How did I mess this up?


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
Ok so I went to homecoming with this girl who totally wanted me. I was all c&f w/ her during the night and she was responding to it, at the dance she kept pulling herself closer to me when we were dancing & grinding, and we hooked up at an after party. She told me she had a great time and was all for hanging out the next weekend. But then she just totally blew me off and a bunch of my friends have told me she told them she only likes me as a friend. That really pissed me off and I have no interest in her anymore... I just want to know what went wrong. Any suggestions are much appreciated, thanks.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
I think we would need more details on the situation to figure out why what happened, but even then we can only guess the reason because of our previous experiences. Anyway, Don't go chasing after this chick, you will come off real desperate. Start sarging other women, if you run into her, act as if nothing happened. If she says anything about only being friends, you can either tell her your cool with it, or that your not interested in being friends. Either way, you have to show her that you don't need her. This is the only way her interest will come back.


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
Pretty much the EXACT same situation for me. I saw this really cute blonde at a football game. Started talking to her, we started getting close over a month. Started making out, Phone cals, the whole bull****.

She didnt have a homecoming date and she wanted to ask me to go to hers. I asked her and we wen together. Had a great time, Didn't really get too sexual for whatever reason. Just pecks and whatnot.

We played her football team last friday, Long story short. We're huge rival teams and I was on her side with her. My school scored a huge Td late in the game to be in the lead. I started cheering. There fan section got pissed and started cussing me out. I let it go until they kept going with it. So I started screaming back, The typcial highschool ****. Come down here and sat it bs. I called out some kids who were hasseling me. All sat down. One kid came up and grabbed me after they scored a Td and started screaming in my ear. So I shoved him and we started going at it, blah blah blah.

Anyways, I saw that she seemed to be annoyed and said joking comments like " I don't like you anymore". That bull****. She called me later on that night, And I talked to her about some rumors I heard.

Alright so everything was cool, We had plans for sat night. When she got off babysitting. She never called so i called just to see whats up. SHe never picked up. My buddy had to call her for some reason. She picked up for him, she was at a party. Some kids I guess were asking if it was Lewis. My real name that noone calls me by. I use Initials. He said she doesnt have his number so they guessed my name, We;re assumin cause she gave it to them.

anyways, She called me sunday night, I was at a hotel party so I called her back arond 12. DIdnt hear from her. I left her a text yesterday and have yet to hear from her. I'm just letting it go. Balls in her court. But I was really stumped on why we did'nt work out. Maybe she heard about some other girls I was with from her school, I don't know.

I aplogize for the long post, Just was confused on how that ended so abrupetly. Ya know?


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
sh4rk b1t3 said:
TY 4 teh hyjack!!!!!!!!!1111111
Damn, I forgot underclassman are so immature.

I'm just relating to the guy, I know how the hell it goes.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
RestoretheROAR84 said:
But then she just totally blew me off and a bunch of my friends have told me she told them she only likes me as a friend..
My guess is you probably boasted about it with your friends and they happened to discussed it with her or gave her a signal that you're interested in her. Worse yet, they probably try teasing her... try finding the root cause.
I'll act like I did not hear anything from my friends. Maybe she is shy person that does not want your friends to know that she likes you. Next time you see her, act like you normally act around her. You may even want to escallate if you want.