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How could you morons possibly disagree with this?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
hey guys.

Okay, i was having a debate with a group of know-it-all feminist college chicks (haha... chicks....i crack myself up :crackup: ) about the male/female dynamic in the family.

suddenly, one paticularly self-righteous one pipes up: "well, I think its unfair that the man expects the stay-at-home mum to take care of the kids AND do the housework!"

This was met with much agreement from the others.

......WHAT THE F*CK?! Lets look at this logically: not only is the man doing ALL the paid work that supports the family (which includes the wife, who doesn't have to actually support herself thanks to the man), but is working upwards of 8 hours a day routinely. You cannot seriously tell me that the woman spends cumulatively in the taking care of the kids, housework, etc. more than 8 hours a day. holy sh*t, if my wife spent 8 hours a day taking care of our kids and doing the housework, the house would be SPOTLESS, dinner would be extrodinarily good, and the kids would be three grades ahead of their peers.

Is it so unreasonable to expect the woman to do all the unpaid work in the home, if the man does all the paid work? If the paid work is shared equally, thats another story, but in this case how could anyone disagree?

When I pointed this out, she had nothing to say. Haha! Logic Bomb to the f*cking face, BIATCH! :woo:

NYC Dude

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2002
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New York City, USA
Well the fact that she is a stay at home mom should be enough to convince anyone that the mom should take care of whatever is in the home, that being the home, the children, and you.


New Member
Sep 25, 2005
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Originally posted by lebRambo
You cannot seriously tell me that the woman spends cumulatively in the taking care of the kids, housework, etc. more than 8 hours a day. holy sh*t, if my wife spent 8 hours a day taking care of our kids and doing the housework, the house would be SPOTLESS, dinner would be extrodinarily good, and the kids would be three grades ahead of their peers.
Eating bonbons take up a lot of time too!


Oct 25, 2001
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Actually, being responsible for taking care of the kids and the house is not an 8 hour job. It's a 24 hour job. It's also a job that you don't get paid to do, don't get a break or vacation from and never truly get appreciated for doing. It's also a job devoid of any adult company or conversation. Most men don't realize any of this and then don't understand why the woman wants him to help some when he gets home.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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You cannot seriously tell me that the woman spends cumulatively in the taking care of the kids, housework, etc. more than 8 hours a day.
[Kids are] a 24 hour job.
Wyldfire is correct. In fact, it has been estimated it takes approximately 169 hours a week to properly raise a child. The only problem is there are only 168 hours in the week! Now, if you had said, “You cannot seriously tell me that the woman spends cumulatively in the housework, etc. more than 8 hours a day,” I would agree with you.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
Thats what you get for being a mom. Dont ****ing complain about it. Heres a no brainer, if you dont like it then dont have kids.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
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Raising kids is not an 8 hour job lol. You can't just drop them after 8 hours is done and then do your own thing. I've helped raise my brother's kid from ages 2-3 because both him and his wife had to work during that time, and with our parents living in the states, I was the only one who could help (not that I minded, I love the kid).

First of all, you don't have the time to look after a kid, and clean the house while they're still young. When they're 4-5 and can play by themselves, it's easy, but while they're young, you have to constantly look after them, because they're at the age where household objects fascinate them, and you have to make sure they're not grabbing anything dangerous or breaking something. Not to mention the hassle of having your 2 year old see a green Lysol bottle while you're cleaning and crying for 2 f*ckin hours because you wont give it to him. Or the fact that right after you finished cleaning, your kid makes a mess and you have to do it all over again.

Not to mention that you have to feed, and change this kid periodically, and try to get him to sleep so you can actually do something besides looking after him. And when he's asleep, the last thing you want to do is vacuum the house and wake him up (and it's not like you can do it while he's awake, try vacuuming a house in the presence of a 2 year old, and tell me how he/she reacts), not like it matters, because he wakes up anyway, and then it's back to the grind.

Taking care of a kid is by far the hardest job there is. It requires more concentration and more multi-tasking then anything else out there. But it's ok, you're 18, you're not even a fully self-sufficient adult yet, you'll understand this once you get older.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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One day we shall have robot parents who will raise kids in a government institution, so we won't have any of this crap.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by lebRambo
i was having a debate with a group of know-it-all feminist college chicks
I think there is no point in _debating_ or discussing that kin dof stuff with women. Women do not use logic, they don't give a sh*t about your arguments and proof and how well you "presented the case". They are emotional, and they just want to get some emotions out of the dicussion with you. They will lose the discussion with you every time and they will never admit you are right.

If you want to discuss stuff like that go to college discussion group - they at least have rules of a dicussion.
There is absolutely no point in dicussing stuff like that with chicks, especially young chicks.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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perhaps in the first 8 years of this kid's life, yes, it takes more than 8 hours a day to take care of him or her, and yes the husband should be pitching in during this time. But when the child is a little older, and especially when he or she is going to school, the mother doesn't spend sh*t all time with the kid that she wouldn't be spending anyway.


Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
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wow then doen have kidss come on!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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I would liken the family unit to a corporation, where the father or male figure is the CEO making the "big decisions" and the mother acting as manager, making the day-to-day decisions, acting on the instructions of the CEO and watching over the business.

At least that's "my" analogy on a sucessful unit.

A mother's job is AS tough as any man's paid time. They are equivalent. Why? Because a man is just more naturally suited for the corporate world, whereas a woman is more suited for the home-tending world. Not chauvinism, just facts. Always has, always will be.

The only time it sounded like a disgrace to women was when it was "pitched" that a career was much cooler, that possessions much more valuable than good feelings, good people, and good families.

My aunt went to school as a Vet's assistant, then quit to raise 4 beautiful kids. Raising 4 kids RIGHT takes time. HAVING 4 kids is a joke. The question is, what kind of family do you want??

My aunt spends everyday tending to them. Meals. Clothing. Talking to them about subjects such as sex, girls, homework, morals, ethics, religion, and so on. She's there when they wake, and when they come home. She sleeps maybe 6 hours a day or less, often having 1 or all of them fall asleep in her bed at the end of a tiring day. She's love her 'so-called.' Because of her attentiveness and caring, they will always have and always remember a mother who was there like no other. Even as an aunt she is there, and acts like a 2nd mother.

That role is priceless, and is all but forgotten. Many women may have kids, but they don't raise them. School systems do. Day-care centers do. Grandparents do. Neighbors do. Sports teams do. Is it any wonder why kids become aimless wanderers? Who are they to look up to?


In my estimation, every man here has a personal choice to make. If you want kids, how do you want them raised? Remember, they are 50% of you, and even before they are born, you have the decision of how your progeny is brought into this world and raised.


It's job vs. role. Meaning, what role does a woman want to play in your life, versus the job she takes? Is she sacrificing her career to be a mother and stay home, begrudgingly, or has she always longed to be at home, tending the house, the family, and your needs?

I think of myself. There are things I would like done during the day that any woman could do, if she taking care of the house, and I think THIS is what we men give in exchange for our promise to care for her forever...

-Take my car for service to a dealership [the dealership does the work, she just has to drop it off]
-Laundry/Dry Cleaning
-Cleaning Dusting
-Christmas/Bday cards
-Tending to the bills
-Get involved in the house hold planning and budgeting
-Take care of the animals

I'm sure any guy could add to this list, but the point is, what ROLE does she play versus the JOB that she plays? I know some girls who just EXPECT to dumb their career as a result of having kids and view it as a loathesome experience and find blowing his money to be just compensation for SACRIFICING her degree and career. If a woman came to me with that attitude, I wouldn't have her. Call me an idealist (which I am), but that's a negative view on a positive role.

As far as when kids get older...such as school or sports...who's there to help with their homework? Who's there to greet them when they come? Who's there to take them to sports? To help them practice or suit up? To watch games? That moral and spiritual support CANNOT be replaced. Not with a babysitter, by the coach, or positive affirmations. Even if the kid does well, they don't get the enjoyment of their parents seeing it done.

So the raising of the kids never ends, not if you have them as an act of love. If you have them as "just part of the flow of life," then how else can they be viewed but as some bill, some liability, or some obligation??




Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re:

Originally posted by A-Unit
I think of myself. There are things I would like done during the day that any woman could do, if she taking care of the house, and I think THIS is what we men give in exchange for our promise to care for her forever...

-Take my car for service to a dealership [the dealership does the work, she just has to drop it off]
-Laundry/Dry Cleaning
-Cleaning Dusting
-Christmas/Bday cards
-Tending to the bills
-Get involved in the house hold planning and budgeting
-Take care of the animals

Is it even possible to find in our current time a woman in North America who would do those things without b1tching or complaining and giving her man a hard time?? I have yet to meet such a woman.

Today's women tend to watch too much television and t.v tends to reflect the current culture on their lives. So what we got today is:
- scadily clad dressed women who
- smoke too much,
- drink too much,
- party all the time,
- having multiple sex partners in a very short time
- Shop all the time. Material possesion is the only thing that makes them happy. Saving is a sin word while spending is the key.
- Really Dumb, the only news they know or care about is what is happening in Hollywood.
- Very lazy, the only thing they work hard on is their looks. They want to be waited down on hands and foot and get very frustrated when things don't go their way.
- Lots of cursing and b1tching.
- They all strive to be career women with money and live the single life like they do in the t.v show "Sex and the City". Or get married and become "desperate Housewifes" - ever see on t.v these days a happy housewife???????? I haven't!

With qualities like this how the hell can most of today's women make a good wife and a mother??? They can't! Their philosophy is about self indulging and self debauchery and they cannot phatom and comprehend the responsiblity and sacrifices that are involved with marriage. They all have hollywood fantasies running through their head of what marriage should be and they all want a big fvcking white wedding. But after its all said and done they see that marriage did not match their fantasies and they end up blaming it on their husbands and thus the western North American marriage comes to an end.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

I agree with your points, DJDamage. And those are unrealistic and lazy demands women put forth as it relates to marriage.

But guess what?

We can do the same as well. Yup, we can. And I do. I act in accordance with the things I expect and speak about them honestly. I let a woman know how I view male/female roles and that I will do as a man/male should if a woman/female does as she should.

I don't want any feigned attempts to BE female, she should already be one. I don't need a woman by default who will tend to the things in my life I want, I want one who brings value, and love, and affection. She should positively view her role as woman just as I should positively view my role as man.

I contemplate on that alot. About what I do now, what I will do, and even what I did. About where I fit in and what I bring. I won't deny myself of the due respect I deserve for those things, because I very easily am loved by a girl's family. And even if she doesn't want to date, she usually gets the guilt trip if she doesn't. Only until it's too late does she realize what's happened. In her mind she believes it was the right decision at the time, but then as the future approaches she realizes it was wrong.

We tend to make decisions now based on where we believe it will bring us in the future. Which is why today, action, is more important than ever. A girl who views relationships and marriage a certain will make decisions TODAY as they relate to her beliefs about the future. Sit back and think...

If girls are sexing it up, throwing away their relative purity for quick gains and short relationships, what does she view relationships and her future marriage potential as???

If she's not focusing on house-wife type activities or building herself up, then what is she saying about where she will eventually be???

Fact is, we all know here, where she will go. Sad as it is, most ignore that.


Bottom line, don't apologize for going against the tide. Some masochistic part of me enjoys pissing off super-feminized party girls, particularly young ones. They don't like the confrontation of serious questions. They don't enjoy being challenged, and are more assuredly going to challenge back. They haven't been now, why should they ever. They want whipped boys who will cater to them like the songs of MTV speak. They want romantic bliss without the trappings of feminity that make it so.



Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
I think you all watch to much "Everybody loves Raymond"


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Skel
I think you all watch to much "Everybody loves Raymond"
thats such a dumbass show with submissive men.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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hmmm, I don't even see how a stay at home mom is rasing the children by themselves anyway. My father spend as much time with me as my mother did. Infact my father actually spent more time with me then my mother did if I recall correctly. Took me to and picked me up from school, cooked my meals, took me to sports and the like, and still worked 40+hour work weeks. Though my mother wasn't a stay at home mom either...Kinda changes the picture but still if my father could pull all of that off while working a typical work day, then there's no reason why any other father couldn't do the same even with a stay at home spouse. I think the issue points more towards what the family unit WANTS to do as opposed to what they should do. If a parent wants to be a stay at home spouse (mother or father) then that spouse should almost be dedicating their lives towards children and household upkeep. Saying it's unreasonable to both raise the kids and maintain the house sounds kind of like whining to me, because nobody wants to do additional work, but that's why they call it work.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
i wish i could stay at home and clean the house and take care of the kids compared to working a full time job on top of all that !

those whiny cry babies ruin it for all of us!