how difficult is it to date HOT women who are under 25, when you are 50+ yrs old?


Don Juan
Jun 15, 2004
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What exactly does it take to do this? I am just thinking about the future. I am a medical student right now...but I don't want to get married. I just want to bang as many chicks as possible and then die. I am ripped as phuc right now, young, tall, pretty good looking, my game is tight as phuc (ive been doing cold approaches and studying this $hit since i was a sophomore in high school) and am on the path toward becoming a getting women has been pretty damn easy for me nowadays, and I want to keep this lifestyle for as long as possible. But I want to know how much more difficult it will get when I get into my late forties and beyond. If I am a doc who makes over a half mill a year, and works out a ton and stays in great shape, is 6'2", has tons of game....would it still be hard as hell to try to phuc 18-25 year olds when im in my fourties, fifties and possibly sixties? Or are men at that age with such "qualities" so rare that it would be a piece of cake?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2008
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Sage advice from an old dude:

You're 27. 50 is 23 years into the future. Life will throw you many curveballs between now and then. So why worry about it now?


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
Andy_Dufresne said:
Sage advice from an old dude:

You're 27. 50 is 23 years into the future. Life will throw you many curveballs between now and then. So why worry about it now?
Yeah, listen to Andy.

At 27, you are getting ahead of yourself here, junior.
A mistake that a lot of you young, self propelled guys make is in believing that lifes road is straight and wide and if you take care of business, then your journey will be smooth .
Well, you are about to discover in the next twenty years that there are many factors which you cannot control but which will impact on your progress.
Take life one day at a time and one girl at a time.

You ever hear that famous quote from John Lennon," Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans".

However to answer your main question - It is very difficult to date young nubile women at 50. Not impossible but difficult.I have dated a couple in the past two years.
However when you get to your golden years you will find that dating some ditzy 20 year old more that once really has no appeal.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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I am not 50 so I can't answer your question but I would imagine it would be pretty hard. If your a big shot doc however you could get regular play with girls 10-15 years younger than you. Listen 50 is 50 and that is not the time to game girls. I mean you could still do it but your best years are behind you.

Its like playing football or basketball. The older you get you lose a little something in the looks department. Can you still play basketball when your 50? Box when your 50? yes but your still past your prime and things will be more difficult.

Hell I am going to be 33 years old in 1 month and I find it slightly harder to game girls 18-22. Imagine when I am 50 its not going to get easier. Very few girls want to date there dad. Even some of these 21-23 year old girls I have dated its like I am only 10-12 years younger than some of there dads.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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I'm always an advocate of older men hooking up with younger women, but even if you are making bank and still look decent, I would think that hot 25-35 yr olds would be a little more realistic than 18-25 yr olds.

Actually, there is a way, but it goes beyond looks and money. You need "rock star" social status. Guys like Gene Simmons can rock the young pu$y 'till they have one foot in the grave, but unless you have the fame, your looks and money are only going to go so far. Women are programmed to turn into zombie h0's when they are in the presence of super high social status- I'm talking the WORLD FAMOUS type. If you can manage to parlay your medical career into a "Dr. Drew" type situation, you might have a shot.

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
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If you can maintain your physique and looks, and have money, then it makes it a bit easier to attract women under 25. You'll attract golddiggers and nutjobs with daddy complexes, but so be it. If you're good looking, groom yourself and dress fashionably well (nice clothes, right fit), you will have younger women find you to be hot. That being said, it doesn't mean they'll all hook up with you, unless they have issues or are lonely.

But this is so true:

jophil said:
when you get to your golden years you will find that dating some ditzy 20 year old more that once really has no appeal.
All too true. I mean, you know how girls squeal when they see their girlfriends out someplace? That gets real annoying. How they love to get sh1tfaced and are forever taking pictures of themselves with their friends. Old hat. They talk mindlessly about petty dribble concerning their lives. That perspective that's dribble comes as you mature and you comprehend their stories about who did what to whom and their angry little reactions as signaling emotional immaturity, which becomes real unappealing unless you want to deal with children all day instead of adults like some sort of kindergarten teacher.

Basically, you're dealing with children who are approaching adulthood but have not matured, kids in grown up bodies who think they're grown up but are just starting to learn to spread their wings and fly and taste the world, whereas by 50 you're finding that women who have acquired that life experience, money, class and smarts, and especially if they've learned some life lessons and applied them, are way much more appealing, if they keep themselves looking hot and stylish. Conversely, if you keep yourself well and remain spirited, they'll find you extremely attractive compared to the all the flabby necked, beer bellied, hair combed over, improperly fitted docker wearing couch potatoes older men mostly become.

You'll be 50 doing mostly 30-somethings and a few hot 40 somethings that have better bodies then many 20 somethings.

Wait a sec... WTF is that "Golden Years"? That's when you're 80.


Don Juan
Jun 15, 2004
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I really appreciate the responses...especially the Drew Peterson response. That guy obviously had nothing else goin on for him except for his personality and it opened up my eyes a lot.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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seth03 said:
I really appreciate the responses...especially the Drew Peterson response. That guy obviously had nothing else goin on for him except for his personality and it opened up my eyes a lot.
Actually, he had something else as well. Status. A cop in a small town has a lot of power. You don't have to be a "rock star", you just have to be a rock star in your own circle. And if you are a 50 year old doctor, in shape, making ten times what everybody else around you makes, you will be fighting the young women off.

When Drew Peterson hit on Stacy, he was 47, she was 17. He asked her if she minded that he was 47. She said something like, "do you mind that I am 17?" This was before any of his notoriety. Now at 54, he has some 23 year old girlfriend who is all in love with him.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
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sf ca
this is something for you to ponder in a decade and a half. my two cents: money, fame, status, and a sociopathic personality will help you with women 20 years younger than you are.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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MrLuvr said:
Actually, he had something else as well. Status. A cop in a small town has a lot of power. You don't have to be a "rock star", you just have to be a rock star in your own circle. And if you are a 50 year old doctor, in shape, making ten times what everybody else around you makes, you will be fighting the young women off.

When Drew Peterson hit on Stacy, he was 47, she was 17. He asked her if she minded that he was 47. She said something like, "do you mind that I am 17?" This was before any of his notoriety. Now at 54, he has some 23 year old girlfriend who is all in love with him.

Actually the place were he was a cop at is about 20 miles from Chicago. I live in Chicago so I have somewhat followed this case. The guy was a cop who met stacy when she was 17 and she used to work nightshift at a hotel. He would stop in and make her feel safe. He did bang some pretty hot 21 year old polish chick who he met at a tanning salon ( this was after he was sort of a celebrity). He also banged a 24 year old with 3 kids I believe who was living with him.

The guy was a cop (If your looking for a job to bang girls this is one of the better ones). He was a good talker aka charming and pretty good looking for his age. However I still think most guys in there 20-30's who have 10 lays under there belt and know the basics would outgame this guy. I know I would.

I would also like to add that banging a girl 15 years younger than you is good. I seen 2 guys at a club not too long ago that were probably about 38-42 and these guys had 2 hot 24 year olds all over them. They were good looking and appeared to have alot of money. I think thats cool.

But when we get past that 20 year mark it looks really odd. I think a 44 year old dating a 21 year old seriously is a little wierd for my taste. Having sex with them is a different story.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
Pull young ones? Yes,but not below 25. They are all about looks-they need to be older to be about accomplishments


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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seth03 said:
... I don't want to get married. I just want to bang as many chicks as possible and then die.
This is the attitude that men have had from time immemorial. But I haven't seen it put so succinctly. :woo:

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
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the great beyond
persistent exaction said:
this is something for you to ponder in a decade and a half. my two cents: money, fame, status, and a sociopathic personality will help you with women 20 years younger than you are.

Yeah you're right.

Also, I can't believe you listen to Joy Division.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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lookyoung said:
But when we get past that 20 year mark it looks really odd. I think a 44 year old dating a 21 year old seriously is a little wierd for my taste. Having sex with them is a different story.
So are we supposed to make our dating choices now based on whether or not it "looks odd" to other people? I think a fat guy with a skinny chick looks odd, a tall girl with a short guy looks odd, and to be even more controversial, many people think a white guy with a black girl looks odd. Then there is the ultimate in "oddness", two guys dating each other. So, what should all these couples do? Stop dating because other people think it looks "weird".

It is funny that in our society today, even the weirdest of sexual couples are celebrated, while a relationship between a man and a woman can be considered "odd" because of a preconceived notion about age differences.


Don Juan
Jun 15, 2004
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MrLuvr said:
So are we supposed to make our dating choices now based on whether or not it "looks odd" to other people? I think a fat guy with a skinny chick looks odd, a tall girl with a short guy looks odd, and to be even more controversial, many people think a white guy with a black girl looks odd. Then there is the ultimate in "oddness", two guys dating each other. So, what should all these couples do? Stop dating because other people think it looks "weird".

It is funny that in our society today, even the weirdest of sexual couples are celebrated, while a relationship between a man and a woman can be considered "odd" because of a preconceived notion about age differences.
Exactly...especially one of the most biologically normal relationships that has lasted millions of years; much older man with a much younger woman. People now have become dumber than our most ancient gorilla ancestors.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
Mr. Me said:
Wait a sec... WTF is that "Golden Years"? That's when you're 80.
Oops, make that "SILVER years".


Don Juan
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Andy_Dufresne said:
Sage advice from an old dude:

You're 27. 50 is 23 years into the future. Life will throw you many curveballs between now and then. So why worry about it now?
Though I appreciate your input, I had so much to say to this and the post below you, but I did not want to appear rude since you did give input and I asked for it. I don't understand how you guys that are far older than me still don't understand the importance of thinking far ahead in life. I've done this ever since i was like 8 years old...and its gotten me so much further than people who only think about what they are going to do tomorrow. Since we could talk about this forever, why don't I take an excerpt from the 48 laws of power:

Plan All the Way to the End

The ending is everything. Plan all the way to it, taking into account all the possible consequences, obstacles, and twists of fortune that might reverse your hard work and give the glory to others. By planning to the end you will not be overwhelmed by circumstances and you will know when to stop. Gently guide fortune and help determine the future by thinking far ahead.