Hot Blonde On the Block - How Do I Meet?


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Hey Guys,

I've got a question I hope some of
you wouldn't mind answering.

I moved to a new neighborhood about 4
years ago and it wasn't until recently that
I took notice of a GORGEOUS blonde that
lives at the far end of my street.

For about 2 weeks straight I started seeing
her all the time on the road and she would
always wave to me in passing - kind of threw
me off guard since I had no idea who she
was at first.

Now, I hardly ever see her.

I want to meet this girl but not quite sure how
to go about it.

Do I just waltz up to her parents house and ask
for the cute girl in the red car or what?

Not sure what other options I have since like I
said, I hardly ever see her, and when I do it's in

I've seen her maybe once or twice out on a jog
when I was washing my truck but that's about it.

Anyone have any advice on how to get my in
with this girl?

Thanks Guys


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
The Golden State, USA
I think you're stuck until you see her again. Next time she's walking by you MUST approach her, do it directly, like a man. Tell her you've noticed her a few times and you wanted to introduce yourself being that you're neighbors and all. Conversation will follow and then you just take it from there. Lucky you with a hottie up the block!


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
apprenticedj said:
I think you're stuck until you see her again. Next time she's walking by you MUST approach her, do it directly, like a man. Tell her you've noticed her a few times and you wanted to introduce yourself being that you're neighbors and all. Conversation will follow and then you just take it from there. Lucky you with a hottie up the block!
THIS. AND EVERYTIME YOU TALK TO HER YOU MUST ESCALATE. Get her number the first time and build rapport. The second time you MUST escalate cause I guarantee someone else probably is.


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
apprenticedj said:
I think you're stuck until you see her again. Next time she's walking by you MUST approach her, do it directly, like a man. Tell her you've noticed her a few times and you wanted to introduce yourself being that you're neighbors and all. Conversation will follow and then you just take it from there. Lucky you with a hottie up the block!
Thanks for your feedback apprenticedj.
Sounds like the best way to approach
the situation.

LandingWood said:
THIS. AND EVERYTIME YOU TALK TO HER YOU MUST ESCALATE. Get her number the first time and build rapport. The second time you MUST escalate cause I guarantee someone else probably is.
Agreed. I think I could have some fun with this girl.
Thanks for taking the time to leave feedback man.
Much appreciated.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
apprenticedj said:
I think you're stuck until you see her again. Next time she's walking by you MUST approach her, do it directly, like a man. Tell her you've noticed her a few times and you wanted to introduce yourself being that you're neighbors and all. Conversation will follow and then you just take it from there. Lucky you with a hottie up the block!
This is exactly what you should do. You've got a perfect icebreaker/approach.


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
GS750 said:
This is exactly what you should do. You've got a perfect icebreaker/approach.
Alright so I've been patient and have
been waiting to see this girl again and
I've maybe seen her a whole 2 or 3
times in passing while driving since I
posted this.

So 4 days ago I just said f*ck it and
sent her a FB message with the following:

"Hey there!

You wouldn't happen to know the
Girl who drives by the Guy who lives
down the street and waves, but never
stops to introduce herself now would you? ;)"

Well, as I was sending the message
FB said something about the message
would go to her 'other' folder and I
didn't think twice about it and just
sent the message out.

Well I just found out from a buddy
that those messages basically go into
a FB spam folder so the likelihood of her
even noticing that message is null.

My question is, do you think I should
pursue and just add the chick on FB
or just wait it out, and maybe she'll
eventually come across it then
message back apologizing for missing
the message which would give me the

I know this chick wants to talk to me
but I don't want it to look desperate of
me to send a message, then add her 4 days later
because I didn't get a response.

So, Wait it out or just do iiit?

I've got a juicy little fruit up the street just
waitin to be squeezed so any advice is
much appreciated.

Thanks guys


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
well she's getting hit on 20 times per day so she has heard every line in the book and will roll her eyes when you hit on her...


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
well she's getting hit on 20 times per day so she has heard every line in the book and will roll her eyes when you hit on her...
Thanks for the response skinnyguy, but did you read the original post?

We aren't strangers to each other we've just never 'officially' met. She lives at the end of my block and we have a 'waving' war going on and can't get out of it.

I hardly ever see her outside of passing each other by on the road, so direct approach hasn't been possible...


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
She still lives with her parents.... do you know how old she is?

Great FB message btw, she's a hot chick so she's probably used to getting random messages, so she might check that folder more frequently than your buddy does. I'd leave it be. A FB friends request at this point would be too much, and might turn you into the creepy guy down the street.

What do do now? Can't think of anything short of stalking that could make anything other than a chance, stroke of luck, meeting happen.

Spin plates my friend.:up:


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Peaks&Valleys said:
She still lives with her parents.... do you know how old she is?
She does and so do I. But I honestly don't know how old she is. I want to say maybe 2, 3 years younger based off her nieces ramblings.

Peaks&Valleys said:
she's a hot chick so she's probably used to getting random messages, so she might check that folder more frequently than your buddy does. I'd leave it be. A FB friends request at this point would be too much, and might turn you into the creepy guy down the street.
Didn't even think about that. You might be right and I'll take my gut feeling and your advice on that one and let it be. I'm def. not that creepy guy and I know damn well that's not how she 'sees' me so I'm not about to damage those rose colored glasses of hers.

Peaks&Valleys said:
What do do now? Can't think of anything short of stalking that could make anything other than a chance, stroke of luck, meeting happen.
Spin plates my friend.:up:
Hahahaha ya no sh*t huh? Appreciate you taking the time to read my 'high school to 25yr old boy chasing girl thingie' with a legit response and settling this debate I was having with my buddy. :up:


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
DeviousDevil said:
She does and so do I. But I honestly don't know how old she is. I want to say maybe 2, 3 years younger based off her nieces ramblings.

Didn't even think about that. You might be right and I'll take my gut feeling and your advice on that one and let it be. I'm def. not that creepy guy and I know damn well that's not how she 'sees' me so I'm not about to damage those rose colored glasses of hers.

Hahahaha ya no sh*t huh? Appreciate you taking the time to read my 'high school to 25yr old boy chasing girl thingie' with a legit response and settling this debate I was having with my buddy. :up:
No problem, glad to give you my take on it. If you could, let us know if there's any new developments. I like stories like this, it will be interesting to see if there's going to be another chapter. Just hopefully it doesn't involve getting chased out of a second story window by a dad with a shotgun. :)