how about post a something on how to make her fall for you


New Member
May 26, 2006
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just curiuous...
i have read many posts about self inprove, how to talk to girl. but i haven't seen many post on how to make a woman to fall in love, the magic, the chemistry..

yeah, i can be the greatest man i could be, but if i dont do some specific thing to make her fall for me there is no use.

can someone post something on how to make her fall for you and assume that you are already a great guy, have everything(job, confidence... everytning)

except the MAN still have no frikin clue on how to pick up.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
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To be honest if I could post you a set of words or a line that could make girls instantly fall in love with you....I would be a very rich man.

Fact of the matter is it cant be done. This site can help you improve yourself....increase your chances. Make you more attractive....but if you think its going to make a women fall in love with you.....your all wrong my friend. LOVE is an indervidual thing. Not universal. You have to build that one yourself....and no easy PU is going to make her instantly fall in love with you.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
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Not to put you down or anything, but do we even do that here? I was under the impression that was about a few main things

1. How to cultivate the right attitude
2. How to approach women
3. How to deal with the early phases of the, for lack of a better word, relationship.
4. What to do when things get phsyical


New Member
May 26, 2006
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milrenkb said:
Not to put you down or anything, but do we even do that here? I was under the impression that was about a few main things

1. How to cultivate the right attitude
2. How to approach women
3. How to deal with the early phases of the, for lack of a better word, relationship.
4. What to do when things get phsyical
A woman would put on flowery skirt, red lips, show more skin to attract men. They know how to attract men.

And what about men? Do they even know what should be done to attract women? I dont think i have a clue, and that is why I ask sincerely for something that does just that. The man need to tool to do the job, u know what i am sayin?

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
The tool for the job? You're looking at it! Do we have to spell it out for you? Should they add a big banner on the front of the site saying "FIX YOUR GIRL PROBLEMS HERE!!"? How clear does it have to be for you?

You're asking for something that can't be said. There is no one way to make love happen. But we DO offer the next best thing. We can help you get started towards that opportunity to fall in love. You gotta be out there meeting and doing things with girls if you ever wanna marry one.

This site doesn't tell you how to get a girl to fall for you. It tells you how to set yourself up so you can have the chance for a girl to fall in love with you. And to get as many of those chances as possible.


Don Juan
May 15, 2006
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# If something has to be explained, it won't work. It will only work if it's so simple that everybody says it's obvious.

# at times when an approach doesn't gel, it's not that the approach is not right, but your thoughts are not clear or not thought through.

# And finally, don't start out by asking who has the right method in the DJ forum... Start out by asking yourself what is right. And you find that out by reading the posts here to dissenting, disagreeing opinions.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2003
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Philip.J.Fry said:
A woman would put on flowery skirt, red lips, show more skin to attract men. They know how to attract men.

And what about men? Do they even know what should be done to attract women? I dont think i have a clue, and that is why I ask sincerely for something that does just that. The man need to tool to do the job, u know what i am sayin?
We understand your question but it seems that you're making a premature judgement before really reading all the threads.

A man becomes a man to attract women.