How come some 30+ year old women I know are still single


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2013
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Why are they still so picky?

I mean if I was a 33 year old woman and single I would
be desperate to be married,

but these chicks I see on facebook are still single and it
seems like they don't care.

Is it because they want to be single forever,
or that they think that even when they are 40 that
men will still want them?


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Tell me about it, broski. I met one last summer that's a 34 yr old virgin. Shıt's off the fückin charts. Hey, whatever, nothing surprises me anymore. All I can say is that that Next button is getting bigger, redder, and shinier.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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most older single ones i meet are career orientated and freaks in the bedroom but care about their careers more than a complaints here...i like to go cougar hunting every once in a while...


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Because their standards go up not down.

When they were younger, it was all about looks. Now it's all about looks AND money (and hair lol).

She won't hit panic mode until say 38 when she nears the 40 wall to have a kid. Then she'll trick her FWB into knocking her up so she can be a single mom before 40.

Then she'll want looks, money, hair lol, AND a good father figure to take care of her kid.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
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I was under the impression women hit panic mode by the age of 28.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
LMFAO said:
I was under the impression women hit panic mode by the age of 28.
Some hit panic mode at 25. It just depends on their genetics and how well they age. Women who age well don't panic until their mid to late 30's. Women who age badly panic in their 20's when they start getting fat and ugly.

Don't remember who said it, but this quote comes to mind: "Beauty is the first gift God gives a woman and the first he takes away."

Women get all their power from being young, beautiful and mothers (by men who are not broke). Once a woman loses her beauty she needs kids as leverage to control a man. If she has no kids and no beauty she loses almost all advantages of being female. After 40, an ugly childless woman has nothing to hold over a man. She can't have kids or milk the father of her kids in anyway and she is not sexually desirable (at least to any men of value).

Men who believe women have "all the power" are usually very young or lack perspective. Men and women just peak in sexual power at different times in life. Men peak from 30-50. Women peak from 18-30.

"Men become much more attractive when they start looking older. But it doesn't do much for women"
--Bette Davis

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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There is another reason besides hypergamous selectivity:


When a chick is crazy, her hamster backwards rationalizes her failures as the men were not good enough for her. There's a chick I know in her mid-30's who gets angry and violent when she's drunk, which is every weekend, but she celebrates "women's independence day" and prides herself as "I'd rather be single than with the wrong man."


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2013
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Espi said:
What's wrong with being picky?

I'm 42, not married, have no plans to be, and I am picky as hell. So I don't mind women who are the same. It's their choice. I could care less about marriage.

These days, more women are looking better as they age...thanks to advancements in cosmetic surgery. I personally love the fact that there are so many single older women out there. It keeps my diack busy.

Yes but when women are past 40 they won't be able to have kids, you are ok with that?


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2013
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Espi said:
I meet a lot of 40 + year-old-women who are divorced and already have kids from a previous marriage. I don't meet that many 40 + women who have never been married and have no kids. A lot of guys love to chase such women, but I avoid them like the plague, as most 40 + childless, never-been-married women are typically ridden with issues relating to selfishness in some form or another: materialistic; BPD; or, just downright inconvertibly bittchy.

But for me: I'm not married and have no plans to be. Not now...not ever. So at this point I ultimately don't really care. I've gotten pretty good at meeting, dating, and then leaving, all types of women. Married, single, divorced...I just want to fvuck them and leave them.

What's most important to me is hooking up with a 40 +-year-old chick with money, big fake titz and lips, botox, and a nice fit body...superficial, I know, but that's what motivates me. If I found one that matched my physical preference and had kids, I'd be perfectly fine with that...for a while. I usually get bored with women once I fvuck them.
I guess you are OK with dying alone?


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth
TheLoner said:
I guess you are OK with dying alone?
Yup. Me too.

I can't see myself being married and with family.

But I can see myself as a father with a kid.

I tried to be a father figure for two months on a 3 year old.

By the end of me being a father. Kid started loving me more than his own retarded mother who couldn't even make properly food for him. She was still in club scene and sh1t.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2013
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TheLoner said:
Why are they still so picky?

I mean if I was a 33 year old woman and single I would
be desperate to be married,

but these chicks I see on facebook are still single and it
seems like they don't care.

Is it because they want to be single forever,
or that they think that even when they are 40 that
men will still want them?

It's because no one's sent them a picture of their Dong yet.


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2013
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Espi said:
I'm fine with dying alone. It's not like I'll experience a reaction to my own death. It's only the THOUGHT of dying alone that makes people fear, even though those thoughts and fears will cease after death (I personally don't believe in God).

Our lives are very insignificant in the grand scheme of things. We all think our lives are so important...but life means nothing, really. 99.9999999999999999% of this world could give a fvuck less if you die alone.

You know what I truly fear? Not fvucking enough women. I want to chase & fvuck women. That is what fills my life with meaning. If I died today, I could die with a smile and a hard-on...because I've fvucked a respectable number of women already, and I'm only 42.

Think about it: when a guy who's been married for 50 years gets cancer and knows that he's gonna die, don't you think he'll to some degree regret not having stuck his diack in more women? It's sad that a guy can go through his whole life having only fvucked a handful of women. I truly believe that men are biologically designed to spread their seed with as many women as possible.

So yeah I'm fine with it...I die...then I'm dead. No more thoughts or fears to contend with. I don't believe in it's not like I'm gonna know that I've died alone.
Do you have any friends?


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
How many of those 30+ women are either divorced or single mommies?

That's what I wanna know.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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I know a bunch of girls late 20's early 30's that are all basically in desperate mode. They date the weirdest guys and want to marry them because they're scared they're going to become spinsters. Everyone of my friends thought our 1 girl friend was dating this super awkward/weird/unfriendly guy. Some people even hated him and she couldn't hang out with them because not many people liked him. She ended up breaking up with the guy but she sleeps around so much trying to find guys that will committ to her and none do.

I'm friends with this psycho girl (not by choice, she's been childhood friends with some of my friends for a while). She's literally batsh1t crazy and i wouldn't wish her onto any guy but she has high standards isn't super hot and has a crazy personality and wonders why guys don't like her. She's the type that wants guys to be prince charming but her to have all her feminist rights. Act's like a slob, is super cheap and has no manners but wants me to open doors for her, let her sit in the front seat of the car during carpools, etc. fvck that, if you want to be treated like a woman, act like a woman.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Deep Dish said:
There is another reason besides hypergamous selectivity:


When a chick is crazy, her hamster backwards rationalizes her failures as the men were not good enough for her. There's a chick I know in her mid-30's who gets angry and violent when she's drunk, which is every weekend, but she celebrates "women's independence day" and prides herself as "I'd rather be single than with the wrong man."
Simply put, she's single because SHE is the "wrong woman". lol

Too bad she will never realize that.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
AAAgent said:
I know a bunch of girls late 20's early 30's that are all basically in desperate mode. They date the weirdest guys and want to marry them because they're scared they're going to become spinsters. Everyone of my friends thought our 1 girl friend was dating this super awkward/weird/unfriendly guy. Some people even hated him and she couldn't hang out with them because not many people liked him. She ended up breaking up with the guy but she sleeps around so much trying to find guys that will committ to her and none do.

I'm friends with this psycho girl (not by choice, she's been childhood friends with some of my friends for a while). She's literally batsh1t crazy and i wouldn't wish her onto any guy but she has high standards isn't super hot and has a crazy personality and wonders why guys don't like her. She's the type that wants guys to be prince charming but her to have all her feminist rights. Act's like a slob, is super cheap and has no manners but wants me to open doors for her, let her sit in the front seat of the car during carpools, etc. fvck that, if you want to be treated like a woman, act like a woman.
:crazy: :crazy:

Sounds about right.

This is the result of watching too much TV and getting her ass kissed in her late teens / early 20's from desperate faggots who would chop off their own foot to get laid.

Many women are too stupid to realize this pedestal treatment they receive in youth comes ONLY from their looks (which are temporary). Many of them actually believe it comes from their amazing personalities and other traits :crackup: :crackup:

These women also make the mistake of believing they become more attractive as they get more experience, accomplishments and education under their belt. In other words.. they believe men think like women. Morons! So in their late 20's /early 30's their brain still hasn't adjusted to the fact that they are LESS attractive now. They raise their standards because they're seeking a "keeper" rather than a fun f*ck. This only makes the problem worse as men can smell the desperation and entitlement.

By the time they finally "settle" (because they have no other choice) they end up with someone worse than if they had settled younger.

Its said that ugly women know more about men than attractive women. Attractive women are too disengaged and wrapped up in their own egos to pay attention to how the world really works. When they lose their looks they often find themselves in a world of hurt. They end up exactly like the desperate, pathetic, AFC's they rejected a decade ago.


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2011
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PlayHer Man said:
Its said that ugly women know more about men than attractive women. Attractive women are too disengaged and wrapped up in their own egos to pay attention to how the world really works. When they lose their looks they often find themselves in a world of hurt. They end up exactly like the desperate, pathetic, AFC's they rejected a decade ago.
'Cause those who can't simply rely on their looks need to actually know how to please a man. That's why average chicks can often be better lays than hot ones.

Megaman XIV

Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2009
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Blytheville, Arkansas
DonGorgon said:
any woman that is single is choosing to be single!! FACT ... these days even the fattest and ugliest women have some men chasing them and willing to marry them
This and Mike32ct's responses are spot on.

Women do whatever it takes to keep up hypergamy, and these entitlement issues thanks to the media parroting it (Real housewives, Big Rich, Basketball wives, etc.) doesn't help. A woman may drop her standards, but they still want the alpha. But the alpha doesn't fall in love and the beta does, so she'll settle for him. She won't necessarily like it either.

A woman would rather fantasize about a top 10% guy (why the f**k do they make so many romance novels? And guess who the f**k reads them?) than be out with a beta (low value) male.

Alpha breeds, beta pleads. Read my sig. Those are the facts.

Get equipped.