How did I do?


New Member
May 17, 2003
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Hey guys, I have a quick question as to how I did with a girl. I’m in college, and I frequent a computer lab upstairs from a main cafeteria. Anyways, there is this girl, 9HB who I usually see there. I’ve never had any friends that were girls, so I didn’t know what to go up and say to her. I’m around a 8 I think in looks.

Once, I gave her eye contact when she was sitting beside me, and we held it for a while, but I was a chicken shyt and looked away and got very nervous. I see her there sometimes, and she always sits where I can see her in my view, and turns back every once in a while “looking for someone.” I hate myself because I’m a coward when it comes to approaching.

Well, today, when I was in the lab, she came and sat right beside me. After a while, she asked me if I knew where a room was in the downstairs hall. I said no, and told her where she could find out. After around ten minutes, this is what happened. I’m B, and she’s G.

B: So are you new here?
G: Yeah, I’m a junior and got transferred.
B: (continued about classes, then I ask her where she lives, and she lives in the same city as me. She’s also a commuter.)
B: (I assumed she was in the Honors College, and asked this) So, are you going to the lecture tonight at 8:00 p.m.?
G: Well, I’ve already met the person who’s doing the lecture and interviewed her, so I might not.
B: (I was going to ask for her number, but I didn’t want to come off as desperate.)
B: So, nice talking to you and I’ll see you around.

Should I of asked for her number? She’s doing a major COMPLETELY different than mine, so I didn’t really know what else to talk about. I ran out of things to say, so I said goodbye and ran off to another computer lab lol.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2003
Reaction score
You did excellent man, not only were you able to hold a 30 second conversation with her and not catch onto any of her clues, you topped it off by not getting her phone number. Way to go, you are on your way to being a true DJ my friend. Keep up the good work!!!!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Freestyle - I know sarcasm when I read it. You should have used the 'roll eyes' emoticom so that xprezo doesn't get the wrong meaning!

You were too nervous to think about anything else, and thus paralyzed by fear. Yes, you should have asked for her number - you both commute and live in the same area, you should ask her to join you at a 'regular' spot for a soup and sandwich. Her major is not important - you have a lot in common - she wants a man and you want a woman, right?:rolleyes:

Jon E

Don Juan
Jan 17, 2004
Reaction score
You will see her again and when you do talk to her some more. Get to know her a little better then ask for the number.


Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
San Francisco
follow this exactly

B: hey baby what the **** are u doing here
G: excuse me
B: biatch dont make me repeat myself again...i said what the **** are u doing here
G: umm working on a paper
B: thats pretty fvckin funny cuase so am i
G: okay :(
B: Biatch lets go to dinner and get some drinks so i can fvck you later on tonight
G: ummm no

(as she walks away grab her hair and swing her to the floor)

B: biatch dont walk away from me when im talking to you

(as she is on the floor crying)

B: biatch shut up before i kick you a new azzhole
G: boohoo

(after she shuts up)

B: now biatch were gonna get some dinner and youre get up off your ass before i spit on you
G: okay lets go
B: biatch i say when to go...svck me off first


B: Biatch you need practive...suck me off again

works every complaints from my blow up doll