How best to invest in success with women?

Ben MacDui

Don Juan
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
I've recently come into a bit of money and wish to devote some of it (but I've decided no more than around £1000) directly towards improving my skills and success with attracting women.

Considering that there are so many (good and bad) options regarding courses, coaching and enhancing skills, along with all the usual things such as buying better clothes, enhancing my looks and getting fitter, I wish to know what you would consider, in my shoes, the best and most effective way of enhancing my success on this budget.


New Member
Sep 16, 2010
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Ben MacDui said:
I've recently come into a bit of money and wish to devote some of it (but I've decided no more than around £1000) directly towards improving my skills and success with attracting women.

Considering that there are so many (good and bad) options regarding courses, coaching and enhancing skills, along with all the usual things such as buying better clothes, enhancing my looks and getting fitter, I wish to know what you would consider, in my shoes, the best and most effective way of enhancing my success on this budget.
Are you insane? Don't spend a penny on this ****. Not a penny!

If you really want to blow £1k, take a great holiday, spend it on clothes, take up an exciting hobby. Etc.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
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Please dont spend any money on it. Use it wisely, dont buy a 10 fish, learn how to catch fish so you can eat every day. Get your money right for yourself, not for the girls. When you have the money and success, you will be happier.

The only thing you need to improve your life with women is balls. Do you have the balls to take a risk and do something crazy like approach and joke around with people you dont know? Do you have the balls to get rejected untill you taste success?

You dont need money for that ****, forget that. The day you can splash a grand on a dating coach, is the day you will be so rich that you will have no need to splash money on a dating coach. Reading that paragraph was depressing, dont waste your money like that man, use it wisely.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
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I disagree with some of the posts. If your making a concerted effort to get better with women, look into some of the audio books etc. from RSD, buy the 60 method (something like that) book, audio, Try changing your style to something that suits you well and get out there meeting women. Some of the tools will help you, don't go too far down the rabbit hole or anything though, the clothes will help as well (but with your CONFIDENCE...which is key). It's not going to cost you that much, but it will give you a great foundation to work from. Most peoples problems with women stem from plain inexperience, lack of knowledge to gain that experience and limiting beliefs. Also check out anywhere you can see video's (good ones) of pickup being done to familiarize yourself with what can be done, may be free, may need to pay a little. It will be worth it in the end if you stick with it.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 25, 2010
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yuppaz said:
I disagree with some of the posts. If your making a concerted effort to get better with women, look into some of the audio books etc. from RSD, buy the 60 method (something like that) book, audio, Try changing your style to something that suits you well and get out there meeting women. Some of the tools will help you, don't go too far down the rabbit hole or anything though, the clothes will help as well (but with your CONFIDENCE...which is key). It's not going to cost you that much, but it will give you a great foundation to work from. Most peoples problems with women stem from plain inexperience, lack of knowledge to gain that experience and limiting beliefs. Also check out anywhere you can see video's (good ones) of pickup being done to familiarize yourself with what can be done, may be free, may need to pay a little. It will be worth it in the end if you stick with it.
I'm guessing the other posters meant that he doesn't have to spent 1K simply on methods and coaching while he can do most of the work for free


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
The best investment I made was purchasing the perfect push up. It's only like $20 now a days if not mistaken so it's affordable and gets results.

For the price of what you would pay for 1 monthly fee at a gym you can have something that will last you for a long time and can do at home.

Going to the gym is better of course and you can work your whole body but for those that are lazy to do that like me you can have a bigger chest which women love and look like you lift weights for $20.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
I disagree with some of the posts. If your making a concerted effort to get better with women, look into some of the audio books etc. from RSD, buy the 60 method (something like that) book, audio,
I disagree with you. Why would you spend money on audio tapes, books, ect... when all of that is available on the web for free?

It's not a good investment. It'd be better just to have fun with it, or take up a new hobby or something.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
300 clothing
33 for a book on interpersonal communication (don't read too much into it just try to take home the big picture)
77 gym pass (make sure to use it)
Use the rest to take women places.

Paying some guy who knows > < more than you (or often is in far worse shape) to tell you BS is a waste of $ IMO


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Use the money on yourself, don't give it to other people.

The only way to become more successful with women is to gain more experience with talking to and socializing with women. No amount of knowledge or classes will help.

Invest in clothing and a gym membership. This might not be important but walking around in brand new clothes after a great workout session makes me feel like I'm on top of the world.