how did i go wrong?


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
ok so i met this girl at a local sports club and we played together for about 1 hour, and afterwards talked with her for about 15 min doing some slight kino. the convo was mainly about herself and she found out im a couple of years younger than her. during the convo it was mentioned that she was going hiking this weekend with friends, and I dubiously? invited myself along. was this a bad play?

i got her # later and today she told me that she can't invite me along because it was suppose to be an all girls day out kinda thing. i think the interest is low because she has been slow to respond to my text. how do i recover? i will be seeing her again next week.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
she was going hiking this weekend with friends, and I dubiously? invited myself along. was this a bad play?
Depends on how you presented it to her.

The Wrong Way
Can I come along with you hiking?

The Right Way
...and how come you haven't invited me to your hike yet? ;)

The second phrase is a playful smart-ass comment, but it serves two purposes. 1) It suggest that she should invite you. 2) It prompts her to give you a reason of why she can or can't invite you.

You can't just push yourself into a woman's schedule. She has to have some willingness on her part to accept you into her life and activities.

how do i recover? i will be seeing her again next week.
Don't chat with her the rest of the week. Pursue other women, but keep open to her if her IL goes up. Also, chat and flirt with other women in her presence. Social Proof has a magical way of getting a woman's IL up.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
Desdinova said:
Depends on how you presented it to her.

The Wrong Way
Can I come along with you hiking?

The Right Way
...and how come you haven't invited me to your hike yet? ;)

The second phrase is a playful smart-ass comment, but it serves two purposes. 1) It suggest that she should invite you. 2) It prompts her to give you a reason of why she can or can't invite you.

You can't just push yourself into a woman's schedule. She has to have some willingness on her part to accept you into her life and activities.

Don't chat with her the rest of the week. Pursue other women, but keep open to her if her IL goes up. Also, chat and flirt with other women in her presence. Social Proof has a magical way of getting a woman's IL up.

Thanks for the advice des. This girl has low self esteem. She sucks big time at badminton and had the birdie hit into her eye a couple of time. We were joking around and she pretty much admits to be incapable. Also she is like 28 with a really hot body but avg face and I just turned 22. I just wanna have some fun with her and I dont think she will consider me for a serious relationship anyways.

There are quite a few girls in the class and some of them have seen me game this girl and kino her. There is this other younger chick who has been eyeing me crazy the past week. I know she is interested and prolly even more so now I hit it off with the hot chick last week. But she is only like a 6.5. How do I play this? Will it looks desperate/sleazy going after other chicks the same way right after I did it to this chick last week? Quite an intricate situation.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Will it looks desperate/sleazy going after other chicks the same way right after I did it to this chick last week?
Women won't be judging you, they'll be judging the woman that you're with. They'll think or say things like "What's he doing with that slvt" or "Why's he talking to that bytch?" She won't bother judging you because she'll be too busy throwing dirty looks and forming nasty opinions about the other woman.