Horrible day ... Maybe sum can relate?


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Man today was a rough one guys.

I had like 3 hours of sleep last night and I woke up feeling like ****. I went to my first class and had two oppurtunities that I did not take. I dont know why I just couldnt force myself.

Then I went to my other class and we split off into group projects... I start chatting up this female and get alphed out by some guy. ( This really got to me)

My confidence is low at this point and I get 3 more oppurtunities which I do not take. It became just like a downward cycle !

After this I just came home and Im just going to rest today and start fresh again tommorow.

Its crazy how many oppurtunties come by when you are not ready... but when you are good to go they hardly come by.

Thats my rant for the day .


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
nope, sorry, can't relate.

you know why? because you're so damn negative.

ever stop to think there is no such thing as luck, and that even if you're tired you should just do it?

don't go so hard on yourself for losing the opportunities, but you learned a lesson for next time...that just because you're tired and didn't sleep, the game of life doesn't stop. there's no timeouts.

who cares if some other guy chatted with a girl??? you're putting too much importance on it...is she your gf? no. and even if she was (i haven't had a serious gf before, like an exclusive rel...but still), i don't think it would matter if another guy talked to her...and this made you feel bad???

you will never have bad days if you don't let stuff get to you in the first place.

the more rest you get the better...why are you not sleeping? is it because you're procrastinating and cramming?

if you're going to do that, live with the consequences. if you can't live with the consequences, then change.

yes, the cycle can be vicious, so get out asap.

but remember that the smallest changes make the biggest differences.

-get more sleep
-exercise in the morning or some how get yourself energized to start off the day...for me it's exercise and music that i can't help but not sing and dance to
-smile, think about all that you have anyway...others have it much worse off, stop being a baby
-don't take things so seriously, or personally...

lastly, it was your choice to view it as a bad day. ever stop to think that you're viewing things from the wrong perspective? there is no such thing as bad things...everything is a challenge. every failure, depending on what you deem as failure...it's just another chance to turn things around. if you never failed, success wouldn't make sense, or even feel good. there has to be challenge, and hard work, and like some famous guy once said..."there's no such thing as luck, when i work hard i get lucky" or something like that...

just get yourself together...if you don't sleep/eat/study/socialize properly, you won't get anywhere...good luck with that

start with you first, then move onto women...don't make a leap before you take a few steps

and imo, people who post lay reports are idiots.

oh, and one more thing...listen to song called "drive" by incubus...one of my favorites...should give you a slight kick (if not then maybe it's just not your preference in music, which is cool)

get going, you can do it


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Dude got a totally XTRRRRREEEEEEEEEMMMMMEEE tip for you. Drink hot water with a hint of lemon at the start of every day - it'll make you feel better! :)

Everyone has bad days - it's how you perceive them to be bad that determines their lasting affect. How about you make tomorow a good day eh?


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Paradise (with rain)
dude we all have bad days... but letting them hang on in ur mind is the prob... if anything vent it out by punching a door or workout. really relives stress

its all in ur head. i can have a bad day and still be smiling like an a** the whole day!


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
Haha man, I can relate. This kinda thing happens to me quite often actually. I will go out to classes just not giving a flying fu-ck about anything or anybody, and magically, I end up with girls sitting on all sides of me, but I just am not in the mood. The next day, I might pimp myself up a little bit before class (you know, little gel in the hair, pop a polo on, be looking real clean) and go out LOOKING for these opportunities, ready to pounce like a cougar, and not a dam-n thing happens that day.

It's like the saying, "If you want to find something, stop looking for it," which can be translated into, "If you want to get girls, stop trying so hard." That probably doesn't hold true for all situations, but basically, the attitude you have on your "bad" days, you need to have a similar attitude on the "good" days when you're "ready" for them. Who knows, you might be screwing yourself up. Don't ever put expectations on your day either. If you go out thinking you HAVE to get X numbers or talk to X girls today, you are in the wrong frame of mind.

Get some sleep man. Sleep deprivation basically overrides all motivation, for me at least.