Guys it's time we get back to being motivated. I mean seriously what the he'll is going on? some of us are lazy (sleeping/video games/Internet) some of us keep making excuses on why we can't make it to the gym. or why we can't go and meet women. "I'll do it tomorrow" "maybe a little later" "ok as a soon as a get _____"
Fvck that quit making excuses
tomorrow is never promised. Personally I'm fvcking disgusted with how all of guys have been lately. seriously what happened? Most of you guys used to live the life you dreamed of. Then you either met a girl, go the job or whatever it is and somewhere down the line you've gotten complacent. Or whats worse is that we put up with constant BS that we willingly let peole get away with (the majority of the time it's our girl) Some of us are at the top of the mountain and have no clue where to go or what to do next. Well let's get back into whatever it was that we were going for in the first place. Tired of living with your parents? THEN GET UP GET A JOB SAVE YOUR MONEY AND MOVE OUT. Tired of being skinny/fat? THEN GET SERIOUS
ABOUT GOING TO THE GYM/YOUR EATING HABITS AND HIT YOUR GOAL. Lady problems? Focus on yourself (unless of course your currently married) and get your sh!t together.
What happened to the men of today guys? I mean really? We have seriously dropped the ball.
Everyday I see women (mainly 17-21) with there own sh!t. They have there own cars, place to stay, career h3ll some of them even have Master degrees!!! Most of us have weight issues, depression, no job, live with parents, in debt, no kind of goals whatsoever and miserable or having a hard time. For those of you making progress keep it up. But for those of us that fall in the above category (or GOD forbid worse off)
it's time we take back our power. it's time we get up off our asses and make a damn difference in our lives!!! The movement is coming guys. And it's only two ways we can go. We can continue to self improve in EVERY aspect of our lives or we can sit and wallow in self pity.
"If nothing changes nothing changes"
Now let's get back to being motivated kicking @$$ and making LIFE our little Bytch...
Fvck that quit making excuses
tomorrow is never promised. Personally I'm fvcking disgusted with how all of guys have been lately. seriously what happened? Most of you guys used to live the life you dreamed of. Then you either met a girl, go the job or whatever it is and somewhere down the line you've gotten complacent. Or whats worse is that we put up with constant BS that we willingly let peole get away with (the majority of the time it's our girl) Some of us are at the top of the mountain and have no clue where to go or what to do next. Well let's get back into whatever it was that we were going for in the first place. Tired of living with your parents? THEN GET UP GET A JOB SAVE YOUR MONEY AND MOVE OUT. Tired of being skinny/fat? THEN GET SERIOUS
ABOUT GOING TO THE GYM/YOUR EATING HABITS AND HIT YOUR GOAL. Lady problems? Focus on yourself (unless of course your currently married) and get your sh!t together.
What happened to the men of today guys? I mean really? We have seriously dropped the ball.
Everyday I see women (mainly 17-21) with there own sh!t. They have there own cars, place to stay, career h3ll some of them even have Master degrees!!! Most of us have weight issues, depression, no job, live with parents, in debt, no kind of goals whatsoever and miserable or having a hard time. For those of you making progress keep it up. But for those of us that fall in the above category (or GOD forbid worse off)
it's time we take back our power. it's time we get up off our asses and make a damn difference in our lives!!! The movement is coming guys. And it's only two ways we can go. We can continue to self improve in EVERY aspect of our lives or we can sit and wallow in self pity.
"If nothing changes nothing changes"
Now let's get back to being motivated kicking @$$ and making LIFE our little Bytch...
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