with this girl a couple of years ago, and when my current roommate found out about it, she gave me months of **** for it. As a matter of fact, I think that everything ****ty we did to each other afterwards was rooted in the fact that I slept with her friend.

So I don't know what to do. I'd feel bad if I completely ignore her request, but I don't want to upset my roommate, since she's the one I'm interested in.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
Man! I guess I need to nut in my own face or post videos of myself ranting like a lunatic on Youtube in order to get any help out of this board. :p

So yesterday I was out running some errands, and I received a text from her. She asked me what I was doing. I thought it was odd that she'd text me out of the blue on a Monday night. I told her I was just out at the store, and asked what was up. She replied back that she just wanted to bug me, and asked me to pick up some beer. I got home an hour later, and wouldn't you know it, she was taking a nap. (she gets up at like 7 every morning, and stays up late sometimes)

By the time she woke up, my other roommate and her boyfriend came home. It was another night of sitting around exchanging glances, and shakey voices. Then she went to bed.

I was pretty drunk, so for whatever reason I texted her that I wanted to ask her something, but didn't get the chance. She was still awake, and asked me what was up, and why I was being vague, so I just told her I wanted to talk to her when the other roommate wasn't around.

She comes home from class in a few hours, and I have no idea what I'm going to say. My other roommate invited me out for drinks, so I might just make myself scarce before she comes home, and deal with it tomorrow.

If I do talk to her, I'm probably going to be blunt with her, and tell her about her friend asking me for my number, but tell her I'd rather not give it to her, as I might upset her. Or I could just tell her that I flat out want to **** her.
