How Disinformation is Spread Throughout the Internet.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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I recall driving home 1 night, listening to a talk show about a woman who's sole job it was to drag pedophilical predators out into the light. She worked under the ruse of being a 14 y.o girl, sometimes 11, or 12, depending on her perpetrator. However, this woman was 65 and retired, so to speak. She worked for the government and big business in various private investigative roles. Her name on the program was "rose", as she could not divulge her name to the public, nor endanger her family or herself but losing her anonymity.

This sort of work goes on all the time via the net. This elderly woman, who had spark of life in her, used her 30+ years experience and the assistance of her own grandchildren to learn to emulate young teen girls. She would court these guys FOR months, arrange a meeting place, and the FBI would step in.

That's just one such instance of how disinformation is spread on the internet.

In another vein, much information seen to be COUNTER to the mainstream media, often gains the attention of special interest groups, or even the CIA, which has offices known for their psyops. Since the mainstream media is basically 1 conglomerate known for spreading roughly the same information, the internet resembles the last vestiges of basic communication freedom.

However, work is at hand to change all that, too. Some have heard, some have not, that the gov. is seeking to regulate and even tax the internet, and has worked to pass this legislation by means of a "spam tax" that would charge senders of email .01$ to do so, hopefully mitigating spammers, due to the costs of spamming.

But there's a backdoor to this, and normally, when you believe you''ve fixed one thing, you've really created a greater problem or liability in doing so. By charging users that .01$ and going to a regulated internet that would make this happen, users of the net would then accumulate a history, the likes of which would be deeper, and possibly darker than any file currently in existence for all of us.

To think that this isn't possible, is to place a blind eye on the situation, and allow it to sneak up and bite us (you) in the arse. Alot of people pride themselves on the freedom and creativity of the net, the general anarchy a select few can enact, but the true reality is, the more INTERCONNECTED our world becomes through the use of technology, the greater the LIABILITY that is imposed on society.


As an Example, last night on Lost, Sawyer concocted what is known as a LONG CON. Every event was played out to get what he wanted without directly implicating himself until the last possible second, when he had usurped power. Had he tipped his hand before that moment, he would not have gained, nor would he have been in a position to do anything. His long con was about gaining access to "guns" on an island where the settlers are being threatened by a rival group of strandees. To gain access, another 1 of the island-mates temporarily kidnapped a woman, roughed her up, then left her. She was ok, but what wasn't ok was how victimized the group felt. This pushed the purported leader to take action he felt was right, but was only duped into doing. Eventually the guns fell right into his lap. Nobody saw it coming.

At present moment, the idea that anything like this could be feasible or possible seems a far off cry, perhaps for kids of our own to tamper with. But believe or not, such things are impending doom as the nation focuses on selfish pursuits and neglects the big picture of what COULD, CAN, and WILL happen (along with what's happening).

Nobody knows the sources of posters, any less than myself. On religious, anti-bush group sites, pro-bush sites, etc, disinformation is spread by those trained to do so, because bottom line, what's MORE effective than psychological manipulation? It requires no weapons. No expending of resources. Just docile complacency and acceptance.

I realize politics aren't allowed, and this isn't a political post, more a BEWARE warning. Or BE AWARE. Open your eyes. Abre Los Ojos. As of now, until regulation is a reality and control occurs, freedom abounds. Disinformation occurs from random, anonymous posters, typically trying to blow apart a whol scene. On alternative information sites, it takes the form of labeling people as conspiracy theorists, which has a negative tone. On religious ones, it takes the form of hating the religion, offering untrue factual data, or causing a raucous.

There was a period when even JFK's assassination was believed to be totally the work of Lee Harvy Oswald. Back then, the only evidence to support such a theory was the Zapruda film and theories on the bullett. Today, in this era of camera phones, digitcal cameras, hand held camcorders, there's more ability to capture truth on film (and also alter it) than ever before. Yet, there's more SKEPTICISM about such sources. Why is that?

I post this as pure information to be spread.



Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
When cops do sting operations to catch guys trying to hook up with underage girls, the men they arrest come from all walks of life and many have no prior criminal history. And no, it's not entrapment, I studied that today. Entrapment is hardly ever successful as a defense.