How aproach a girl i like ?


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
My name is Joe from Bronx, Ny i'm 15yrs old there is
a girl i'm interested in but i only see her in the
morning when i'm going to my bus stop. My bus stop
is at the top of a hill and when i see her she is
goin down the hill. She goes to an all girl school
and i unfortunately go to an all boy school. Every
time i see her she is with her friend so i don't
know how to start a conversation with her cause of
her friend always next to her. Another thing i have to get to my bus stop 10 mins before the bus
gets there. And she has to get to school which is at
the bottom of the hill. So how can i get her e-mail
or number in like 5 mins.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
sorry wolfy i gotta say he needs to go for the number. email is for pusE's. ask them a question or give them something to "watch for a second" when thats done notice something about them and say something but dont go commenting them. if anything in that situation i'd say her friend should make it easier. then tell her "i wanna talk to you sometime, give me your number" or cut off a really good conversation maybe you wont have to maybe it'll be time to go and tell her "you know you're alot of fun to talk to gimme your number and we can pick up on where we left off tomorrow" dont be nervous its just 7 numbers and wait for a couple more days then call when you feel like it. also the couple days is not because of the desperation rule guys keep. i'm telling you this because it'll give her a chance to approach you and ask why you haven't called. you won't look bad when you tell her you ate dinner with grandma betsy last night. its easy if you dont worry about it


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
Ahh I've had kinda the same situation
I got the number&&evetually sex by:

Over a period of time I kept saying "hi"
when I saw her

after a week or so, I said
"we can't keep meeting like this,
give me your number so we can properly hang out"

^or something of the same kind

Got the number

Called after a couple days, invited her to a party


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Nah man, do this, I am exactly your age man and leme tell you.

so man this is how I would do it

1) approach her CALMLY muscles relaxed, body language at ease, and eyes casual, keep your eyes like your the coolest mother-father(lol) in the world cuz you know what man? in your life you are the coolest:cool: (This is by far the hardest part but just go on man!)

2)Introduce yourself~ Say hi i'm ...., whats your name?"and extend your hand for her to shake it, hold it firm, but gentle, and as you part hands, gently slide your hand across hers as your eyes linger slightly longer than they should on her eyes.

3) Tell her "I've seen you so many times and I want to ask you a personal question." Let her respond and if she says yes continue w/ number 4 if she says no, then **** her, shes not worth your time.

4) continue "If you feel nervous in anyway, just go like this(show her the middle finger) and I'll be on my way... Ready for the question?... ok,...Are you single?" Say "are you single?" with a sincere smile.

5)If she says yes, badda-bing badda ba, say "well, i really don't have much time left, so here, leme give you MY phone number" then right down your number and give it to her and say,"call me soon, ok?"

and boom instant success,

and don't forget, you ARE the most ****ing awesome person in your life:rockon:

feel free to change this little routine any way you like


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry man but going in there expecting to get a number is just setting up for failure, just go up and talk to her, it shouldn't matter to you whether you get the number or not because number or no number you're still improving. Also don't let her friend stop you from approaching, that's being reactive. Just go up there and talk to her, but make sure you atleast awknowledge her friend though or the friend might ****block you or you might get blown out. Overall, try this man, just go up to her and if nothing else say "Hi". If you feel like continuing after the initial opener, then do something to hook her, you know C+F, neg hits, teasing, stories. You'll know she's hooked when she's laughing at the dumbest things and if she's hooked, that basically means she's attracted. After that just vibe with her, ask her stuff like "How was your weekend?" "How's school going?" you know, small talk. It's important that you don't open vibing though since most likely she'll be disinterested because she doesn't know your value yet. Overall, just be yourself, have fun and stop caring so much.


Don Juan
Aug 12, 2006
Reaction score
Dazz said:
Nah man, do this, I am exactly your age man and leme tell you.

so man this is how I would do it

1) approach her CALMLY muscles relaxed, body language at ease, and eyes casual, keep your eyes like your the coolest mother-father(lol) in the world cuz you know what man? in your life you are the coolest:cool: (This is by far the hardest part but just go on man!)

2)Introduce yourself~ Say hi i'm ...., whats your name?"and extend your hand for her to shake it, hold it firm, but gentle, and as you part hands, gently slide your hand across hers as your eyes linger slightly longer than they should on her eyes.

3) Tell her "I've seen you so many times and I want to ask you a personal question." Let her respond and if she says yes continue w/ number 4 if she says no, then **** her, shes not worth your time.

4) continue "If you feel nervous in anyway, just go like this(show her the middle finger) and I'll be on my way... Ready for the question?... ok,...Are you single?" Say "are you single?" with a sincere smile.

5)If she says yes, badda-bing badda ba, say "well, i really don't have much time left, so here, leme give you MY phone number" then right down your number and give it to her and say,"call me soon, ok?"

and boom instant success,

and don't forget, you ARE the most ****ing awesome person in your life:rockon:

feel free to change this little routine any way you like
Nah i don't really like the just asking her if shes single and then giving your number cuz cshe just might be like "wtf...uh okay then". i dunno thats not how I would roll.

you gotta break the ice and then ask for a number.

Thats how I would do it but each man his own.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
noodle said:
Nah i don't really like the just asking her if shes single and then giving your number cuz cshe just might be like "wtf...uh okay then". i dunno thats not how I would roll.

you gotta break the ice and then ask for a number.

Thats how I would do it but each man his own.
yeah man but....

does a girl ever truthfully say yes to a man??

I mean if she says yes then thats an almost auto-indicator that she does have atleast some interest in you

If she says no, she is either telling the truth or lying,

besides man it isn't worth wasting time on *****es who say no, cuz if they are lying, then they are to weak to tell someone the truth to a very heart centered question.

for me, now, when i'm looking for a girlfriend, i'm looking for a girl that will actually please me, **** the ass kissing, i want to make the choices now~ not the girl!

if i still can't convince you, check out my favorite man Stephane Hemon at

and no offence to elstud, but judging by your journal, you should check out stephane also xD

Stephane changed my life totally, check out my other posts that are about 6 months old,i was the Hugest afc in the world! I changed pretty much, but i still got some **** to clear out

lol, i just noticed noodle was one of the ones to repond when i first wrote my afc story, lol noodle are you ever off this forum ? ^_^


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
You go to an all boys school? Ah that must suck.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
Don't use the "Are you single" see this girl every day...why shoot yourself in the foot before you've even talked to her, or showed her how cool you are?


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Wolf said:
Changes? Okay...

In 5 try getting her number, girls are way less likely to call...

Plus I never shake hands feels too formal, I am from Britain so I don't know if things are different elsewhere.

i get what you mean man, I just approach a different way, they chase me so i don't have to chase them haha..big props on learnin this to stephane!

seriously though, his chakra stuff may be a little wacky, but his relationship stuff is dead on

and for the handshake, its not really for the handshake, but it is for the little slide part at the end , i learned that from one of the posts on the sosuave main page


New Member
Oct 16, 2007
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look her in the eyes long enough to notice what color eyes she has, then without being too nice or too serious say hi, how are you? then go from there. the universal opener - saying hi with a a smile and confidence